I am looking for a licensed MFB boat around 30 Ft or less. I have seen several today and the amount of money the skips want for the crap they have is shameful. Not concerned of condition or engines as 1 uncle is a marine mechanic the other a boat builder so they will be able to check them out for me. Not concerned of where it is moored, prefer something with some deck space for pots, looking at 2000 Maltese Lire but will go up to 4000 maltese Lire if the boat is worth it. Please email me with pictures of the boat or location so I can go have a look at it.
Cheers Nick
I dont think you will find an MFB boat with that price. Wish you good luck!
there is plenty of them, saw 4 today in m'sloxx ranging from 1500 ML to 5500 ML from what I saw today I would rather pay 7000 ML and have something superb and ready to go, one boat today was steered by a metal pole 10 meters away from the throttle
Lol. I tought MFB license alone cost over Lm1000 but seems I was wrong.
148148 If i were you i'd check about getting a new mfb permit ;)
And in that case youi are able to make a new boat. forget buying something close to 30 ft having and mfb permit with those prices my friend ;)
What you did not mention is whether you are looking for wood or fibreglass boats
Thanks for the help and the sceptisism, got a 21 footer with MFB license mooring in Sliema and a trailer with VHF, nets etc for 2900 ML, been checked out by a boat builder and mechanic, perfect boat.
Looks like a great deal - well done.
well done 148148 ..........the inflation must be a lot more than we think it is