A friend of mine has a Greys Excursion boat rod 8' 10-20lb and broke the tip in half. Since it is very useful when travelling abroad and he travels a lot he desperately wish to repair it . Does anyone knows from where he can buy parts for this rod locally or from abroad or if can it be repaired locally please.
That is a 6 piece rod. I do not think you can fix the rod blank itself. You'll need to contact Grey's fishing and get yourself a new section.
Thanks clutch-kick I did contact them and today I recieved an email from Greys saying that the cost of the replacment section is £30 including postage. I asked here maybe somone knows a local agent for Greys.
Whenever i wanted to fix a rod i always go to Pirotta in Griza, if he cant fix it himself he will get it fixed for you somwhere else so worth trying there.