to date, 08/12/2010, how many squid did you catch from the shore?
Option 1: 0
votes: 13
Option 2: 1-3
votes: 5
Option 3: 4-9
votes: 1
Option 4: 10-14
votes: 4
Option 5: 15-19
votes: 1
Option 6: 20+
votes: 6
just curious ::)
hawn minn qabad tant possibli? mela andi trouble jien ;)
jien mhux biex nsemmi post jew xi haga, peroil gieghma l ohra nzilt nittawwal saz zurrieq u kien hem 3 jistaduwlom. forsi kumbinazjoni, pero rajtu jtella 1 lil wiehed minnhom. Veru kien zajr, pero min fuq il bahar naf min qed jaqbad mux hazin. NAhseb in nahat jaghmel differenza ax naf min fuq il bahar qas raghhom is sena
from those who caught more than 15, dik you get them from the shore? not from a boat! in my case its 12 to date.
well done for the poll. We should make one for all types of fish, and reset it every month. We could get some cool stats.
c'mon, i'm sure there are many more who go for squid.......
? anyone else?
obout 20- 25 kg every week......from Azzopardi fisheries ;) just jokin haven't started yet but i hear that from shores very slow till now...
I think it depends on the place !!!
Caught 2 in 5 minutes last tuesday with Robby
yeah bigboy but we are mostly talking about normal people not (ingurmati / iffurtunati) lucky guys like you :)PP
If it didnt rain you might have had some fun last tuesday. Pity we didnt get bites from fekruna bay
QuoteIf it didnt rain you might have had some fun last tuesday
anyone said we didn't...... l iktar taht il loggog ija u niezla ix xita
Going squid fishing tonight from 6.30 to circa 8.45pm, location: north... eighter cirkewwa, marfa or st pauls bay.
everyone feel free to join
i join just since on leave where and time
6.15 call or sms me on 79851709 and i'll tell you where i'm heading
ok mate i willprobably in st pauls bay will txt later
if u want we meet in st pauls bay and go up to cirkewwa, or somewhere else with one car.
we are heading to cirkewwa all wellcome 2 join
any catches?
1 small
mela inti qbadtu zgur robby :P
ija...... first cast
Robby - 8 yesterday and 4 today - at sea of course bil Kajjiek that you came on... u bla dawl, bahar bnazzi hafna, hafna ukoll kienu id-dajjies...but 2 got away for me this evening, quite unusal.
Well done seafox :)
prosit colin
Thank you guys for your kind response - sea is really calm today but did not go for the Kalamari cos I am out for dinner...well>>>food always comes first & foremost in our family!~! News has reached me that the Tumbrell are around in our area..having a go at them tomorrow morning (30 rixhas trolled)and will let you know what transpires..cheers!
Tumbrell is invading our area aswell
Anyone catching at the moment ?
nope and I finally realised WHY......took me some time but now I am more than sure of the cause
What is the cause ?
I caught one, lost three lures and broke my rod :)
it cost you you a lot the squid (gietek ghalja siehbi)
Veru ta Cityfish, not very encouraging hi...as Robby states, you wont forget how much the kalamar cost you, ....and how did this all happen? You must have hit a sharp rocky bank/Sicca or caught some parit/ghazel on your lures!
u were fishing from Land cityfish.........as u might have allowed the lure to go too deep and it got hooked on something...but breaking the rod as well I find that a bit puzzling
Yeah I got a bloody rocky bank tip (fishing from shore). It was about 3.45am so I was not in the right mood to get stuck and did the usual movements but probably my senses weren't right and did some extra pressure to break a 2pcs rod. Then tried to retrieve the line with half a rod so obviously I lost the line. Still less losses than last week my Nokia N97 went Fishing! :) Nice Start for 2011! :) I need to get re-baptized!.....But Yesterday, the gods smiled on me again, caught three squids 375g, 433g & 688g and a cuttlefish with just one lure lost :)
well done!!!!!! all these from the shore i presume..... i was on the vrge of giving up this year.
Thanks. Till today shore fishing only.....am searching for a 13ft.
Prosit Cityfish, at least you are not in the "red" after the recent catches, keep it up...I thought that u were kalamar fishing from a boat on noting the "disaster" you experienced!
well u are starting to get ur losses back........another few hundred squid and u can call it square....kidding of course Cityfish...well done mate if not for the squid caught but for the tenacity to keep trying......well done
I should be trying my luck again on Friday! Not so encouraging so far.
If I remember correctly Mario Tar-Ratal at B'Buga has one 13ft.
Material losses can be replaced... other losses or mishaps cannot my friends. As regards to Tenacity...well in fishing you need a lot together with some luck of coarse. But after years of fishing, you cannot rely just on luck, you need to be prepared and be patient for everything (....well now even seeing your bloody phone blinking in the sea taking a call while you recite the all saints litany!)
Quote from: framerc on January 18, 2011, 20:10:47 CET
If I remember correctly Mario Tar-Ratal at B'Buga has one 13ft.
Yes I saw it the one with red tapestries hux?
went fishing again yesterday with the boat for squid.............we caught 2 nice octopus, 1 big Xabla (i don't know if this ever happened to anyone) and 2 totli......no squid this time.
Dan, you caught everything except squid. I'm very surprised how you managed to land a xabla (scarab fish) on line designed for squid. Well done!!!!
all in all it didn't seem to be a bad day after all :) prosit malliadan!
its not a first.... we got 3 small ones on the squid lure s in lampedusa in 2004 in 60 meters of water and i caught another one off the 3rd ridge North from St julians bay, a couple of years back.