Malta Fishing Forum

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: ajzammit on July 27, 2010, 21:58:36 CET

Title: Spearfishing - License
Post by: ajzammit on July 27, 2010, 21:58:36 CET
Hi all.  I'm new here... and this is my first post.
I have a little harpoon which I bought circa 15 years ago and have no license for it.  The shop I bought it from didn't even tell me I needed one, and I had no idea I license was required!!  Only in Malta ...  :-)  Now I'm getting interested again in spearfishing.  Can anyone suggest the best way to regulate my position?  I.e: what is the best thing to do.  Inform the police about it, or simply buy a new harpoon and do things the proper way straight away (and put the old harpoon back on the shelves)  ??  Your ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: skip on July 28, 2010, 06:48:24 CET
Not an easy to postion to be in, on the one hand if you regulate your position you may get in trouble though it would be very narrow-sighted of the police on the other hand unless you were already planning on buying a new harpoon you have the cost of the new harpoon plus licence to think about.

It's my understanding and I stand to be corrected that once you have a licence you don't pay for additional harpoons so that may be the best method. I also don't think that you need to produce your gun to get the licence so perhaps you can just apply for one without buying a new one? Spearo guys can you confirm?

Welcome to the forum AJ.
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: TOFTOF on July 28, 2010, 08:22:52 CET
Ask at the Police Station for some tips.

Or else but a new harpoon +licence
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: baghira on July 28, 2010, 08:39:46 CET
This if from my knowledge, as far as I remember correctly, since that I applied for my first permit ages ago.

I had a same harpoon as yours, and it happened to me that once I went fishing for lampuki, i took the gun with me, and it ended up the police confiscating it, and ended at court. Luckily enough i was not charged more penalties.

I do not suggest going to police and ask, since that it is a matter of being lucky!!!! It depends whom you meet at the police station. You might ask a police officer whom does not care and would not help, it could be the otherway round that the officer you meet really understands your position and tries to help, and it could happen that this officer does a whole 'pantomine' and confiscates your speargun.

So. The only thing to do is that you go to some kindly hearted shop owner (or to the owner of the shop you bought it from), and he will give you the papers for this harpoon, as if you bought it from him, and proceed with the license. Otherwise buy a new gun and license, and persuade the shop owner that if you buy a gun he can also give you papers for the old gun. Or else scrap the gun............ These are the only ways to register a weapon. You cannot tell the police that you had your weapon bought 15 years ago, and now you want it registered, and what about the past 15 years, weren't you supposed to pay the license!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the same with a vehicle, with the difference that this is classified as WEAPON.
Once you pay a license the other guns come free, but they still need to be registered in the same license obviously. The price you pay for the yearly license nowadays got cheaper (one of the few things that got cheaper).
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: mellieha on July 28, 2010, 14:08:48 CET
technically speaking everything that can be clasified as a weapon has to be registered. 

Shot guns pistols, harpoons, knifes. 

The licence fee is ONE but all weapons must be registered  on it. 

E.g. I owe 2 harpoons and both are registered.  I also owe 3 registered diving knifes and one (small) that does not need to be registered.   But I only pay one license. 

Another now stupid example: If you buy a tomahawk from an army shop it has to be registered.  If you buy an axe (similar to wood cutting) from a Tools Shop then you don't need to register it, but as soon as that can be changed into a weapon it has to be on the register.  i.e. if you get into a fight and use a kitchen knife (unregister as all) you will be charged with possession of a weapon in public.
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: caldaland on July 28, 2010, 16:26:43 CET
in that case i better register my mother-in-law!
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kevin G on July 28, 2010, 19:15:02 CET
Last year I bought a diving knife, he didn't tell me to register it just told me to keep it with the diving equipment.

Even my buddy bought a knife but from another shop and he didn't tell him to register it.
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: ajzammit on July 28, 2010, 21:57:14 CET
Hi to all.
Wow ...  i didn't expect so many replies.  Thank you all very much for your input.  Now, I have some thinking to do and some a decision to take! Issa naraw.
Thanks again
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: mellieha on July 29, 2010, 10:05:03 CET
kevin knifes depend on size.

But technically they are a weapon - I highlighted the inconsistency of the law already >:(
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kriston on December 06, 2010, 18:01:53 CET
Hi folks

I am new to spearfishing.

