Stolen or deliberatly cut was a crappy 50 metre longline that would cost about €10, its the principle that someone could be so desperate and pathetic. This person would be moored in Gzira or Msida more than likely due to where the line was. These lines come from China so very few people would have the exact same setup, and if they do they could prove they bought them or where they got them from. If you notice someone or know someone who has cut these lines or has or is using these type of lines please contact me or the police. Once the person is prosecuted through your information you will be given €1000 cash and everything will be anonymous. If I find you myself I will take appropriate actions. The picture shows what the line was like, it did not have the lure on it as it was baited, the hooks are eyeless as the line is wrapped and knotted. Warning anytime something is stolen or cut the reward will be the same so check the line, take the fish and leave the line where it is you maggot.
nope, i was near a harbour thats why i was so surprised. Have to be brothers to know that the maggot stealing lines with you wont dob you in for 1000 euros
" If I find you myself ... "
I understand that you are unhappy of what happened but pay attention on what you write on public forums my friend. That could be taken as a threat. Threatening is illegal. I agree that people stealing or cutting long lines should be prosecuted but if I were you I'd give more consideration to the words you use.
no threats whatsoever my friend, ....... constitutes nothing, I assume Maltas legal system is based on the UK's as Australias is so in common law that is not a threat. To constitute a threat (first of all it has to be a threat) it must be made towards a known individual, a group of individuals or their property, that person must come forward and identify themselves to the police as the person who stole the lines and therefore the person the threat was made towards and that they wish to press charges, cant see that happening. Otherwise its like threatning to kill Santa Claus, for that to be illegal someone has to prove he exists otherwise they are just words
Its your call
I can delete the dots if you are offended by dots, its done
i must be dreaming!
whys that caldaland
I gave you a friendly suggestion and you gave me war. Is that the way you take life? Because even in another tread you said that the people at the Valletta Port Control were sleeping just because you didn't receive reply. This being a public forum means that one must respect others' opinions and be polite in the way one speaks about people especially when naming 3rd persons out of the forum.
what war? education my friend. You stated I was threatning someone! besides not caring about threatning a thief I was simply defending myself against your accusation. If I didnt listen to your opinion the piece you mentioned would not have been changed As for Valetta Port, if they are there to protect us when we are sinking I was simply raising the point that after 20 minutes I could not reach them, I wasnt sinking so I sat had a coffee and waited, but next time who knows. Why has this turned from an issue of theft to you protecting how unknown thieves may feel about being threatened? When I was in the Army the upper brass did not encourage threats they demanded violence against thieves. I in no way sanction violence I am simply offering €1000 every time someone steals from me, something everyone should be behind unless they are the ones stealing. I am assuming that nothing else is done here to deter thieves, such as upping membership fees slightly and put rewards out there for all thefts or illegal fishing or something but sitting by and just whinging that someone stole another line or raided another Lampuki site wont stop anything.
I am not protecting any thieves. I was trying to protect you from going from victim to illegal. But threatening is not illegal in your opinion, yet you changed it. A historic person once said a very famous quote and my friend he couldn't have said anything better. His name was Napoleon.
I think you read too much into things or in my haste I dont go into enough detail as I never meant to infer you were protecting thieves
thieves should not be treatened in anyway,just hang em!!!
Napoleon dynamite said little but bonepart said 'war makes thieves, peace hangs them'
Hey guys you mention Napoleon Bonaparte.Did you know that he was one of the greatest thieves the world has ever seen? When the French invaded Malta in the past in the short time that they stayed here they stole whatever they could lay their hands on from the churches and other buildings. This week I heard in the news that the sword of grandmaster La Vallette is still in France and it is an exhibition in a famous museum. This was stolen from Malta when the French where here but the frog eaters do not want to give it back.
chill out guys cmon relax, know your frustration 148148, well if you spot the thieve, make sure he learns the lesson in the hard way cause the maltese learn only in that way
Hehe! What a thread ;D
In the Frog eaters defense, La Valette was French and unless my history is shaky, Napoleon only requested to stop here to resupply but was refused so he said screw you then I will invade
You are right he was french but Napoleon was born in 1769 and La Vallette was born somewhere in the 1500 and when he died he died in Malta, so he left all his belongings here. So when Napoleon invaded Malta it was more than 200 years after the death of La Vallette. And by the way when he invaded Malta the Knights of St John where still here as the government of Malta at that time. Therefore he had no rights to take and steal anything from here. I think when he requested to stop here to resupply it was only an excuse to invade us. Damm frog eaters.
This is like someone knocking on your door begging you to give him something to eat, but then he pushes you in and points a gun towards you,then he tells you that if do not give him the money he will kill you.