aw xi had jaf jajdli kif tista tiregista V H F ax xtrajt wihed min fuq ebay u mandix ideja xi trid tamel bix niregistrah . Grazzi :'( :'(
:-\ :-\
Contact the MCA you need to make an appointment to get your VHF tested by them. Once you have this test document you can register with MMA for a call sign
do you know from where I can get the contacts please .
General Contacts
Frequently Asked Questions, see Q.9 and Q.10
Q. 9 I intend to purchase my maritime radio equipment from abroad
What do I have to do?
A. The MCA strongly recommends that prior to procuring any radio
equipment from abroad you contact our office for technical advice. This
would minimise the risks of importing equipment which is not compliant
with national legislation. After purchasing the equipment from abroad you
need to follow the procedure set out in Q.10.
Q. 10 I am already in possession of a VHF radio obtained from abroad.
What do I have to do to get things in order and apply for a call
sign/MMSI number?
A. First, it has to be established that your equipment complies with the
relevant technical and regulatory conditions of the General Authorisation.
This is carried out through basic tests on the equipment at the MCA labs.
In this regard you should contact the MCA to set an appointment in order
for the said tests to be carried out.
If the radio is found not to be compliant with the regulations, it must
either be sealed or destroyed by MCA or exported back (against
documentary evidence) to the country of origin. In case of sealing, a fee of
€11.60 must be remitted. If the radio is found to be compliant, you will
need to submit the MCA test report to your vessel registration authority in
order to apply for the required identities (call sign/MMSI number).
thanks skip
L Amerika tmur il hanut tal electronics u taqbad u tixtri wiehed.......l italia listess ma tridx hafna licenzji......imma hawn irridu is security maaaaaaa..ghal inqas ma ghadniex irridu inhallsu il licenzja (taxxa) radio qied ghas safety.......minn irid ghal affarijiet ohra illum ghandu il mobile u ma juzax il VHF.
sintendi dan qied nieghdu mill kif nirraguna jien ghax jista jkun hemm xi affarijiet li jien ma nafghhomx...imma jekk barra ma jtellifhomx miss security ghallura ghalfejn hawn Malta iva.......
jien naqbel mijak shanook jien xtrajtu min ebay u ma konc naf li irid niregistrah u xeba kumidi min dawn . isa li em em