After reading the thread I am still unwise as to how to get a licence.  Is there not a simple form that one can complete?

It seems silly that for something so important (weapons) there is not a website dedictated.

Does anyone have any fresh advice they could help me with?

Many thanks

Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kriston on December 06, 2010, 18:53:30 CET
I found the solution:

"Spearfishing license: Before the actual purchase of the gun, one obtains license number from Police General Headquarters weapons Offices after a short interview with an officer. One is asked to fill in a form with personal details and speargun specifications.

- For the purchase of any arm which requires a licence and to keep such an arm during the year of its purchase. (reg.1_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 16.31.
- To keep a speargun during any year following the year of purchase there of, per annum. (reg.6_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 6.99
- To carry a speargun per annum (reg.7_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 3.49",3085.msg37868.html#msg37868
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kevin G on December 06, 2010, 20:25:29 CET
Kriston, the only thing to do is go to your favourite shop that you will be buying your speargun and he will explain everything from scretch.
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kriston on December 07, 2010, 13:46:19 CET
Thanks Kevin, I just read this now.

The problem is, I am sending one from the UK..

I called HQ earlier this morning, who said I need to go to my local police station and the details will be sorted there.

I shall endeavour!

Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kevin G on December 07, 2010, 16:05:49 CET
When calling the HQ have you asked to speak to the weapons office?
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kriston on December 07, 2010, 19:53:04 CET
I emailed the HQ, they gave me the Weapons office number and I spoke to a WPC who referred me to my local station.

weapons department: 2294 2110
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: EmicMalta on December 09, 2010, 14:38:22 CET
jien darba kont ser ngib 1 u gew b xeba meraq, u filfatt kont qtajt qalbi. Pero kien awn min gab hrapen min barra
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Granitu on December 09, 2010, 14:59:07 CET
mohhok emm habib jin gibt 2 hrapen ta l injam mill italja...  al ezattezza pelagos twin ta 100 u 120....

jekk ha tixtrih,

qis li ssaqsi l ghassa l floriana u ggib l permessi tad dwana... anke jekk daw ta l ahhar mqajmin u reqdin xorta

jin kelli l karti kollha u saqsejt u qaluli inkwieta xejn li d dwan kollox jiccekjaw parcels u meta jaslu jzommhuwhom jcempluli u jibghatiwhom l floriana... u l hrapen wasluli quddiem il bieb bil fedex, meta mort nsaqsi l ghassa kkonfiskawomli... - la maltija stajt tfajt d drogi fihom ghax kellhom miktub bicca ta SPEARGUN - ARBALETE tul l kaxxa kollha u anqas ikkalkulawhom-inkluz l formoli tal permess.... anke n nanna minghajr nuccali taraha...

wara xi gimghatejn hrigthom normali u kelli nhallas xi fees-pero qis li titkellem maghhom halli ma jkollokx problemi. - ga kelli licenzja tal hrapen ghax kieku kont indum hafna iktar....

jekk ssaqsini llum kieku x naghmel,

hawn hrapen carbon fis suq li huma ta livell bhal beauchat ezempju- aqta barra mr carbon c4 - nahseb l ahjar harpoon l hawn imma difficli biex tuzah- mhux open head

al wiehed ta l injam -  ngib l parts ta trigger u rills mill italia jew spanja jew l grecja, u ahdem minn hemm... min jahdimlek harpoon malta ssib zgur ghax mux difficli daqs kemm nahsbu.

jekk l harpoon huwa tieghek u ha ggibhu mill ingliterra - shipping

qis li jkollok d dettalji tieghu
ditta u prezz
jekk tista rcevuta

l ikbar problema tkun biex tibbilancjah, imma personalment nara differenti ghal kull bniedem.

iktar worth tahdem fuq fitness, aqauatic movements u nifs, dawn huma l affarijiet li jaghmlu d differenza u jtuk siegha pjacir.
l affarijiet iktar maghmula biex jaqbdu lilna n nies li nixtru u nonfqu.   ;)

Dive Safe,
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Kriston on February 23, 2011, 15:36:36 CET
ok, after many attempts....

You do NEED to go to the HQ for your licence.  Regardless of what any officer tells you, go to the HQ.
Title: Re: Spearfishing - License
Post by: Granitu on February 24, 2011, 13:48:38 CET
yep :)