Malta Fishing Forum

Boat Fishing in Malta => Offshore & Coastal Boat Fishing => Topic started by: VopiMan on October 08, 2016, 13:17:39 CET

Title: Non-Rod Fishing?
Post by: VopiMan on October 08, 2016, 13:17:39 CET
So my cousins have moved 4 months ago to Malta from Greece permanently. They used to live a self-sustained life as they lived in a small island with just 3000 population.
They bought a 16ft bahri and registered it and it's currently parked in a marina.
As I already said, they used to live a self-sustained life so they aren't a big fan of buying EVERYTHING from the markets, so they like to catch their own food when it comes to fish.
They asked me to ask here some good fishing techniques in Malta to catch several fish at a time. I only know of konz, and gillnets but they would like to know others aswell. Also,
where do you get a licence to be able to use these nets and such? Thank you.

If I wasn't very clear, they want to know of fishing techniques to catch several fish at a time, like gillnets and longlines. Thanks.
Title: Re: Non-Rod Fishing?
Post by: Ruzett on October 08, 2016, 15:22:12 CET
Pater Noster rig for bottom fishing, basically a weight at the end and three hooks attached to branches above it.
Title: Re: Non-Rod Fishing?
Post by: Kevin G on October 10, 2016, 07:54:50 CET
to use gillnets/trammel nets they need to be registered as part time/full time fisherman  MFB & MFA, also long lines exceeding 100hooks + needs to be registered as MFB & MFA. Till 100 hooks bottom long lines can be set from a S & MFC registered boats. But I stand to be corrected. Also they must try vopi fishing with Nassi.