I've been searching around the threads to see if i can find the info i need, but i can't seem to find it. Actually what i need to know is, when you go by boat for squid fishing, do you keep the light on while fishing or do you just attract with the light then switch it off? haven't managed to get one yet but i'm trying!
leave it on......... if you see a squid at the surface not wanting to enter the light, switch off the light.
I would make a quick shade (even a piece of cardboard) and keep the side of the boat in the shade, when squid approaches Bingo u net it..........if u switch off completely u wont see the squid but he will see u for sure......what u think Rob
Ehhhh Shanook, using a net is cheating and old fashioned....you know that there are "labbar" around and that is what should be used. Veru ta when we were young we used to net them...immma those days are long gone Tony hi. Printers use very thin s/steel sheeting, make a shade out of this, you shd get it for free from any decent stamperia.
tooooooooo true mate but nowadays whatever comes along as long as it is of decent size u get it no matter how .........I like to fish for Kalamari but i like to eat them even better...especially as soon as I arrive home cold...u cut it in rings, a shallow fry, a glass of red wine and then u go to sleep HAPPY........
I like the printers S/Sheet I had forgotten all about those....and if they are not biting u read the sheet LOL
i don't know ton....... so far it happened to me 3 times...... that a squid stays outside the light, but i see him/her there..... twice at sea and once on land..... if your lure is in the light.... the squid won't give a f*** about you, he/she'll be 100%, no, 1000% focused on the lure...... and as soon as the light is out..... you won't count to 3 before getting a pull! this happened once with SOJ last April, another time some years back on our kajjik and around 2 years ago at sirens where a monster squid of the 1kg plus ones squeezed himself in the little dark between the light and the pier..... i noticed his silouette in the dark and saw his 'bronki' streching out to reach the lure of the rod i had as standby on the floor without getting himself in the beam...... as soon as i turned off the light....... bam, he was hooked......... all in a second, i just loosened the crocodile clip and grabbed rod simultanousley....
Thanks for the advice guys... so you mean i shouldn't be just fishing at the bottom? they come up?
some times they do...... depends where you're fishing...... you can also get them mid water....... but normally at the bottom
ah thats different if a squid is after the lure than u switch off.........i thought that u were referring that a squid appears in the shaded side just off the light when ur lures are deep down..........
heq heq......... if the lures are deep down....... we just bring them up.......... kemm ser iddum biex ittella 50 m xlief b idejk? ( how long will it take you to retrieve 50m of line by hand)
meh... no luck! spent 4 hours trying, but the sea seemed to be dead...
send me pm, tell me where you where etc and i'll try help
Quote from: robby017 on January 19, 2011, 13:21:22 CET
send me pm, tell me where you where etc and i'll try help
Robby017, I guess what you have to say to this gentleman could easily be shared with the rest of the forum. This is not the forum spirit we so much speak about. :P
Robby017, nahseb li ghandek tghid lil das-sinjur jista facilment jinghdd hawn halli jgawdi minnhu kullhadd. Il-mod li bih qed tirranguna mhuiex parti mill-ispirtu li nipprattikaw fuq il-forum :P
That's the way it should be I guess..... Mhux kulhadd bil-pmmmmm's :)
La nsib l ewwel qaddis lest jikxef s**** fuq il klamari b'mod miftuh hawn, imbghad innizzell bil qalb kollha....
wara kollox, forsi bmamo ma jridx jghid fejn ed mmurr
.. plz translate (ax mandix aptit) :P
You comment does not help one bit rob. This is an open forum where we discuss things in an open way. Its attitudes like yours that have been attracting negative comments in other areas of this forum. I can understand where you're coming from, but if Bmamo doesn't even want to devulge where he's fishing for clamari here, I don't see the point in Bmamo coming on here and asking for help in the first place. At the least, and I'm not encouraging this, you could have sent a pm to pmamo, not publicly post that if you need anything, PM me, as I said, negative attitudes are attracting negative comments from our VIP and premium members and are making them think twice about openly commenting on this public forum
Il-kumment tieghek lanqas xejn ma jghin. Dan huwa forum miftuh, fejn niddiskutu fil-miftuh. Huwa attitudni bhal tieghek li attiraw kummenti negativi fuq dan il-forum. Ghalkemm nifhmek, xorta jiba l-fatt li jekk bmamo ma jridx jikxef fejn qed immur jistad, allura x'qed jaghmel hawn issaqsi l-mistoqsijiet!. Ghal inqas, stajt tibghat PM lil pmamo, mhux hallejt post bhal dak fejn kullhadd seta jara l-attitudni li jiddispjacini nghid, qed tinfluenza hafna mill-memberi VIP u premium ta dan il-forum biex jibqaw lura milli jikkumentaw
QuoteIts attitudes like yours that have been attracting negative comments in other areas of this forum.
