Dear All,
I am a bit in a dilemma as I am about to buy a new outboard for my 13 foot Bahri Type boat. I currently have a 2 Stroke 9.9hp (Johnson) which manages to plain the boat very easily with 2 people, and once plaining the boat reaches 15knots easily.
However my fear is that with a 9.9 4 Stroke, the boat does not plain. I am mostly interested in a Yamaha and I see the cc of a 4 stroke is around 30% less than the cc of a 2 stroke. On the other hand, buying a 20hp puts me in alot of extra expenses such as registration Lm200, Insurance etc....
Does anyone know of a Bahri Type boat working with a 9.9hp 4 Stroke Yamaha?
Interesting question this one, as 2 strokes tend to have a better power delivery on smaller lighter boats. With a 4 stroke you're already adding more weight from the engine and I don't think you're able to do the famous 9.9-15hp modification.
Btw I would seriouly consider looking at the Selva range of outboards, pop the lid and you've got your favourite brand you mention underneath. Not sure what range they're offering in the size you need but I would get in touch with Danny at HiTec Marine
Personally I had a 9.9 4 stroke on a 15 ft rubber dinghy. It sucked, when I was alone it performed but add an other person and the boat just dragged. I would go for something slightly bigger for a bahri , maybe 15 hp (if they make them I am not sure) but foe a 4 sroke 9.9 definatly no,its a waist of money...
9.9 hp 4-stroke not good even a 15 hp its the same. i wouldnt go for less than 25 hp. you control with steering or with tiller. if you dont have steering the motor is cheaper. try the tohatsu 30 hp 4-stroke they are good
i entered in the evinrude site and there where 25hp and 30hp e-tech i dont know if there are in malta and how much they cost. i would go and see the 25 hp e-tech
i am going to buy a yamaha 9.9 hp 4 stroke but i am not sure yet.I own a 14ft frejgatina with an inboard 20 hp toyota but i am not sure how will it perform do you think the 9.9 will push it good, i mean will it have enough power jew (ibati)biex jibbuttaha minhabba l magna?
msell.>> if you are going to use the outboard as an auxillary ,dont waist money on a new four stroke. 2 stroke engines are more powerfull and have less maintenance.. I dont really like the new four strokes myself..
Problem is you can't legally buy 2 strokes anymore, new at least. Evinrude were supposed to release a 9.9hp ETEC but are having problems minaturising the ETEC system!
ciappinu i think it will be enough to plain!
i think you can do a trial run on your boat!
9.9 - 4 strokes are great for fuel efficiency.
and i think it's just good to plain a 13' boat.
after all you do not need all that speed for fishing in a small boat as most of the time you will be not very far out!
@ skip...We just got a dvd from Australia of Evinrude e-tec.It compares with yamaha 4 stroke and mercruiser 4 stroke.It's a very interesting dvd which shows you that the e-tech beats the yamaha and mercruiser in all catagories.Especially in power,consumption and expenses.When you want we meet and i give you a copy.
They're great video's to watch, from whichever manufacturer produces them. You always have to read between the lines and takes things with a pinch of salt but they are very entertaining!!
Would be fun to watch :) You can also see some on Envinrude's website.
Gents does anyone have a 9.9 4 stroke as auxilary on a 4.40mtrs boat. I have just installed an auxiliary bracket this year & have a 9.9 Johnson 4 stroke installed on it now. ( I had bought this motor last year before I bought this boat I have now, I was going to use it as a main on a 12ft open boat but changed plans at the end).
Have not tried it out at sea yet but not really sure how the boat is going to react with the extra weight on the port aft of the boat.
Oh dear Tatanka welcome to my world!!!
On a more serious note, yes have a 9.9hp 4 stroke mounted on the port side of a 5.5m open center console boat. Nearly all the weight is at the back of the boat, 2x50L petrol tanks, 40L water tank, main engine 143kgs, 9.9hp Aux 37kgs, 12L aux fuel tank with very little in terms of weight in the front, aside from the anchor.
The boat def sits listing aft and towards the port side even though I always try and run off the port fuel tank first in order to reduce weight over there.
With the standard factory prop which is around 8.9P it's too much prop for the current weight/displacement of my boat so I need to drop down to a 5-6P prop as currently anything from half revs to full revs makes no difference to speed or some extent engine pitch as the motor gets bogged down.
Ideally check out which prop you have, though with a 4.4m boat which is also lighter you probably won't need to change as you'll get 3/4 throttle without problems.
I'm seriously considering Bennett M80 Sport tabs to help when the boat is running to a) lift the stern up a bit and b) correct the port list.
I taught that was going to be the case Oh dear!!
I will give it a try next month & see how it goes. I do not have as much weight as you said on the aft of the boat as I only have a battery , main engine 72kg , aux motor 42 kg & 25ltr fuel tank. I am now looking at installing another fuel tank in the front as I have nothing apart from 2 anchors in the front for weight.
I hope I will get away with it as I would have to buy a smaller motor again.
Thanks for you help skip , might sound daft question but what are these (Bennett M80 Sport tabs)
I was thinking about the front for moving one of my fuel tanks but was then advised against it due to the fact that they don't recommend putting a fuel tank in the bow of the boat due to all the pounding. The plastic fittings stress and you're likely to end up with a leak! So that kind of put me off!
Bennett M80's are full hydraulic trim tabs designed for smaller boats
The boat i had was a open 15 ft Had a 50hp Johnson appx 93kg 3 fuel tanks 22.5L 30L and 12.5L plus a 9.8 HP 26Kgs at the back. with the 9.8hp i could make about 5 to 6 knots in force 3 weather hope this helps tatanka
skip how about moving one of the tanks maybe the water to the middle.
Unfortunately the design of the Gabry doesn't easily allow for anything be it fuel or water to be located under the console. And I don't really want to go tearing up the deck looking for a spot to shoehorn a tank into!
The model slightly smaller than mine has place to retrofit a fuel tank under the console, but short of being able to get pictures minus the deck from the factory to see where the stringers and bulkheads are located I would be hesitant to to do it.
Nick, how about getting a custom made stainless steel tank at the bow?
Deal Benri, I'll send you the bill when they're done :P
It might be a bit expensive but I don't think it's so alarming. Did you get any quotes? It might be a good long term solution to your problem. Something cheaper might be aluminium but I'm not sure whether they make them locally. On another note, I wouldn't be so worried regarding putting a plastic tank up front. The fittings of a good brand tank will be quite tight and there's not much to go wrong. If you're worried about leaks, you can always seal the threads with a fuel resistant epoxy. You may also seat the tank on some foam to absorb hard impact. Just make sure it's vented.
Quote from: Destination Sea on April 10, 2009, 21:48:29 CET
The boat i had was a open 15 ft Had a 50hp Johnson appx 93kg 3 fuel tanks 22.5L 30L and 12.5L plus a 9.8 HP 26Kgs at the back. with the 9.8hp i could make about 5 to 6 knots in force 3 weather hope this helps tatanka
Looking at the weight you have mentioned here is more than what I have so hopefully I will get away with it ???. Thanks for the encouragment Destination Sea :). We will soon find out. ::)