Malta Fishing Forum

Main => General Discussion => Off Topic => Topic started by: The_Gaffer on October 28, 2011, 14:56:32 CET

Title: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: The_Gaffer on October 28, 2011, 14:56:32 CET
The malta Fishing Forum is about to organise a number of beginners lectures addressing various types and techniques of land and sea fishing.  We have noticed a number of queries lately on the forum which might merit the effort in organising these lectures.  The lectures will address basic forms of rod fishing, including spinning, beach casting, rod and pole fishing.  As well as most types of boat fishing, including light trolling, big game trolling (alongi) and ordinary boat rod fishing.  Depending on the numbers we get, and if the interest is sufficient, then we can go ahead and organise.  We can get a number of people to share their expertise in fishing techniques.  
Register your interest here, stating which type of lecture you'd be interested in attending.  We will try and keep the costs down as much as possible, but again, this would generally depend on the interest shown here and the numbers attending.

Hemm il-hsieb li l-Malta Fishing Forum jorganizza numru ta lezzjonijiet ghal beginners fuq kull tip ta sajd, kemm mill-art, kif ukoll mill bahar.  Qed ninutaw li hemm talba generali ghal dawn it-tip ta' lezzjonijiet gejjin minn hafna beginners.  Kollox jiddependi jekk ikun hemm interess u partecipazjoni.  Hemm numru sabih ta nies li lesti jaqsu l-esperjenzi tahhom maghkhom.  
Nitolbukhom tnizlu issimkhom hawn, u tindikaw liema tip ta sajd jinteressakhom.  L-ghan taghna huwa li nzommu l-ispejjez baxxi kemm jista jkun.  Pero dan jiddependi ukoll mill-interess taghkom kif ukoll min dawk li jirregistraw l-interess tahhom li jattendu.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: suffrun on October 28, 2011, 15:31:12 CET
This is a great initiative and I am sure that the outcome/response will be positive.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: yogi on October 29, 2011, 18:46:58 CET
if this happen it will be great!!, when i started boat fishing i had to start experimenting and many times failing , this lessons might have save me lots of time and cash, now i improved and caches are nice but still i will be happy to attend to the lessons.,

Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: ken82 on October 31, 2011, 12:57:11 CET
Count me in!!! :)

Jiena nemmen li tajbin anke ghal min mhux beginner. Jien ili qrib 4snin nippratika l spinning u dejjem infittex u naqra u xi haga gdida issib.

Meta jsiru avzaw minn qabel minhabba leave u affarijiet hekk ghax issa li gej l ahhr tas sena jibda jonqos l leave . thanks
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: Rush on October 31, 2011, 18:59:22 CET
I think it would be interesting to gain some knowledge especially  for us beginners. When you have more info tell us pls. I want to learn more about spinning.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: The_Gaffer on November 01, 2011, 10:39:40 CET
The Malta Fishing Forum is happy to announce that the beginners lectures on spinning techniques will be delivered by Charles Gauci (clutch_kick) of fame.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on November 01, 2011, 11:16:58 CET
Quote from: The_Gaffer on November 01, 2011, 10:39:40 CET
The Malta Fishing Forum is happy to announce that the beginners lectures on spinning techniques will be delivered by Charles Gauci (clutch_kick) of fame.

Cheers Gaffer.  I'll keep this lesson down to the bare basics to help out the beginners.  If I see that there is enough interest I will organise a few specialised lectures such as Shore Jigging, Silicones, and Light Rock Fishing.  By the way, here is a preview of some Light Rock Fishing :)

Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: ken82 on November 04, 2011, 17:15:07 CET
Any  place and dates confirmed?

I think the choice of the teacher was good too. Cu soon
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on November 04, 2011, 18:05:53 CET
As soon as I get in touch with Gaffer I will let you guys know when and where it will be organised.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: twoutes on November 04, 2011, 22:52:43 CET
What a brialliant Idea! Alot of keen begginers join forums like this, but sometimes keep from asking questions due to imbaressment. Eventually they work it out, but the learning curve is long and tediouse.
This type of insentive will change that, get to meet fellow forum members, and enjoy our great sport.