Quotenegative attitudes are attracting negative comments from our VIP and premium members and are making them think twice about openly commenting on this public forum
That's right, i'm a VIP member and when it comes to squid, i think twice before i start typing away. only 1 person from this forum showed me a differant way to fish for squid out at sea and i don't plan on giving other people's techniques away without their consent.
With regards my attitude, i don't know, but since i've registered i've got over 1500 posts to my name..... i think i was helping or maybe organising a social evening there... excluding a couple of jokes in the jokes section. Can't really see the negative attitude.
I asked bmamo to tell me where he was via pm cos as we all know.... for every location we fish.... there's a differant approach.
And i will never openly ask someone where he is fishing as much as i do not expect anyone to ask me the same thing openly. However, anyone who does ask, via msn, via pm via facebook via sms........ nobody can say i did not help them or lead them in the right direction.... 8)
If that's the way you see it Robby, then you really have a problem with your halo switch, its not lighting up!. I'm not about to go through your 1500 posts, but we've all showed some attitude here and there.
But to come on here, and openly ask a member to PM you, so you can discuss whatever you intended to discuss in private, then that demonstartes negativity and a disrespect to the spirit of this forum. If your intentions were so, then you should have PM'd him with your intention, and not openly post that here. What you did was interpreted as "Look guys, I know how to help out this guy, but I'm not about to share it with you lot, so bugger off". I don't believe that is what the intention of this forum was, is and should be. Having said that, I was thinking that it probably wasn't your intention also, until you blundered heavily in your next post. That Robby, is negativity.
Ok joe ... you're right. I approached to help this person in a wrong way. Lucky him, cos as wrong as it was, he got an answer and now I've got a history.
LOL....tajba din. We all have a history Robby.
Hey Guys,
Sorry for the commotion my thread has caused! I'm sure robby was only doing this to help me out, as all we discussed via PM is the place i went out from. I can still share it here with everyone, but make sure you don't go there as i got nothing! I went out from marsamxett and we followed around places where we saw others fishing for squids (tigne to portomaso area). We went out for around a mile but robby told me it was way too far out and that i should consider fishing nearer to land in a depth of around 20 - 30 meters, and that if i don't have a fishfinder then i should 'niskandilja' (i don't know the word in english sorry!) Oh and he also told me to look for current fronts and drop offs...
anything else robby?
This was the first time i tried for squids. Sorry i got no secrets and techniques to share! (As yet...) But i'll make sure to let you know about good points ;) it's no use having fun alone!
happy fishing all and good luck!
p.s. anyone knows how heavy and what type of sinker i should use? i used a bell shaped sinker and found it dragged quite a bit when jigging (I think i did get a squid once but wasn't sure if it was a squid or the weight!)
vary the weight of the lead according to the depth and current and the amount of lures you'll be using.......... in 20-30 met with no current 50g-70g weight is enuf....... in with 50 meters with current i use up to 170g
we never used to change weight. Once you got the feeling of that weight it s not advasable to keep on changing. Normally we use always same setup of lures, and to mention the place, i don t see anything wrong in showing it especially if you go at night it s easy to see where others fish.
And regard that squid that come to surface, sometimes we net them but most of the time we move. They does not catch the lure and for me thats the best time due that i really like seeing them swimming
Il klamari nahseb kif ghedt inti Emic ta ma hemmx sigrieti fuq il post ax kulhadd ikun jidher jistad al klamar hux.
