Malta Fishing Forum

Main => General Discussion => Introductions & Newbie's Corner => Topic started by: Mayer on April 17, 2008, 22:51:31 CET

Title: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Mayer on April 17, 2008, 22:51:31 CET
Hi all! 1st of all well done for this great foum!
One of my hobbies is spear fishing and I am thinking of buying a wet suit so I can go during winter time. Can you please give me some tips on choosing a good one? Also, one of my drawbacks when spearfishing is to stay aware to see where the gellyfish are. Will a wetsuit help? Thanks!
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: EmicMalta on April 18, 2008, 14:04:15 CET
Hi Mayer,

1st of all well come in this forum. Yes a good wetsuit help a lot. As i go diving nearly each day, even in summer i get afraid to swim without a suit. First i get cold really fast and second with all that jelly fish.

For d suit you can start with a 5mm apnea one but have to see how much u wish to spend. With Lm70-Lm80 you can start with  good one but for a profesinal one need about Lm 145. Also these pro once aren t good for you cos are very fragile and need to care and know how to wear them.

For the jelly fish it  helps u a lot but remember that your face wouldn t be covered so you need to care for it. In fact on my face i have a dark mark. That isnt cos of the mask. Its cos to much jellyfish around, and somethimes i got also 5 times hit by them. But it doesn t hurt me any more. yes i do get pain for the 5 seconds but i never tauch them so that after a minute i dont feel it any more. Sometimes I pass from whole areas like 20-40mtrs of jelly fish and its inpossible not to be hit by them.

You can also wear a sock on your face bit this should be used very cleaver cos for safety isn t so nice
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Mayer on April 18, 2008, 23:51:24 CET
Hi EmicMalta! Thanks for your reply!
Since I would like to use it for winter what mm do you suggest? a 5mm or a 7mm? and regarding color.... what do you suggest?
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Granitu on April 19, 2008, 08:43:33 CET
consider the type of suit you need and the depths you will target... a wet suit is generally less buoyant than a semi dry or a a dry suit but it won't keep you as warm. let me note that being more buoyant means more lead wieght. and more lead weight means more back strains unless you adopt weight distribution.

It is good to know your depts and technique and to choose carefully. i would wait for a winter suit right now cause the local shop's won't have any new stock right now... they are preparing for the summer season. from my little experience mid august to september would be the best time to buy one but i rekon if you find a good discount and you like it, BUY IT.

I own an effesub 5.5 mimetic suit which i find very comfortable but it is open to sugestions. in 10-15 metres i did dive in winter and felt very comfortable but it really is a strict personal feeling about suits.

It is my opinion anyways and by no means i am a pro.

Emic did you ever try dynemma wishbones? better than the metal ones;)
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Mayer on May 10, 2008, 00:25:05 CET
Hi again guys,

I went to check out the suits and I am not 100% if I should buy a full suit or not.
The options they gave me where these:

Spora Spear fishing camo 5mm two piece suit for winter or Bare 3.2mm full suit for summer then get the vest and jacket for it to use in winter or for summer time (jellyfish reason) Bare 0.5mm.

So I dont know if I should get the 0.5 for summer and the Spora for winter.
Or get the Bare full suit 3.2mm (for summer) and get the vest and over jacket to wear for winter.

Any suggestions please?

Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Simon G on May 11, 2008, 07:31:03 CET
hi i just got a custom 5mm smooth skin for winter as ed was saying they are very delicate but they keep you warm and are very comfortable i would consider this the best suit i own.
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Mayer on May 13, 2008, 08:59:30 CET
Hi Simon,

Thanks for your reply. Since this is the 1st suit im buying I would brefer to have one which is not that delicate... Could you please give me your ideas on which one to choose? I would need it to use it in summer only for jellyfish and for winter time for the cold sea.

The options they gave me where these:

Spora Spear fishing camo 5mm two piece suit for winter or Bare 3.2mm full suit for summer then get the vest and jacket for it to use in winter.. or for summer time (jellyfish reason) Bare 0.5mm.

So I dont know if I should get the 0.5 for summer and the Spora for winter.
Or get the Bare full suit 3.2mm (for summer) and get the vest and over jacket to wear for winter.

Any suggestions please?

Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: EmicMalta on May 13, 2008, 10:05:55 CET
I saw only one in d market sporasub and was being used by a member of this forum. In my opinion and even to this guy I had told him. I will never look at it, immagine to go diving and try to keep worm with that kind of material.

here I always used 5mm and even in summer. Im one that really fells cold and in summer is nice to get the 5mm. Is better to feel hot then cold, cos you need only to put some water in. The smooth skin is a bit early for you to use it so I suggest that you get (

Here is robert that use this type in summer and even in winter. He has a 5mm and a 7mm. For winter sometimes we stayed even very long hours. As how we treath this suit I can garantee that it really last you for many years. My last suit is an XXone smooth skin and in 4 months I can say that I need to order another one. Remember that these type of suits need to be fit good. Those are apnea type and more fit they come better you stay.
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: jon109 on May 14, 2008, 00:28:53 CET
Hi, I am the guy Ed was talking about... I own a sporasub spearfishing suit.. 5mm and camo...

I find it quite comfortable but In winter (February) i felt a bit cold after 2-3hrs!

The suit is very strong and you won't have trouble to wear it! the camo is nice aswell but if i had to buy a new suit i wouldn't but the same one!

I think that sporasub has been taken by mares now and thus a sporasub item won't be, let me say, "the latest"...

becareful when you want to buy something because certain shops (or stores) they just want to sell even if they do not have the right equipment!

Ask here for help and you will get it for sure!


Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: EmicMalta on May 14, 2008, 09:34:23 CET
before I had bought my second suit I went to see from a store and I had specified that I needed it for spearfishing. She had gave me a cataloge and showed me a nice one. I was still young and went to get the money and fortunitly i meet a guy and gave me the advice. That girl wanted to sell me a scuba diving suit (about Lm90). For that time I wouldnt understand the difference between apnea and scuba suits. But now I do and kniow the difference from a dealer to another cos I never went eny more
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: Mayer on May 15, 2008, 00:01:39 CET
Johnatan and Emic,

Thanks for your help! I got the msg guys! That is why I am asking here for tips because I am not a pro and as everyone knows.... nobody likes to buy something which is not good and waste the money. The only thing im a bit confused about is the summer suit... Basically I only need the summer suit to avoid direct contact with jelly fish so do you recommend I get the Bare 0.5mm? It is quite cheap like 70Euro. Then regarding the winter suit I am quite interested in the BEUCHAT camo suit. I will go to check them out as soon as I find some time..

Thanks Guys!
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: EmicMalta on May 15, 2008, 09:04:48 CET
minimum go to 3mm. True that 70 euro isn t a lot but  don t row them away. To have 0.5mm better to ware a shiert instead
Title: Re: Need tips for choosing the correct wet suit
Post by: EmicMalta on May 19, 2008, 10:25:04 CET

here are new and really cheap but the quality and confort you have to forget them