Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Topic started by: KenChir on August 01, 2007, 15:28:51 CET

Title: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: KenChir on August 01, 2007, 15:28:51 CET
Hi Guys,

Have been going fishing with 'forok' for kahli regulary for past month (July).

This year as opposed to last year, seems much better. Kahli size is much nicer (average is 500g) and even quantity (caught a max of 6 in a 2 and half hour spree). The bigger ones take the 'forka' down a few meters too!

Any others noted the same?

We go around St. Paul's Islands.

Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: kempy on August 01, 2007, 17:21:54 CET
any tips on fishing for them as i have never tried fishing for themPeople have told me there a real cunning fish and hard to catch
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: KenChir on August 02, 2007, 15:27:10 CET
'Forok' are basically floats (usually painted white) made of cork with 2 or 3 hooks attached to short pieces of line.

You hook up bread (original Maltese loaf - not the fluffy one the real one which is kinda a bit 'gummy') to the hooks (usually size 3 or 4).

You use a boat to drop a number of these (usually around 15 or more) in specific spots, together with handfuls of bread crumbs previously mixed with a bit of water as berley. Then you drive off and switch off the engine. When you see one is caught you go pick it up with the 'kop' which can be kinda tricky.

Time of day and specific spots are very important. Thats what I can contribute about it.  ;)
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Robert on August 02, 2007, 16:11:15 CET
Who told you that it is cunning and hard to catch was not lying mate.

I have only fished for them from the shore - you need very light tackle or else there'll be no biting at all. An important thing is that the sea is very rough - you must find an area where the sea is foaming and fish right there; if you bait the area well they will move in very close to the shore. But getting them to bite is another story.

You may also try fishing for them by using a reel rod; use dried bread rolls (bziezen), cut them into pieces 4 to 5 cms long and wrap the roll in a line with about 6 to 8 hooks in it - make sure that the hooks are well hidden in the bread and that you are using light tackle. Cast out and let it drift; when small mullets will start nibbling the bread, saddled sea bream will become interested if it is anywhere close. The problem with this method is that if you will not notice that a fish has taken the hook (even if a small mullet) it will act like a psycho and scare all the other fish.

Good luck
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: sergio on August 03, 2007, 14:13:45 CET
i have found Korean Worms to be an excellent bait for bigger kahli. i tried it several times with success
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Granitu on August 04, 2007, 13:01:18 CET
no you can get an indication whether the fish hooked or not... try to notice any splashes of fish when they bite it as usually when you hook a fish the others get scared. in that case reel it in hard and having some ground bait would help as the fish tend to follow the hooked fish
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: zebbug88 on September 22, 2008, 22:01:38 CET
don't know if this is effective but my friend told me he used to fish for kahli with cheddar cheese from the shore. you have to be very calm since this is a very stunning fish.
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: camkev on September 22, 2008, 22:16:14 CET
Maggots are very good for kahli!!
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: placebo on September 22, 2008, 23:10:38 CET
Such fish are cunning but once you get used to methods they are very easy to catch!

it's true that this year was very good for saddled breams (kahli). I got big catches of average (30's and more) from my boat using saltwater flies which i get from EBAY at ridiculous prices.

fishing from kahli from shore does not need light tackle. you need a short rod of about 5mtrs and fish with monos of 0.25 - 0.28mms. Sometimes i use 0.20 but 0.25 is ideal.

you need to be very cunning and learn the correct methods as there are many various tricks.

the condition of the sea plays an important part. Also you need to know the places where this fish hangs around (not easy as such places are nearly all the time taken by keen kahlija fisherman)

you also need to pay attention of how to groundbait the area - lot of groundbait may keep the fish away since it is carried away by the swell.

it is important that you see the breams in a frenzy of biting before you try to fish or else it keeps away!

