Malta Fishing Forum

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: nivram017 on April 22, 2011, 13:57:05 CET

Title: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 22, 2011, 13:57:05 CET
Hi ppl,
this year i got interested in starting some deep drop fishing with an electric reel. Usually we use line and hook however we rarely got some good results. I came across a well priced electric fishing reel on the net which is the new Banax Kaigen 1000. Does anyone have ever used a similar one? Can anyone give me some feedback whether such reel is a good performer or wheter it is missing some essential feature?. What type of rod shall i get and what else do i need to have a complete gear please?. Any help is very much appreciated as i am new to this type of fishing.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 22, 2011, 14:05:55 CET
Personally I've never heard of these reels.  I use kristal fishing 650 and Miya Epoch 4.  Depends what depth you're targeting, area, and fish.  I use a Diawa dendoh bent but rod, as this fits snugly into the gunnel roadholder and provides the exact angle for fishing.  Spool up with a good quality spectra braid.  Again, depending on the depth you're hoping to fish in, you need to match your lead weight.  if you could at least provide more info on target species and depth, then I'm sure you'll get the right anwsers.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 22, 2011, 14:31:56 CET
Hi Gaffer, thanks a lot for your reply. I am targeting to fish at  around 300m and over for some Bazuk, skorfon t'ghajnu etc. This is some info i got from the seller's site if it may help............... (I am not sure about the jigging feature yet, still to have it confirmed!)

Banax combine their finest components and features with precision manufacturing technology. It provides strong cranking power by an eletric motor and adjust accurate depth bay digital control.

What makes the Banax electric reels so much better than traditional electrics?   
First of all, they are Electric or Manual so no need to worry about blown fuses or dead batteries when you have
the big one on.  They are much lighter, faster, quieter, smarter, and in many cases just as strong or stronger. 
They also have a line counter, level-wind, and auto-stop features.  These reels make a great day of fishing that
much better.  No more hand cranking to check your bait.

Are the reels Electric or Manual?
Our reels are electric, manual, or both.  They can be strictly electric by using the Speed Adjustable Accelerator
Lever, strictly manual by using the handcrank, or both by using the Speed Adjustable Accelerator Lever &
handcrank simultaneously.  The handcrank remains stationary in electric mode unless you choose to turn it.

Does the Banax have an Auto-Stop feature?
Yes, and it's great.  This prevents pulling your swivel or kite through the eye of your rod.  Just engage the speed
adjustable accelerator lever and walk away.

What power source can I use?
The reels are 12V (DC) like most other electric reels.  A 12V battery is your best choice, however we use 12V
(400 amp) portable jump starters and they last an entire day of fishing with to 2 people using it.
What kind of power cord comes with reels?
The Banax come with 9ft (nine foot) power cords with alligator clips.

Who is Banax?
"Banax" (as it is now known) was originally founded as a joint venture with Daiwa-Japan in 1973 and separated
from Daiwa-Japan in 1986.  It merged with LG Int'l Corp. in July of 1992 and re-branded itself Bando Sports Ltd.
in August of 1992. The "Banax" brand was created in 1997 and the company later changed it's name to Banax
Co., LTD in 2002.  Banax's baitcasting reels have long been a favorite of bass fishermen.

Standard Features:

Aluminum machine cut handle knob.
Black anodized aluminum diecasting frame.
Aluminum forged spool.
Smooth three carbon drag washers. (Total 6 washers)
Washable design.
Power "ON/OFF" and speed control available by speed lever.
Jigging function available.
Sensitive adjustable digital unit to set the depth.
Memory back up while unplug a moment.
Braking the motor during overspeed.
2 Ball bearings.
Standard weight 1620g.
Max Drag force 20Kgs
Instant maximum winding power 35Kgs.
Pratical max retrieve power: 10Kgs.
Max speed: 160m/min
Gear ratio 2.8:1
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 22, 2011, 14:52:40 CET
Great writeup.  Spool up with 50 to 60lbs specrta briad.  Misterfish and Buona pesca Trading both stock good quality braid, its your choice.  Terminate with a 70lb leader and have 4 to 5 hook strands.  You should ideally mount your hook strands on rotating swivels and beads.  Also use full circle hooks as these prevent the fish from disgourging the hook.  Use at least 1kg wieght as lead, and tie the lead to your terminal line using a 20 to 30lb line.  That way, if your weight gets stuck to the bottom,(which beleive me, it will) you only lose the weight.  As for bait, again, this is according to your preference, but stripes of tumbrell, clamaretti and shrimps are all good bait.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: busumark on April 22, 2011, 15:00:22 CET
BANAX are imported by Buona Pesca Trading. my friend just bought 2 two weeks ago and we tried them 2 times. they seem to be good reels strong, and have good speed when going up with out fish so you save some time. i was using a 1.8 kg lead and it was no problem for the reel even with some bazug hooked. we put 800 mtrs of 152 Lbs braid 0.54 mm. its the same like the Daiwa tanacom bull even same functions but cheaper.

