Nice posts guys! i learned a lot from here! ;D me and a couple of friends are thinking of going fishing on a small 13 foot open boat tomorrow morning or night, and I was just thinking, what is there at this time of year :-\ ? and where is it ideal to go to? we thought of trying our luck for squids, but am afraid we'll end up doing a whole night of fishing for nothing ??? ???! do you have any sound advice anyone?
thanks a bunch! :D
can't realy help you my friend as i don't have a boat.... :( all i can do is remind you to take some BEER :) good luck :)
i have gone 4 times repeatedly for night squid fishing and caught nothing except cold
@bmamo...Which place are you going?
we thought of going out from kalkara and go out of the port and up to the bugibba area maybe? still am not decided, plus we're getting a car battery and a car lamp so that maybe we attract some squid.
@bmano. If you want search for the topic calendar and download my calendar. In this calendar you can see what fish you catch in each month.
btw. the fish names are in english. if you need some help in knowing what is the fish name in maltes tell me.
thanks a lot sajjiedf2! how do i get this calendar?
got this for good fish translations! :)
Malta bookers fish translation page
If you are leaving from kalkara you can do some trolling on the way to bugibba.You can also try some bottom fishing or trolling for tumbrell during the day.Please take notice of the weather forecast cause its going to be moderate to rough from ?NE.And it will hit you from the side...also some rain showers as well ;)
to get the calendar search "kalendarju" the search menu is right under the recent posts on the righ-hand side. if you still cant find it tell me to send it to you.
and a good website you gave us (of the malta bookers) very interesting. 10x
Weather forecast is crap, I would not want to be out there even in a 20 foot boat, let alone 13 feet. Anything over 10-15 knots is borderline, and tomorrow's forecast is at 18.
not tomorrow sorry i think i'm a bit advanced in the date hehe. i'm going on friday night.