I have lately invested in some spinning gear for spinning from land and also got a large variety of lures. The only thing is, i'm tired of catching barracuda, i'm now interested in catching some tumbrell, spnotti, cerviol/accjol if thats always possible.
If anyone could provide fishing spots, what types of lures the fish go for and also the times for fishing the different types of fish, it would be kindly appreciated :)
Quotei'm tired of catching barracuda
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Lucky you... I still haven't managed to hook a baracuda by spinning from on land....
At this time of the year it is very difficult to catch the kind of fihes that you have mentioned. The best times for these fish are from September till December, sometimes even in January. You can try both harbours. Eventually you will see may boats trolling for these kind of fish. Anothe good spot is in Gozo, il-Qbajjar, where lots of Kubrit are caught during the month of October. Spinners and red head are the most commonly used.
Is tumbrell available to catch this time of the year?
Tumbrell isn't caught from land or maybe once in a blue moon 10x to martinb.
I really appreciate the help guys, honestly much appreciated.
Keep up the good work and advice :)
I will have to try and visit some places on the west of malta as it seems very ideal and there seems to always be some activity.
Again i appreciate all the advice
Quote from: LapsiBoy on May 15, 2009, 17:50:16 CET
Tumbrell isn't caught from land or maybe once in a blue moon 10x to martinb.
Lol ;D and even then it took busu & bigboy to tell me it was a tumbrell and not a kubrita when i posted the pic ::) :-[
It can happen but not too often...
QuoteThe only thing is, i'm tired of catching barracuda
And tbh im never bored when i catch a fish..too often when spinning you might not catch a thing!! 8)
how far out would you need to cast to be in with a chance of catching anything, i had 1 hour practice near fra ben (hotel side) using a 9gram yo-zuri minnow and am limited to 40 yards, (thats what it says on box), so do i need heavier lures, ??? ??? ???
mike you need at least 20 grms so you will cast far remember the more area you cover the more chance you have. I am not saying you cannot catch with that 9 grms okay?
Imsell the most important thing is to match the lure weight with the rods casting weight. If the rod is 15gr to 50gr you have to use lures in that range of weight. Using a lighter lure and you end up with a very short throw and very good chance of birds nests using a heavier lure may result in damaging the rod. Having the wind from behind you will help you increase the distance when using lures on the lower weight range, some times by 1/3 or 1/2 of the distance.
of course my friend.i agree perfectly
can anyone sugest what type of lure i should be looking for in the 20grm range, or would it be best to just go in shop and ask, a little info before hand is allways a good thing, many thanks. ;D ;D ;D
go to TONY'S or Notanic in Bugibba.
they have some nice lures. You should be looking for something 7-10cm.
thanks for info placebo, any idea where shops are as i have not seen either of them. ??? ??? ???
on the front where the Mcdonalds is located. They look like souvenier shops but are quite equipped with various tackle.
you'll recognize them since they display rods outside the shop.
thanks placebo, will go and have a look, i also think i need to look at a smaller reel, as my okuma feels a bit big, thanks again for info. ;D ;D ;D
look out for the okuma boxter it's very efficient and affordable.
quite a bargain !!!! prosit camkev
Me & rammx went for a spinning session on friday 5.6.09 which we'd been meaning to do for a long time! I caught a couple of fairly decent sized barracuda's just before sun up & then we switched over to deeper diving lures and after a while a large shoal of kubrit came along worrying the small voparella on the surface & stayed around passing in front of us ;D
I should of caught 7 kubrit as i had 5 come off the hook in a row before i caught the 1st one!! As you can imagine at that time until the 1st one was caught me & rammx were saying alot of "prayers" ::) :)
Rammx only just missed catching a nice kubrita by literally a few milimeters on one occasion when he had no less than 5 after his lure!! In fact if i was so sure he was gonna hook up i would have bet money on it!! and then had another on briefly but it manged to escape :(
But apart from rammx not hooking up (luck of the draw sometimes) we still had a good laugh and a couple of beers! 8)
(http://img9.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/4085/4085679-holder-e1763c3f9ac34261f7a90603850e8f6e.jpg) (http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=4085679&showlnk=0)
Ma qbat xej rammx :O
Int ghal tal qih biss tajjeb :P ara nicajta sihbi al darba ohra.
I went a bit from blata not long ago had a nice cuda strike but i left early that day to by some bait for a fishing trip with the boat.
This weak im free so il go a couple of times :D
any suggestions for good spots for barracudas? Been trying to catch one for ages now ...
I'm an absolute beginner but I thought the info at the site below might be useful. They go in shallow areas to catch their prey. But then can you spin in a shallow area cause I have no idea? If you can't I would guess (and I'm only guessing) that your best bet will be somewhere where the shallow area goes suddenly deep, and somewhere where the shallow area has a lot of small fish.
Ddude and peprina have a look at this topic : http://maltafishingforum.com/talk/index.php?topic=685.0
there is some great info provided by the guys here at the forum on how to fish for barracuda, what tackle to use, good places, time, lures etc ;)
Well done Martin
Amazing catch....keep it up !!!!