PM OKUMA-1976 he can give you more information
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 22, 2011, 16:12:19 CET
gaffer thanks a lot for your detailed description of the setup i will try to set one up and give it a try. Thanks to you as well busu. I will try to contact Okuma and have a look at Buona Pesca as well. At what depth do you usually fish for Bazug please?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: busumark on April 22, 2011, 19:12:26 CET
OKUMA-1976 and Buona Pesca Trading are the same. For bazug you can fish between 350 - 500 metres
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 23, 2011, 09:09:47 CET
Is PE 6 or PE 8 (Braid) good for spooling?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: skip on April 23, 2011, 15:12:30 CET
PE line ratings are what the Japanese use and are more focused on diameter.

A simple way of determining PE ratings is to simply multiply the PE number x 10 to get LB strenght.  e.g. PE5 = 50lb approx.  But you will always have some braid makers whose PE5 breaks well above the nominal 50lb. 

YGK Ultra is a good example where its
PE5 = 86lb, PE8 = 113lb!   Apart from being very smooth it is very strong for its diameter and expensive to match.

So I would say PE5 would be fine for your application. 
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on April 23, 2011, 15:22:44 CET
If you do a search on the forum you will find a write up on PE ratings that i posted a while ago.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 23, 2011, 18:19:16 CET
I have tried the search however i got no result. Is it usual to catch capullazz as well? And what type of knot should be used between the braid and the leader? Any particular tools that need to be used?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: skip on April 24, 2011, 08:03:52 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on April 23, 2011, 15:22:44 CET
If you do a search on the forum you will find a write up on PE ratings that i posted a while ago.

Just to help you and others, whenever you want to do a general search on the forum, first click on the main board index , using the button 'FORUM' near the MFF logo top right hand side and then search in the white box on the top right hand side. Otherwise you are just searching within your current board.,3222.0.html
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 24, 2011, 09:12:49 CET
ok thanks a lot skip.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: fishfinder on April 24, 2011, 10:24:19 CET
nivram017 do not use very thick braid as this will make more resistance in the bottom currents. between .50 /.55mm is the best. and use a big swivel between the braid and the leader.

if you contact buona pesca he will definetly help you and I suggest that you buy locally such equipment because from ebay or so it will not be easy to be covered with a guarantee.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 25, 2011, 17:25:50 CET
Is a 20-30lb rated rod such as the Shimano Catana 1.65m  good for this type of fishing?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: robby017 on April 25, 2011, 17:44:44 CET
i don't think so..... minimum i'd say is 30-50lbs...... keeping in mind the 1kg+ weight you need to get to the bottom! and the Xkg of fish you hope to pull back up!!! :-D
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: Moonwalker on April 25, 2011, 18:09:18 CET
20 - 30lbs is good too but it all depends on the actual rod not just its marked poundage. Best way would be to test the rod with the actual weight and check that it stays sensitive enough to feel the biting.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on April 29, 2011, 17:44:53 CET
Min hu l-agent tad-Daiwa electric reels hawn Malta please?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: benri on April 29, 2011, 19:13:45 CET
Nahseb li Angler Centre, G'mangia. Hdejn st. lukes
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on May 01, 2011, 10:01:10 CET
Hawn xi hadd juza Daiwa electric rell?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: bmamo on August 25, 2011, 13:45:52 CET
Skuzawni ha naqbad u nerga nikteb f'din it-thread, imma ma niflahx nahli aktar flus fi fuel - nahseb ga nfaqt mas-€600 petrol das sajf. Ili ndur infittex ix-xfar il barra minn filfla u birzebbuga u hekk zmien twil u ghadni qas irenxxieli naqbad bazuk wiehed. Dejjem liska u comba ntella nispicca u kwazi kwazi qtajt qalbi lanqas haq il flus li nfaqt fuq equipment.

