abbreviations found on maps:
M Mud
Cy Clay
Si Silt
S Sand
St Stone
G Gravel
P Pebbles
Cb Cobbles
R Rock
Lv Lava
Co Coral
Sh Shells
Wd Weed
Gd Ground
Oz Ooze
Ml Marl
Sn Shingle
Bo Boulders
Ck Chalk
Qz Quartz
Md Madrepore
Ba Basalt
Pm Pumice
T Tufa
Sc Scoriae
Cn Cinders
Mn Manganese
Gc Glauconite
Oy Oysters
Ms Mussels
Sp Sponge
Al Algae
Fr Foraminifera
Gl Globigerina
Di Diatoms
Rd Radiolaria
Pt Pteropods
Po Polyzoa
Sch Schist
Co Hd Coral Head
Vol Ash Volcanic ash
K Kelp
Grs Grass
Stg Sea-tangle
Spi Spicules
Cir Cirripedia
Fu Fucus
Ma Mattes
S Co Sabellaria
S Bk Sandbank
f Fine
m Medium
c Coarse
bk Broken
sy Sticky
so Soft
sf Stiff
v Volcanic
ca Calcareous
h Hard
w White
bl Black
rd Red
gn Green
b Blue
y Yellow
gy Grey
br Brown
ch Chocolate
lt Light
d Dark
Examples of composite abbreviations:
fS Fine sand
bkSh Broken shells
SSh Sand with shells
BrM Brown mud
thanks tony
Thanks Tony thats the complete list I asked about some time ago.
opps sorry about that Moon but better late than never yes...........
chocolate ??????
Quote from: robby017 on June 07, 2010, 22:21:21 CET
chocolate ??????
Yeah i was wandering about that also when i scanned through the list!!? Must be one hell of a detailed map! lol
Thanks Shanook very helpful.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......... that type of chocolate...... thanks Spitec.... hahahahahahahahahaha