Can anyone tell me how to get to Mtahleb, everyone is mentioning this place but unfortunately don't know how to get their. Would like to explore new places. 8)
Thanks in advance.
As you said it EXPLORE. road signs, google earth , GPS. one of these can lead you there. go there in day light and EXPLORE. Nothing is more rewarding than making a catch from a spot you found by yourself
bhal ma qallek sewwa trid tfittex habib...hadd mhu ha jigi jajdlek postijiet...
Dal habib taghna kull ma saqsiena hu kif tasal l imtahleb ta !!!! qas li huwa post li hadd ma jaf bih come on nies :( Billi tejnuh naqa kif ha jasal ma jfissirx li se tikxfu xi post min taghkom !
Jien nixtieq li nista nghinek habib imma mhux delettant ta fuq l art :(
Sent him a PM guys with the locations to look for.
The roads are difficult to explain big but i can give him the GPS location of the places
try this link might help a bit keep the church as a reference point to be able to find your exact position. good luck.
Tnx for everyone who in a way tried to help me.
Big boy, jin nipreferi min fuq id dajsa, imma meta jkun dat temp fix xitwa ma nisugrax nohrog, alura inmur min fuq lart. Kemm jista jkun ingawdi lisport jew hobby kif nista, fis sajf bid dajsa u fix xitwa mil lart ;)
Qbadt xi haga bin_gaffer
Ma nafx ci tkun mort naqa spinning lirnella. Umbad intfajt naqa tal qih imma xejn. Al darbohra ..