Imxejt ma hafna mill affarijiet li qedin tghidu aw, l-unika haga li m'ghamiltx hija li biddilt il liska ghax qed nistad bi klamari zghar tal friza. Kien hemm min qalli biex nghamel id dawl fil qiegh pero ma nafx ghal xiex ezatt qed jirreferi. Jimporta xi hadd jaghtini daqqa t'id jekk jogobkom?

Grazzi ta l-ghajnuna li dejjem tghatu
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: The_Gaffer on August 25, 2011, 14:24:08 CET
@Bmamo - miniex xi espert, hawn hafna mustaccuni ahjar minni hawn meta nitkelmu fuq sajd Deep droping.  Pero, trid taghmel dawl ma l-ahhar swivel qabel ma tibda l-ferha tas-snanar.  Rigward liska, tista tuza gambli tal-friza ukoll. 

Jekk tmur ghand Mark tal Fishing Frenzy (by pass ta Wied il- Ghajn), tista tixtri l-bozza minn hemm, u Mark jaf jghidlek kollox fuq deep drop, u anki forsi jghidlek fej tmur hdejn filfla ghal bazug. 

Mhux bilfors trid tistad ezatt fuq ix-xifer.  Hemm post(area) bejn filfla u Ghar dalam, bejn l-ewwel u t-tieni xifer, forma ta hofra kbira.  Fond jibda minn xi 200mtrs u fin nofs tal hofra jinzel ghal xi 450mtrs.  hemmhekk post tajjeb ghal-deep drop fishing. 

Importanti tifhem Bmamo, li hadd mhu ser jghidlek b'postijiet ezatt.  Li nista nghidlek jien huwa li meta tkun barra, skandalja l-area sew, u prova.  Jekk ma jmiss ma l-ewwel tefha, igbor kollox u caqlaq minn hemm.  Generalment, il-bazug immiss mill-ewwel.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on August 25, 2011, 15:04:50 CET
Id-dawl aktarx jghin xi ftit pero mhiex haga ppruvata. li nista nghid li l-konzijiet qatt ma kellhom dwal u meta gew f'postijiet tajbin il-hut xorta nqabad. S'issa anqas jien ghadni ma sibtx post tajjeb ghall-bazuk pero trid titla l'fuq aktar minn Filfla habib.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: bmamo on August 25, 2011, 15:10:58 CET
Grazzi gaffer ta l-ghajnuna. Naf li mhux ha jtuni coordinates perfetti ux qas nippretendihom, izda bhalek illi tajtni naqra idea ta liem naha nista nipprova ga ghamilt pass kbir!

bozza ghandi ga, filkas immur nixtri ohra halli naqbad konverzazzjoni hehe. Allura dan Mark bniedem orrajt li jghinek? Ghax jiddispjacini nghid illi f'certu hanut li kont immur nixtri minnu meta kienu jaraw li jien dilettant u ghadni nibda flok jghinuni iktar kienu ma jghatux kasi, ghax qisom minghandi ma jistghu jiehdu xejn. Ma rridx insemmi ismijiet ghax mhux sew ee ovjament.

grazzi hafna sieheb!


Jien li qaluli huwa li d-dawl jigbed l-attenzoni peress ilil hem misfel ma jasalx dawl u jkun hemm dlam cappa. nahseb better safe than sorry u nippruvaha l-ahjar haga. Li qed tghid fuq il konzijiet forsi ghandek ragun, pero nista nghidlek illi anqas bil konz ma kelli furtuna ghax fuq konz ta 200 sunnara 2 gattarelli u hamiema zghira kulma telghu!

