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Main => General Discussion => Off Topic => Topic started by: The_Gaffer on June 14, 2010, 13:56:55 CET

Title: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: The_Gaffer on June 14, 2010, 13:56:55 CET
Guys, I'm thinking of in stalling a new outboard on an Albatross 330.  My intention is to fit a centre console with steering.  I already have a Johnson 4HP (2 stroke) which I intend on using as an auxiliary engine for the boat.  I need a main outboard now.  I have absolutely no experience on HP rating these types of boats can take.  Any idea what HP rating I should go for, should it be long shaft or short shaft, and whats your opinion on whether to go for a 2 stroke or 4 stroke outboard?   ???
The boat will be used for runabouts and bottom fishing, especially when the Gaffer is up on the hard, so I'll continue to enjoy fishing for clamari, some bottom fishing and if I do fancy some trolling, I can always use the auxiliary engine.  I also want to connect the main outboard to the steering console.  What about fuel tank sizes, I was thinking of locating the fuel tank up front to compensate for the weight.  ;)
Your thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated.
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: lazyfisherman on June 14, 2010, 16:54:02 CET
The albatross 330 is my boat (you know, one man's tender is another man's fishing boat but anyway...). The major limitations of the boat is that it is very small (just over 10 feet) and it is not a planing hull and so does poorly with a large outboard. If I remember correctly from when I bought mine the  maximum hp that it could take is an 8 hp (Zarb stores used to sell these boats so you might also ask there). In my opinion it would definitely be the maximum it can take. In fact most people use 2.5 - 5 hp outboards on this type of boat, so your auxuilliary would be the main (and only engine) for most people.  I think that you will definitely have too much weight on your transom if you would have the 4 hp johnson + another larger outboard. In fact the transom is pretty shallow. I also doubt whether the transom is wide enough to comfortably take say an 8hp + a 4 hp without the engines getting in the way of each other when steering.

Having said that I have yet to see a console fitted on this type of boat. A console would shift the weight forward compared to having the helmsman sitting on the back seat steering the boat and therefore improve the balance and compensate to a certain extent for more weight at the back. Although I am definitely no expert about boats (I actually prefer fishing from the shore), in my opinion for what you have in mind a slightly larger planing hull (say an albatross 390 or bahri) would be better but I don't really know since I have a 3.3 hp on my boat which I use almost exclusively within harbours.
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: The_Gaffer on June 15, 2010, 08:32:10 CET
Lazyfisherman - Thanks for you help.  I guess the best thing would be to pop over to zarb stores and have a chat with Domenic about it.  My initial thoughts have been around a 9.9HP(15) outboard.  I'm also guessing that a 4stroke outboard would be a bit heavy, for as you quite rightly pointed out, it has a narrow transom. 
This is not a tender boat.  I started out with a 9foot fiberglass boat bought from Paola (ta Palm Street) and the amount of fish caught from that boat was enough to feed an army.  We had a 2HP suzuki outboard on that boat and it was enough for us.  I'm just going back to my roots with the 330, and trying to enjoy myself fishing for clamari/bottom fishing in the winter.
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: mellieha on June 15, 2010, 09:08:08 CET
Hi GAffer,

I have one of these albatross.

It is a boat but not very stable.  Also it is not very ideal for bottom fishing as it is very light.  I use floating anchors. As what regards the boat in the sea it isnot very sturdy.  I always used to use the imqadef as ''stabilisers''.

I have set up mine with the petrol tank in the middle.  And a suzuki 5hp.  The main disadvantage for the boat is the seating position.  way toooo low.  Even if you fish from the front it is still not ideal.  Again space is limited and for the winter months it offers no cover what so ever.

I also noticed that the boat is affraid of weights so you need to balance them correctly.  If you have a bit too much weight on one side you will surely capsize. 
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: The_Gaffer on June 15, 2010, 10:04:26 CET
Thanks for your reply Mellieha.  I only weigh in at 70kgs, rather short, so low seating does not really worry me.  Yes, the 330 is a bit unstable...but as I said, I'll be using it mainly to go fishing for Kalamari in the winter, and some bottom fishing inside the harbours. I want to rediscover my roots...the great times I had as a young boy fishing inside the harbour at night... :)

Now for the confession.   ::) ::)
The reason I want to fit a console on the boat is my 16yr old son.  He saw the boat in the garage, and asked if we could retrofit a console and maybe a 9.9HP outboard, so he could use it as a run about boat.  You know how kids are...and I try to please never know, maybe he's take up fishing one day ;) ;)
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: mellieha on June 15, 2010, 10:13:44 CET
Try it in the sea and you will understand what I mean by unstable.

