Malta Fishing Forum

Main => General Discussion => Introductions & Newbie's Corner => Topic started by: loki on March 26, 2009, 10:29:00 CET

Title: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: loki on March 26, 2009, 10:29:00 CET
hi everyone.
im lazy so thought i would combine a hello with a question :)

lets start with the hello.
Hi all my girlfriend and i have just moved to malta. im english and she is swedish and we are now living in Gzira (if anyone ever wants to meet for a drink just give me a shout) we are 24-31. so neither of us know much at all about fishing but we both bought some fishing rods and reels the other day as well do enjoy a bit of amature fishing (10 pound line im told with size seven hooks and a 5/8 wieght well that might be wround but thats what i can remember)

Anyway wanted to ask a little about bottom fishing. from what i can see when watching a few of the local fishermen it looks like you just have a normal setup just without the float so that you can get the depth? now i might be very stupid but i just imagen cashing out and then everything sinking with the wieght and all the hooks/bait laying on the bottom in the silt where very few fish are going to bite. do i perhaps need to get some kind of small floats just to keep the hooks out of the dirt?

anyway thanks alot everyone :)

Pete & Jana

P.S. (please dont use to much fishing talk as i have no idea for the names of most of the things...hehe)
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: fisheye on March 26, 2009, 17:04:53 CET
Hi Loki welcome to the forum, a bit funny word you choose for a users name ;D don't know if you know its meaning in the Maltese language. But lets come to your point  when you are bottom fishing with a rod and reel you usually keep a bit of tension on the line by pulling the tip of the rod slightly back wards. That way you will keep the hooks.bait and line nicely presented.
If you prefer to fish using a float on a reel and rod than there is another method were you have to use a running float but it is totally different method a bit more complicated.
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: Seahunter on March 26, 2009, 18:34:06 CET
Nice Username!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: baghira on March 26, 2009, 20:51:46 CET
Welcome buddy.

Nice nickname
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: SPNOTTA on March 27, 2009, 07:54:40 CET
Welcome, unfortunately the nick you chose... in Maltese translates to the bathroom or toilet. :) I wonder which one is the correct definition. Any experts on this matter?
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: loki on March 27, 2009, 12:27:31 CET
ok thanks for your help. I went out yesterday to try bottom fishing (as my float lost the stick thing that holds it in place and the shop was closed hehe) in the end i cheated a little and cut a small slice of cork (always have to take a bottle of wine when i go fishing with my gf) and tyied it onto the clasp thing holding the line for the hooks. seemed to keep the hooks off the bottem pretty well and gave me chance to get out a little deeper. guess it wasnt that good though as i still didnt catch anything..neither did my gf though using a float the normal way so i feel a little better hehe

Loki = toilet? ah gzz...ive been using that name online for year lol loki was also a trickster god in many old scandinavian cultures. out of intrest does the word Ison mean anything? just Loki Ison has been my full gaming name for years *scared to hear the answear*
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: fish-noob on March 27, 2009, 12:44:48 CET
wahaha, i tought you were maltese and wanted to do that as a joke. Loki is a toilet :) :) lol again
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: suffrun on March 27, 2009, 16:01:56 CET
welcome to the forum, original nick!!
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: Perla 165 on March 27, 2009, 21:47:56 CET
welcome our forum, with gr8est nick ever lol :) hehe
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: baghira on March 28, 2009, 20:27:41 CET
No mate ison has no meaning in maltese.
Title: Re: Hi and also Bottom fishing help
Post by: mellieha on March 30, 2009, 15:38:39 CET
To be honest about the nice you have two of my past times, fishing and sitting on top of you ;D ;D ;D

Joking apart humoristic nick