To all forum members, we are looking for someone to come up with a good logo for The Malta Fishing Forum. As I have zero skills in graphic design, I have decided to turn this into a competition.
Start sending in your proposed logo's to in .jpeg format and the forum moderator team will start to review them.
The closing date for this is 1st May 07 so this gives you all quite a bit of time.
As the forum is run on a non-profit basis we are not offering any cash prizes, instead the lucky winner will get to come out with us on one of our full day offshore fishing trips during Tuna/Albacore season for free.
Something like sword slasher's logo is the kind of thing we are looking for. Perhaps based on a Tuna or Albacore or one of the more popular fish found here. Either way we're open to all sorts. We are looking for one sized at 340x128 Pixels and also 400x120 Pixels so your logo designs will need to cater for those two image space sizes.
Hi.l was just wondering if l can enter your competition, even though l live in Australia? l will be in Malta from August this year, and would love a chance to go out fishing with you for a day.
By all means! I def can't get the boat to Austrailia, but if anyone will be in Malta whilst the boat is in the water, the offer stands.
what happened to the logo compition did it just stop or did i miss the post saying some 1 had one?
I'm afraid that's my fault as I didn't get around to sending an update. We only had one entry and that was from Twoutes who won the competition! We look forward to welcoming him on a trip in August.