I would like to take kids fishing for vopi from the boat,is it the right time now?I will be heading near portomaso.Can anyone tell me if they are catching now and what alf is best to use.I know that around sliema promenade there are good spots for vopi.Is it best to fish with hand rod or reel?Tks Guys
Take them near the fishfarms kev there are vopi and sawrell.I prefer using tumbrell but shrimps will do if you don't have.If you wanne have fun use a pole.
Pole dancing @ Portomasso? hmmm
Today caught some nice vopi and sawrell.Caught 46 very nice sized and my friend 32 and a young boy 21.Nearly all on poles.We had some kind of ray possibly a sting ray,it was very very nice sized comming under the boat and once even came trying to take my friends float.We decided to give a try with a big piece of tumbrell but it managed to brake the line.Most possibly even a tuna took a bait we used on a heavy duty rod but obviosly it broke the line.Was a nice experience.
Did the young boy take the bait or was he foul hooked? ;D ;D
bhalissa xtip ta sawrell qijad imiss forsi imur naqra alieh ?
Translate last post please.
Both xlukkajr the long type and the flat one.If you will be going don't use a thick line and you'll notice the difference because there was an old guy next to us and only managed to catch 2.