I am thinking of buying a used evinrude 175hp 2 stroke fuel injection year 2000 model and the owner is telling me that it's very economic.
As I hardly know anything about outboards of this size I don't know if it's economic or not. What do you think about it? It will be installed on a 19ft Fletcher boat. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks ;)
I think the 2000 models were FICHT based engines. Do some searches on the net for them. Perhaps speak to RLR and Teddy their mechanic to get their opinion, any known problems etc etc.
Visa on the forum had a similar sized 2 stroke fuel injection Mercury so can perhaps give you an idea of consumption on his boat which is bigger and heavier but at least you'll have an idea.
As skip said the 2000 Evinrudes were FICHT. Many peoply who own(-ed) these outboards (FICHT models) will tell you that they wouldn't mount again a FICHT on their transom even if it was given to them for free. The FICHT technology seemed to be a very problematic technology. This is mainly why Evinrude have scrapped the technology and came up with the E-TECs. Having said that there are people who own these outboards and have had no problems but in general they aren't that reliable. If I were you I would take on skip's advice and talk to RLR and also look for feedback on the internet for the FICHT.
Hope I was of any help
I looked on the internet for ficht models and it seemed that the model is not that reliable especially when trolling with speed between 1500 and 2000 rpm. So for me it wouldn't be worthed as I would use it a lot of the time for trolling.
Thanks for all the info it was very useful.
You're welcome friend :)
That's what we're all here for, to learn from each, which also helps when one is buying expensive things like engines, boats etc.