Allura tahseb li ghandi nitla lejn il gnejna u hekk? ghandek idea xi kemm trid tohrog il barra? speci hemm ghalfejn nohrog li ma narax art jew ma jimpurtax?

ee u grazzi lilek ukoll ta l-ghajnuna ;)
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: fishfinder on August 25, 2011, 15:24:28 CET
Bmamo, jekk inti qed tahdem b'chartplotter suppost ghandek tarah ix-xifer li hemm l-barra min filfla. la darba tiskorri l-filfla sib fond min 220m sa 400-450m u zgur li ghandek issib il- bazug. ma hemmx ghalfejn jkollok il-bearings ghax dawn tkun tista taghmilhom inti la darba tkun sibt il-post li joghgob lilek. ippruva innota xi daghjsa wieqfa ghax dik zgur ghal bazug tkun ;) bhala lixka il-klamari huma tajbin hafna pero billi tvarja min hin ghal iehor ma taghmilx hazin ghax fuq imsell, kavalli u tumbrell jmiss wkoll. personalment bozza hija tajba hafna u kif diga spjegalek il-gaffer trid tkun mwahla mas-swivel qabel jibdew is-snanar. hu hsieb li qed tuza comba tqila sew u li tkun armat bil-braided ghax ma tarax il mess tal-hut.

good luck
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on August 25, 2011, 15:30:28 CET
ifhem ezattament ma nafx nghidlek ghax anqas jien ghadni ma sibt post tajjeb. jien ukoll armajt qasba ghal- deep dropping dan is-sajf ghalkemm ghadna nahdmu ftit bil-konzijiet. L-ahhar li hrigt kien il-hadd li ghadda u spiccajt ma stadtx biha ghax hallejt il-power cable warajja  ;D, pero fuq il-konz qbadna ftit skorfon t'ghajnu, u cappullazza. Milli smajt s'issa jidher li ghall bazug triq tkun qbizt il-ballun ta Had-Dingli u trid tistad f'madwar 350 - 450 metru. Nawguralek li ssib post tajjeb forsi tkun tista tghinni xi ftit int ukoll mhux hekk!!
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: shanook on August 25, 2011, 15:43:45 CET
il postijiet li semmejtu kolla tajbin.....pero mhux lewwel darba li tmur fuq post li tkun qbadt qabel u ma jmissekx.....iddur naqra sajd hekk......jien ma nafx ghalfejn daqqa imiss u daqqa le. ghawn minn jied il nafx mela jekk ikun hemm il kurrent il hut ma jiekolx..
li fih sabih is sajd tal qieh u li tejd kelma ma shabek u ma jkollokx il magni ghaddejjin il hin kollu....
the mentioned spots are all good...but its not the first time that u visit a productive spot and u dont catch anything...u have to move around...I cant understand why this happens...some say its the currents ..I dont know so when there is a bit of a current the fish dont eat???
the best thing about deep fishing is that u have a good chat with friends and in Silence (no engine noise)
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on August 25, 2011, 15:51:51 CET
proset shanook naqbel mieghek perfettament. bhal ma ghadni kif ghidt sal Hadd li ghadda konna bil-konzijiet. fuq wiehed ma gibna xejn fuq tlieta ohra gibna huta jew tnejn u fuq l-ahhar wiehed li kien f'nofshom ingbarna!. Dawn kienu kollha ma genb xulxin f;'area ta mhux aktar minn nofs mil. X'inhi ir-raguni ma nafx, pero l-hut tal-qiegh hekk hu, tmur fl-istess post u daqqa taqbad u daqqa le. L-aqwa li tqatta saghtejn ghall kwiet! :)
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: bmamo on August 25, 2011, 15:53:04 CET
grazzi ta l-ghajnuna lil kulhadd. ergajtu qawwejtuli qalbi biex nghidilkom id dritt!

Nuza garmin gpsmap 420 u fuq il fishing charts ikun hemm il fond immarkat fuq il contours, imam ma jaqblux mal fond tal fishfinder igifeiri ma nafx ezatt! Issa mmur nesplora hemm u jekk nara li ma messx naqbad u mmexxi xi 200 metru l-hemm jew l-aw.

hazin jekk hallejt il power cable l-art! qas haqq kemm iddum tipprepara biex xi haga hekk thawwadlek gurnata! Tibzax jekk insib post nghinek mandix ghalfejn noqod inzomm kollox ghalija, bast ama tmurx tkaxkar il qiegh b'xi trawler imbad lol!
U qe dissemmi konzijiet, tahseb li ahjar hafna konzijiet zghar milli konz wiehed kbir?