Izjed tamel differenza l-armar ;)
Mela, l-armar taghmel differenza kbira! Jien lewwel darba li mort din is-sena kont armat differenti min missieri u jien qbat 24 u hu qabad 2....ma nahsibx li bkumbinazzjoni imma ghax kien armat mod iehor u kellu detall zghir qieghed jikxfu !
f'liem sens dettall zghir?
the above 3 posts are a prime example why i have not renewed my membership, it was started in english. :-X :-X :-X
Quote from: mike.d. on January 20, 2011, 12:56:57 CET
the above 3 posts are a prime example why i have not renewed my membership, it was started in english. :-X :-X :-X
Good point to bring out. With these 8€ you can buy a dictinery then.
Quotethe above 3 posts are a prime example why i have not renewed my membership, it was started in english.
don't worry miked, cos whilst they said alot in maltese..... The only part that's worth translating is the following statement. ' Its all about the tackle you use and how you rig it.'
But nobody defined their best way to rig it and what's their preferred lure....
SO, here's mine.......... when using a rod....... weight at the bottom (depending on current and depth) then 1 meter 0.25mm line to a 3 way swievel then another meter 0.30mm to a normal swievel..... and then up the main line 0.35mm to rod and reel. Sometimes i use 2 lures, but with the amount of abandoned nets and debris in our sea.... its not worth losing lures 2 at a time.
Tajba Emic sewwa ktibt!....Mike.d - Nothing really to do with the above "squid fishing" but thought to remind you that couple of weeks ago you mentioned that you have experience in organizing auctions and The Gaffer asked that you take the initiative. We need to act and implement any activity that generates cash for the Puttino Cares fund raising project that the MFF has embarked upon.Therefore i suggest that you plan and go ahead with this auction or maybe a car-boot sale in some place. I am more than convinced that we can collect several items (not necessarily marine/fishing related) from family & members. Come on guys, everybody has to do an effort in achieving our goals. Mike - if you go ahead with this activity (& you should) I won't buy you a dictionary but promise to give you free lessons in Maltese, verbal not written though! If you need any help in getting the thing going just contact me.
I'd just like to add to what Seafox is saying. I have a great offer from Buona Pesca Trading to create an online shop here. All items inported by Buona Pesca go on sale here at a discounted price, and all profit generated from this sale will go to the Puttinu Cares Foundation. If there's anyone willing to take this initiative forward, please let me know. I have more than enough on my plate at the moment, and cannot run this as well.
Hi Guys, do you think its a good time to try boat squid fishing close to shore at this time of year? Thanks!
the sea is still too warm.
Thanks Caldaland. Will wait a bit more.
Quote from: bigboy on October 08, 2012, 09:42:51 CET
Its good at the moment... but the squids are small so you should wait a little more
u can find nice size as well..if they are small just put them back they will survive dont worry, and you still have fun even if you go back home with just a few.
Go and Try!
Kemm l ahjar naghmel labar max xlief?
3 tajjeb pero siehbi jahdem bwahda biss u jaqbad ukoll
Shanook jien nahdem b 4..... mhux biex naqbad hafna izda biex nahdem il fondi sew u jkolli l varjeta ;)
Irnexxieli niccappas bil linka! :)
naqbel mieghek Big qieli anki sitta kellna imma fuq idejna mhux bil qasba....bil qasba lahjar li sibt 3. Imma dik opinioni jew le tippermetti il qasba tieghi. nista inzommhom aktar vicin ikatar ma jara caqliq u movimenet nahseb ahjar.
ghamilt xi haga il hadd ghax il bahar kien sabih wisq.
Prosit Mayer ir risq man......mill art jew mid dajsa
Le jien bil mitlaq inkun. u mal qasba 2 jew 3 vicin hafna
big boy meta tejd vicin hafna kemm ikunu qrib?
Jien qasba ta metru u nofs ghandi. Normalment narmala 3 labar u nbedom pied min xulxin u nixheta tistad weheda ax jien inkun bil mitlaq f idi. U emmini gili spiccajt intellahha ax ma nkunx nista nlahhaq mahha !
YUPP!!!! ;D
Tlaqna sa GH.T. Buffu ?????? :P
Hi all,
I am still very green when it comes to fishing (although I've been at sea for more than 14 years!) and I have been wanting to try out squid fishing. The info here has been very useful to someone like me.
Thank you all for sharing! (I hope the in the future I will able to share with you :) )