Good luck with it!
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: tin on November 05, 2011, 13:33:43 CET
interesanti hafna l ahwa.nejd alija jien li ili nistad xorta wahda natendi
ax dejjem titalem xi haga gdida u taqsam l ideat ma haddiehor. ;)
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: Maria on November 06, 2011, 12:41:41 CET
That's a very good idea. I am interested in shore bottom fishing, bil-qasba ta' l-idejn, u anke bir-reel bdejt xi haga issa, keep up the good work you're doing and good luck.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: The_Gaffer on November 07, 2011, 11:01:49 CET
Seems that interest is picking up.  I think the first lectures will be based on Shore spinning, with Charles Gauci (Clutch_kick) delivering the lecture himself.  Once we get a venue and date organised we'll keep you all posted. 
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: chrifene on November 15, 2011, 07:57:52 CET
I would be interested in joining as well. I am sure that such lessons will be great for beginners and even for experienced ones. Thanks.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: ken82 on December 18, 2011, 19:02:19 CET
Fiex wasalna ghal lectures ghax ma ssemma xej iktar
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on December 18, 2011, 22:36:17 CET
I'll most probably organise mine around Feb/Mar, but i still need to co-ordinate with the MFF staff.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: chrifene on January 26, 2012, 10:10:07 CET
Is there any news regarding the mentioned lessons please? :) thanks.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on January 26, 2012, 11:41:53 CET
As soon as there is an indication of some calm weather, i was planning of doing a demo, specifically on LRF.  There will also be a generic demo/lecture on spinning, that will cover light/normal spinning, and I will introduce Shore Jigging too.  Dates still need to be confirmed but most probably this will be in March, so we will have a reasonably good chance of sunny weather :)
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on January 26, 2012, 16:35:36 CET
Clutch kick will show you some amazing techniques for sure ;) well done for the initiative
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on January 26, 2012, 18:39:45 CET
Quote from: L-Ghaxqi on January 26, 2012, 16:35:36 CET
Clutch kick will show you some amazing techniques for sure ;) well done for the initiative

Oh by that time I will have the KG Evolution 120g Shore Jigging rod, so that people can get an idea of the set up.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on January 27, 2012, 08:30:35 CET
amazing stuff buddy...all you need is money :p haha I was hoping of buying a shore jigging rod next season :D
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: johnbrimbu on January 28, 2012, 09:02:35 CET
jiena kieku nithajar imma skond meta jkun
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on January 30, 2012, 08:42:32 CET
you will sure find it extra amazing will forget about your usual fishing techniques :P
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: Kevin G on February 02, 2012, 19:01:39 CET
clutch_chick count me in if I will not have any serious plans.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on February 02, 2012, 22:42:31 CET
Ok, I just need the weather to cooperate, that is all.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on February 03, 2012, 08:34:59 CET
haha spinning session charles?
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: ken82 on February 03, 2012, 13:54:51 CET
jien nigi, li titghallem mhux telf!!   
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on February 03, 2012, 17:21:10 CET
Quote from: L-Ghaxqi on February 03, 2012, 08:34:59 CET
haha spinning session charles?

yes a practical lesson in spinning.  We'll look at the kit you need to begin with, the types of lures on the market and how to use them.  A few words on Catch and Release, and conservation.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on February 06, 2012, 09:31:49 CET
good job ;) keep up the good work. I'm considering joining :D
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: Kevin G on February 16, 2012, 11:19:35 CET
any news regarding practical lesson in spinning?
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: marsius on February 21, 2012, 08:46:55 CET

Just registered today, so hello everyone.

I am also interested with spinning/jigging. will be waiting for updates

Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on February 29, 2012, 14:09:41 CET
Ok Guys. Weather looks OK for next Sunday 4th.  I'll be organising a Spinning lecture at 2pm. We'll meet up in front of the Black Pearl, then we can find a quiet spot to cast a few lures.

This is going to be a very basic demo/lesson. I will be covering the tackle and equipment that you need. The we'll cover some casting techniques, retrieves, and some knots.  Don't expect secret spots :D

PS ... no need to PM me or call, just turn up on the day.  If for any reason I have to cancel it I will post on this thread.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: marsius on March 01, 2012, 15:51:06 CET
This is the actual session or just an intro? there will be a more advanced session later on? How much time this lesson is going to take? Ghax bil malti maritx nihu il leave jekk din se tkun session ta kwarta kollox ;P  jew se tkun fit twul? :D
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: Kevin G on March 01, 2012, 18:06:34 CET
thanks clutch_kick for your time,I will be there for sure with my equipment.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on March 01, 2012, 20:05:50 CET
This is going to be an intro session, aimed for the total beginner. I will go through the equipment you need to carry around with you, and explain some basic stuff like casts, retrieves for Jerk baits, Poppers, WTD, etc. It will probably be about an hour and a half I guess.  I am planning to do more specific an advanced sessions, which I will organise with a limited amount of spinners say 6 at a time so that we can make the most of it.

So basically if you know the basics you do not really need to come, so we can avoid being a large group.  I will post on this thread when I will be organising a more advanced demo and I will take names.
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: clutch_kick on March 03, 2012, 23:26:58 CET
Guys, sorry I have to cancel this, but I am sick at home with fever. Not a good idea to go out :(
Title: Re: Beginners Lectures in Fishing
Post by: Kevin G on March 04, 2012, 11:52:27 CET
ok gws clutch_kick