Thanks for the link Kris, not that I plan to go for Barracudas ghax nahseb nispicca fl-ilma. U prosit Martin. Issa illi qrajt kemm sabu difficulta' min beda jipprova ghall-lizz,aktar napprezza.
ur welcome peprina.
the most important thing in all kinds of fishing is patience and persistency!! after one masters these qualities he/she can achieve everything in life :)
prosit martin, thats mpresive
10x guys...& girl also now i guess :) Welcome to the forum pepprina
Cuda's are good fun to catch & pretty much a "staple" for spin fisherman in malta as they are fairly abundant for pretty much all year round & you can catch them practically from all over the island as they often come into ports/harbours and use the shoreline to concentrate/trap their prey and you can often hook them from right underneath you in quite shallow water ;)
Quote from: Peprina on June 09, 2009, 19:04:58 CET
Thanks for the link Kris, not that I plan to go for Barracudas ghax nahseb nispicca fl-ilma. U prosit Martin. Issa illi qrajt kemm sabu difficulta' min beda jipprova ghall-lizz,aktar napprezza.
Zgur mhux ha tispicca fl-ilma tibzax! Truth be told the majority of the 'cudas i catch from the shore are sub 1kg & subsequently i throw back
way more than i keep of them,as im sure many others do.
The only "problem" for a novice (& even for a seasoned fisherman sometimes!) is when you come to un-hook them as their viscious reptutation is well founded and they are to be treated with
extreme caution when you come to un-hook one esp. if you intend to release it.
it's very comfortable to have a plier and a piece of cloth when handling a cuda...at least i found it very comfortable & safe 8) 8)
It seems you caught lots of cudas rammx :P Im joking
Its been quiete some time since ive gone for cudas..when i go il inform you rammx tigi shemm ;)
Keep this topic in English please. ::)
actually caught some by boat lapsi boy ... :P yes do inform me when going and after we can have a couple of beers after from gilbert lol
Yess! good idea :) Il tell you when i go for sure..some day at night we go i tell the other sajjied from your country :p
Quote from: LapsiBoy on June 12, 2009, 11:17:10 CET
Yess! good idea :) Il tell you when i go for sure..some day at night we go i tell the other sajjied from your country :p
ehh thats nice don't i get an invite? you come to "my country" all the time LOL ;D ara niccajta qieghed bob!
EEEEE You didnt even need to say that sihbi!!! Mhux ovja your always invited ;) King of spinning hija.... heqheq ;)
Next week will do an apointment for sure ! :)
ir rammx is a great fisherman and very dedicated but the real use for the cloth he always carries with him is that he frequently catches a lot of 'gharajjes' :D and he finds it very useful.
Tajba rammmx!!!! qieghed jikxfek dan ;)
x timlieh bix xema gramma ;D ;D daqt jisthajlu sampei
ara pattilu rammx hudu wihed mill postijiet sbieh tieghek
tuni naqra parir......liem hija l ahjar lure biex tistad ghal kubrit???? qed insaqsikom ghax imhajjar hafna nibda spinning u esperjenza zero :(
Itfala 20 euros ara tigix :p
oh dear just when it gets interesting the language changes, what a pity. >:( >:( >:(
OHH Please translate so we mere mortals can keep up !!!!!!!!
@ mike.d & noztheviking... basically gramma commented regarding my spinning techniques...(positively & negatively) and granitu commented that i should take gramma to one of my fishing hotspots ...gramma also wished some advice regarding spinning...
p.s. in both gramma's posts he was replied by lapsi boy...but it isn't worth translating lol (nonsense) :)
joking lapsi :)
@ granitu nice meeting you this morning mate :)
u xorta wahda ghadu hadd ma rrispondieni ghal mistoqsija li ghidtilkom l ewwel ???
gramma you can find some great metal lures (spinners) from the halco range. mr fish gets them for sure, and i am almost sure that ta bormla at mosta gets them too.
if you want a better picute or some expert info ask martinb...he's the man when it comes to spinning ;)
Quoteif you want a better picute or some expert info ask martinb...he's the man when it comes to spinning
Don't underestimate MartinB !!!! He's the king of spinning. ;D
can confirm the above without any doubt!!!
Hi People
Xtaqt nerga nibda spinning.
forsi xi hadt jista jtini parir fejn nista immur al spinning mill art jien andi X-RAP, Crystal Minnow u Skitter POP.
Grazzi tal ajnuna
prova ic chadwick sihbi qali li ed jaqbdu xi giex salamun
Quote from: robbygee on September 11, 2010, 21:00:27 CET
Hi People
Xtaqt nerga nibda spinning.
forsi xi hadt jista jtini parir fejn nista immur al spinning mill art jien andi X-RAP, Crystal Minnow u Skitter POP.
Grazzi tal ajnuna
Try to find rocky areas, where the sea is not too clear and there is a little bit of wave action, and fich close to the sea foam.
lol @ Lapsiboy........ good one :p
Thanks Clutchkick
Nahseb iktar ikollu cans ta xi haga hemm robby ax fil bahar zgur ma fadal xejn lool
issa hemm naqa ilma hemm, xi zring issib zgur hehe
Anyone catching something with spinning lately?
mainly kubrit with metal jigs but two weeks ago i caught a small AJ and a sawrella imperjali. haven't caught any cudas in ages
Good job AJMifsud!