When I was his age (I use to break the law).  My now defunct grandfather had made a small adjustment to the motor.  We had founda plastic pipe that fits exactely into the handle and then extend that with the use of a wooden handle to the middle seat of the boat.  This help immediate planing but does not improve stability.
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: lazyfisherman on June 15, 2010, 11:22:32 CET
Incredible! You started out exactly like me.My first boat was also a 9 foot Paul's garage boat with a 2 hp suzuki!I used to troll with shop bought kahli feathers and small metal spoons and used to catch quite a lot of sawrell with a few kahli, cervjol etc for variety and all in the harbours usually not more than about 100 m or so from the shore. Mur gibu dak iz-zmien!

Like Mellieha I use a tiller extension to steer from the middle seat (a piece from an old broken fishing pole) but the Albatross does not really "plane" well and still digs it backside into the sea even with the 3.3 hp at full throttle. IMO the albatross 330 + a console and 9.9 hp will definitely be an overpowered, unstable toy and  very dangerous for a 16 year old.

Having said that it is not bad with a small engine (perhaps your 4 hp) in sheltered waters, but basically it is hardly an improvement over the 9 foot Paul's garage boat!

Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: fishfinder on June 15, 2010, 12:14:34 CET
Joe, I wouldn't go for a 9.9 on an albatross 330. I would suggest a maximum of 6hp four stroke.
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: ganni on June 15, 2010, 22:31:09 CET
well a frd of mine has the mentioed boat and he has a 9.9hp evinrude old motor. it still doesn't plane because it hasn't got a planing hull maybe a max of 11kts.

i don't think that a 9.9 is a problem but it would but an 8hp would be more appropriate.

if i were you i wouldn't consider an auxiliary on that boat, just my opinion... i think that the boat will be more unstable that way and from a boat like that you can easily use oars in case of emergency, epacially if ur statying inside the port.
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: The_Gaffer on June 16, 2010, 11:00:29 CET
Thanks guys for your support and answers. 

Yes Ganni, I do have oars, and thats a good option instead of an auxiliary engine.  Forsi kont qed nara naqa kbir bin-9.9HP.

mellieha - as much as I want to see my son happy, I'd rather be safe and happy too.  Thanks for your advice.

Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: alex651 on June 17, 2010, 09:08:55 CET

Hi there. if you need a console i have a nice one. leave me your email or contact me and i will send you a picture of it.


Quote from: The_Gaffer on June 15, 2010, 10:04:26 CET
Thanks for your reply Mellieha.  I only weigh in at 70kgs, rather short, so low seating does not really worry me.  Yes, the 330 is a bit unstable...but as I said, I'll be using it mainly to go fishing for Kalamari in the winter, and some bottom fishing inside the harbours. I want to rediscover my roots...the great times I had as a young boy fishing inside the harbour at night... :)

Now for the confession.   ::) ::)
The reason I want to fit a console on the boat is my 16yr old son.  He saw the boat in the garage, and asked if we could retrofit a console and maybe a 9.9HP outboard, so he could use it as a run about boat.  You know how kids are...and I try to please never know, maybe he's take up fishing one day ;) ;)
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: The_Gaffer on June 20, 2010, 07:37:21 CET

My email is
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: Meccanic on June 20, 2010, 11:14:28 CET
I'm Nichol from MECCA MARINE.

We just repowered one of these boats with the new TOHATSU MF9.8Hp Electric Start. This is only 36kgs, just the same weight as the 8Hp. The boat owner is very happy with it and the boat performance is very good knowing the small size of the boat. A light weight outboard is exactly what you need and the 9.8Hp is giving the optimum performance to weight ratio.

We import the TOHATSU 4 stroke 9.8Hp ELECTRIC complete package from TOHATSU Factory with Throttle, Alternator, Rectifier, Battery Cable and Electric Start just like the larger outboards. The MF9.8Hp being a 4 stroke engine is very smooth, low on consumption and hard wearing. ALL TOHATSU Outboards are imported from Japan and are Salt Water Use!
fo all information re this engine, pls visit:

For further information, please feel free to contact me: | Mob:7973 2783

Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: Meccanic on June 20, 2010, 11:16:04 CET
by the way, we do offer 9.9hp 4 strokes by Tohatsu, SUZUKI and MERCURY but they are all 52kgs plus! Too heavy for this type of boat comparing the TOHATSU MF9.8Hp at just 36Kgs!
Title: Re: Best Outboard HP for Albatross 330
Post by: alex651 on June 21, 2010, 16:09:48 CET
Hello agin. i sent you an email with an attachment. did you revive it? are you interested?

Quote from: The_Gaffer on June 20, 2010, 07:37:21 CET

My email is