there are many other tricks which you can learn from old fisherman about the school of fishing the saddled bream. Just go and notice...learn...notice and learn....... this is a never ending story about this fish! It takes whole years to learn fishing the elusive saddled bream especially from shores!
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: spiru on September 22, 2008, 23:14:51 CET
but if you have a boat the simplest way is trolling with small 5cm lures or with worm like rubber lures.3 knots is a good speed for kahli {saddled bream}.i used to go with forok as well and it is fun but trolling is more productive i think
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: EmicMalta on September 23, 2008, 07:23:12 CET
at the moment the sea is full with them. Yesturday went with a friend of mine to check a hole cos af a nice grouper. Just 10 mtr away from this hole I started seeing all these kahli geting in and out. Went down to check the hole and saw a doven inside, and when I looked back there was hundreds of them, all over 10 inch, and shoot on a nice 1 in the hole of 12 inch

We didn t had lures for them and they where on a bottom of 15-18 mtr deep. Had the gps point maybe we give a try
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Xtajn on September 23, 2008, 19:59:44 CET
how do i prepare the line on my reel if i want to try to fish for kahli for example weight, line thickness, hooks, beacuase i have always cought with a normal rod 8 mtrs but would like to start using the reel scince its much more comfortable.

Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: SPITEC on September 23, 2008, 20:08:05 CET
Xtajn try to use a light action rod between 3-4 meters long small reel filled with 0.16-0.20 mono with the running float system.The float should be between 4-7gr depends on the place you want to fish.The terminal should be between 0.12-0.14 and the hook depends on the size of the fish.
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Xtajn on September 23, 2008, 20:14:57 CET
will try it out thanks for the advice..
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mrk274 on October 14, 2008, 21:21:49 CET
Jiena gdid al dal-forum, sirt naf bih il-birah u thalt mil-ewwel ax hija xi haga sabiha fejn kulhadt jista jitallem mil esperjenzi ta xulxin. Jina deletant tas-sajd specjalment al kahli, il-gbid taha igenini wisq.

Barra mil-affarijiet li semejtu wiehed irid joqod attent li ma jtiex hafna ghalf ghax hi makakka u toqodlok tistenih barra. Barra min hekk kul darba li taqbad wahda trid tnadaf idejk u toqod atent ma thamigx il hobz bdak liskal taha ax qisa tinduna li qed taqbada u titgerex. Trid toqod attent ukol li meta taqbad wahda tkun armat tajjeb u itelaha il fuq u jek terga twaqqaha fil-bahar tista taqbad u izarma ax terixlek kollox ukol.Importanti ukol li tghalifa dejjem fir riema hali tkun aktar facli biex tistada

Jin nuza qazba ta 3 jew 4 metri skond il-bahar kem ikun qawwi.. jek tghalifa sew tithol tahtek tistenik titfala il-hobz. Huwa importanti li meta titfala ix-xolfa ma isabatiexgo l-ilma ax hija huta sensitiva hafna.

Hija sfortuna li ma tantc adna informazzjoni fuqa dal il ghaliex hafna mil anzjani jzomu informazzjoni alijom biex haddiehor ma jmurx jistad alija. Jin hlejt hafna hin narom jistaduwa u umbad tmur tiprova
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: SPITEC on October 14, 2008, 21:25:48 CET
Welcome mrk274 I always tought that when people go for kahli that way they use dud tal-kahli!
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Robert on October 14, 2008, 21:44:18 CET
My grandfather was a great fisherman for saddled bream - pity he passed away before he could teach me! He used both bread paste (without adding anything) and even dud ta' l-alka. What mrk said is exactly what he used to say that you have to do in order to catch this remarkable fish. Although I am only spearfishing now, I would really love to fish for saddled bream from the shore when the weather conditions are right - however it's such a delicate job that I never get down to trying it...
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mrk274 on October 15, 2008, 10:29:22 CET
Yes spitec i use bread altough dud ta l-alka is d best bait for her. But since d other fisherman that are near me are fishing with bread its not a problem. The problem will arise if there will be other fishermans near your location that sarts fishishing with dud ta l-alka near you, because it will all go near them and you wouldnt be able to catch one
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Mario Azzopardi on March 11, 2009, 09:36:25 CET
What about fishing "Tal Punent" ........Night fishing?
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mattl on May 20, 2009, 21:46:29 CET
jin ghadni qatt ma mort ghalihom u nixtiq immu b qasba tar reel .... tistaw itawni pariri kif tmur ghalihom pls x liska tuza snanar postijiet tajbin ect     thx
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mrk274 on August 18, 2009, 15:10:38 CET
Hi guys, dan l-ahhar twebbilt biex nmur nistad ghal kahli tal-punent bil-lejl. Hawn xi hadd li jista jtinni xi hjiel xghandi namel? ....bhal jek ma tistadiex bhal filghodu, tghalifa firrima u xtip ta liska ghandi nuza...thanks
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: ciappinu on August 18, 2009, 15:17:06 CET
Kahli tal punent xi jkun?
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mulett75 on August 18, 2009, 15:21:12 CET
Kahli tal punent hija meta tibda taqbad il kahli fil hin li tkun nizla ix-xemx. Dak il-hin ix-xemx tkun fil punent.
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mike.d. on August 18, 2009, 20:53:12 CET
translate please
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Perla 165 on August 18, 2009, 21:02:47 CET
alura kosta li thares fil punet  sajida izjed min dik tal lvant? (ovja al kahli etc.)

Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Mario Azzopardi on August 19, 2009, 07:46:25 CET
Hi all. I have a few question as regards kahli. For example is kahli a fast growing fish? In other words, how long will it take to grow from a small size[domna] to a medium size [zabrott] to a kahlija. I have more questions on this very clever fish. I am sure we will have some answers from the well informed forum members. Till next time I thank you and will be waiting for some answers
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mulett75 on August 19, 2009, 13:26:29 CET
Reference is taken from It is said that in approx. 4 years the kahlija will be fully grown.
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Mario Azzopardi on August 19, 2009, 15:52:01 CET
More kahli-related questions. This time it is the condition of the sea ...comonly known as "galbu" and "tramuntana" ... north wind .Any explanation as to why when the wind is north, the sea foam,"rima/galbu" opens up very quickly ,irispective of the height of the wave? this in turn will make the kahli impossible to if it looses it's interest and stop chasing.
This condition of the sea is effective also when there is the swell. Ex. The sea has got an easterly swell and the wind direction is North. Although the swell continue to come easterly, the effect the wind direction has on the sea is imediatley noticed. It sounds complicated, but can anyone enlightens me please?
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mulett75 on August 19, 2009, 19:35:30 CET
In my expierince, first of all when one fish for kahli "go rima" in the surf, there are particular place which are called "lokijiet" (not WC). These special places are formed, that when the sea hits the rocks it will form surf. If conditions are not good, foam will be formed but not surf. Sometimes as you said the surf will disappear quikly and will not give the chance to the kahli to go up to the surface hiding in the surf. Thats where galbu comes in. Yes the north wind tends to open the surf quikly and clears the water very soon.

There are these lokijiet that they have thier nickname of the winds, e.g. ta Xlokk or tal-Majjistral. These normally will be the winds that are needed to be to be able to fish in these lokations.   
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: Mario Azzopardi on August 20, 2009, 13:17:10 CET
Thank you for our explanations. When I was young my uncle used to take me with him everywhere. From delimara to Ghajn Tuffieha. As amatter of fact he never used to tell me where we will be going the next morning . It all depended on the wind direction. And he really seldom was wrong on his choice. One thing fishermen for kahli had in common was that they did not talk a lot about their catches and where they caught the fish . It was very secretive. But i will never forget the walk about 45 mins going in Ghajn Tuffieha, not knowing if you will find somebody there ahead of you on the lok. But believe me it was well worth it. Next time perhaps someone can expand a little on the Sajd Tal Punent
Title: Re: Kahli - Qty & Size on the increase ?
Post by: mulett75 on August 20, 2009, 18:11:53 CET
Kahli tal punent hija meta tibda taqbad il kahli fil hin li tkun nizla ix-xemx. Dak il-hin ix-xemx tkun fil punent


This is the time when the saddled bream (kahli) starts biting at sunset. At this time the sun will be in the West. The time frame is very little. It will give you a maximum of 30 minnutes, sometimes it will be a fising frenzy.