Jien dik li titfi il makna u tghid kelmtejn l-hena tieghi, li jdejjaqni biss meta jkun hemm xi xeba rih jew kurrent u tispicca trejjex ghal tal qiegh hehe. Ippruvajna nuzaw drift anchor imma ghalxejn ghax ma kullimkien bdiet iddur u ghal ftit ma wehlitx max-xolfa!
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on August 25, 2011, 16:06:42 CET
hehe serrah rasek li mhux se mmur bi trawler! Jien ftit li xejn ikolli cans nohrog, imma meta nkun hemm barra nista nghid li nkun qieghed fis-sebgha sema'!!!!. Rigward konzijiet l-aktar li nitfghu huma dawk li jsejhulhom saqajn , jigifieri jkollok madwar 50 - 80 sunnara ma nzul wiehed. Ifhem illum il-gurnata ma nafx kemm ghadhom worth it imma la jkollok tipprova tuzahom. Imnalla kienu huma fl-ahhar sajda ghax kieku konna nkunu hadna triq ghal xejn. Ras hazina par saqajn tajba jghidu li trid, jew f'dal kaz flus fil but ha tixtri d-diesel ! :)
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: fishfinder on August 25, 2011, 17:04:34 CET
@bmamo suppost apparti in numri ghandek tara xi linja li turi li fil vicin ta dik il linja l-bahar ser jfondi.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: bmamo on August 25, 2011, 17:24:51 CET
isas mela nara naqa sew ghal xiex qed tirreferi nara x'insib
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: shanook on August 25, 2011, 17:41:32 CET
jekk fuq il fishfinder (le mhux charlo) tara differenza fil qieh igifieri bhal gholja dik tajba. tinsiex li jekk tkun fil hama jew ramel u issib gholja ta ftit metri, dik tista tkun gebla u hemm ikun hemm il hut..qiesek sibt Oasi fid desert.
u haga ohra kun lest li ha thalli hafna xlief u snanar warajk ghax fejn hemm il bazut hemm cans li tehel ghax tkun gol blat

if u see a ridge on the fishfinder(no not charlo) its is worth trying it out.Dont forget that if u are seeing mud or sand and then there is a ridge that can mean rocks and that is like an Oasis in the desert.
and another thing be ready to lose some hooks, line and sinkers as when u find the spotted bream there is a good chance to get stuck on the rocks
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on August 25, 2011, 17:45:34 CET
Bmamo gieli ghall anqas inzertajt xi skorfon t'ghajnu jew capulazz ?
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: bmamo on August 26, 2011, 14:26:18 CET
xejn ta kulma nzertajt sirran u mhux xi kbir anqas.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: snapper on August 26, 2011, 14:35:22 CET
Jien ghadni gdid daqshekk ghal dan is- sajd imma nahseb li fejn hemm is- sirran qatt mhu ser isib bazuk...Wiehed issibu taht il-100mtr u l- iehor il- fuq min 200mtr.
Bmamo, jien bhalek armajt din is-sena u m' inhiex sodisfatt. Armajt bil knuz u l- hjut imma.
Qbadt hafna raghaj, rebekkini, mazzol u ftit skorfon t' ghajnu.
Cippullazz u bazuk xejn. L- izball, li kont qed immur lejn filfla u hemm kulhadd qalli li ma baqa xejn...
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: nivram017 on August 26, 2011, 14:52:12 CET
ahna kull meta hdimna qrib filfla jew ftit il-barra qatt ma gibna xejn sura - issa mikul -  u bhal ma qal snapper jekk qed taqbad is-sirran ghadek fil-baxx mhux hazin. il-Bazuk trid tkun qbizt zgur il 250m biex forsi ssibu.
Title: Re: Deep Drop fishing
Post by: bmamo on August 26, 2011, 15:29:19 CET
ija is sirran mill baxx qbadtu, mill fond xejn ghad. issa naraw forsi nipprova kif qaluli aktar il fuq.