Preferred Date for the BBQ
Option 1: Wednesday 18th June
votes: 6
Option 2: Thursday 19th June
votes: 5
Option 3: no difference
votes: 10
Hi guys,
We should meet up again. Now the weather is changing in better way. Why we don t do a date?
I'm up for a meet. Just set the date/time and will be there. During the week is best for me rather than the weekends. Gaffer and Shanook should be able to help out with some organisation
Lets have your opinion on this. I propose Thursday 19 June. Suggestions open either for a BBQ or a meetup say Fenkata. What do you guys prefer.
for me is the same. 19th is good even cos the week after will be a lot of feasts so will be good at the 19th June
19th is good for me. BBQ somewhere would be better as I reckon easier for everyone to talk especially if they want to ask any questions etc. When it's a sit down you tend to get segregated amongst those you are sitting near, but either way it's good for me.
Good point Skip. My only inclination towards a Fenkata was that it takes away the hassle of carrying BBQ equipment and drinks and stuff. Lets decide on the venue, for it seems that the 19June is set in Stone
For the BBQ. i have a big one and as last time I can bring it, and wood isn t a problem. For the drinks I will get them also with Ice. Its just some preperation. Then we count how much we be and I buy the things than we share them between us. I done a lot and this wouldn t be a prob.
Any fish supplier??????????????????? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
You're the man. Fish?, well, depends, weather permitting, and the fish are bitting, we might as well have alungi for BBQ. Guys, this is the forum spirit. We have a BBQ, we have drinks, all we need is people.
Any suggestions where we might have this BBQ?
For sure, we have already 4 people, EmicMalta, Skip, Shanook, and myself. Put your name down here, and lets get this thing rolling.
Also the spearoes. Why we don t try to go before for a dive and try some nice catches. Sawrell is full at the momnet and if we get luck we cook them as well. ;D
would it be with girl or as last time? for me isn t a problem.
Also is there someone avalable to go fishing early in d morning with his boat till 10am in d north? We try to get a nice dentex and we leave it for that day. I know the places but only one can be the furtune
count me in, not on the sand please somewhere on the rocks
on the 19th I will be working Emic but i will try to get a day off, not quite easy but u never know........
Quote from: shanook on June 02, 2008, 22:30:03 CET
on the 19th I will be working Emic but i will try to get a day off, not quite easy but u never know........
the first who tell me, will be the only one that will give him the co-ordinates. Big nice dentex are waiting. Just some nice fresh bait and a good rod. I just give the point and then we see. I don t know how to fish but I know the places. ;)
good one emic i bet u will definetly have a lot of members who will volunteer now. My offer still stands but if u get someone who knows for sure that he can make it then i will back out gracefully LOL....
can you make on the 17th or 18th if for you is not a problem i am working night on 19th. emic in what area in the north west or east side
Can we confirm if we're going to try and shift to Wednesday 18th? Obviously we won't be able to shift for everyone, but I believe I saw someone else couldnt make it on the 19th as well.
Hi Guys,
count me in for any of the dates. Looking forward to meeting some of you personally.
i think i will do it next bbq
Can we all please decide on the date, and possibly the place. Seems that rocky land is preferred, theb I suggest White Rocks, just behind the splash abd fun park.
18th good for me. place also good behind splash and fun
teher is no problem even for me at any date of that week. I don t know the splash and fun area and for me doesn t make difference too. But can I suggest the usual place at San Paul bay under the Vecchia? There is street lightning so it helps us a lot and to park our cars they ll be very near
I`m coming too... Both dates are good for me
both dates are ok for me.....
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook have confirmed so far
5 and counting.....
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter
8 and counting........
I should be coming too.... athough I'm on a strict diet cause I'll soon sink the boat!!! so no food for me! both dates are ok.
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri
9 and counting......
Benri, proteins and salad are fine! Fish is rich in proteins and omega 3 so you'll keep your nutrionist happy :)
We'll see. I'll try to make up for it beforehand with some extra walking :)
Benri - As well as a passionate fisher, I'm also a food freak!! ::). I try and stay away from carbs during the evening as much as possible. If you just stick to fish and salid, you should be OK, mind you, no beer, but some white wine is OK, red would be better as its good for the cardiac/digestive system, but red comes in at about 175cal a glass, while white wine measures in at 75cal a glass!!!, however, with white wine, there is no nutritional value. BEst bet is to stick to water!!.
fish and salads how can u beat that stop making excuses Benri.....Kidding of course i know it will be more of a sacrifice for u if u dont make it. SEE U THERE MATE. anyway i wrote ur name down so there
I'll join too :)
Hi Benri, whats the fuss about just add a couple of emty gerycans to boat, that should counterbalance what you gain at BBQ.
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri,Jonathan
10 and counting.......
Come on guys, cause I'm already smelling the food on the BBQ.
Jiena nigi hbieb ....... bhala post jekk tridu Ta Fra Ben bomba ;-) ..... u hemm parking ukoll.
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri,Jonathan, Buddgagrass,
11 and counting (sissa fuq subajja)
After 10 you may use my fingers.
come on ppl i am still counting on my fingers (well actually toes and fingers) we have to have more ppl for the get together.........we enjoyed it last time so it shouldnt be any different this time......
count me in shanook :)
Hi Guys, I am new of this forum, and i registered on perpouse to make new fishing friends on the island, so it would be a great idea to meet and get to know you all, for this bbq.. i ll come for sure if is on the 19th, but i ll try really my best to come as well if it will be on the 19th.. i wish to start a good friendly relationship with all of you guys...thanks for the invitation !
Come on Shanook Socks off,whats the final count on BBQ
Hi Italian - welcome to the forum.
Guys, keep those numbers increasing.
By the way...all those who would like to bring some tackle along, share/discuss among friends, please do. I know that Gazetta is bringing along some, and I will bring the new Dojo Peche Hybrid Destroyer lure with me....even the name of these things gives you the creeps!!!!
Shanook, I'm also bringing the king!!!... ;) ;)my particular lure, maybe we can come up with an idea how to clone it ;D
Quote from: ramio on June 08, 2008, 12:53:14 CET
Come on Shanook Socks off,whats the final count on BBQ
the count at the moment stands at 12...and counting
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri,Jonathan, Buddgagrass,suffrun,Italian,
13 and counting
ramio if i had to take my socks off then the count would stand at '0'
wow the_gaffer with that lure name u dont have to troll the lure, the alungi will come diving into ur icebox.
i will get a few lures myself. Yes good idea if u bring in the 'king' we will see what can be done... i might be able to duplicate in Nylon or brass (have never tried casting in resin and then machine it hmmmmmmm) and then we take of from there.
i have to check with a friend (sergio tal forum-membru) if he can make it ..... it is on wed or thur?
in that case it is ok we will be 2
Wednesday seems to be the preffered date for most.
Granitu there is a poll going on so as to choose the date. It closes on the 11th so there cant be a definite date before the closing of the poll.
The more the merrier as long as they are MFF registered.
Even if they were not (i dont think skip will mind) MFF forum welcomes all fishing enthusiasts.
count me in guys
Come on Shanook where is the latest count....... or you cannot take off your socks!! Sanook today first day without pain killers, will be returning to work tomorrow. Well see how I do.
the problem is very simple, as i got the license just 1 week ago and haven't arranged yet the car transfer but also don't want to leave a best friend behind, i am waiting for him to confirm as he works part time and the roster won't be available till friday and up to then i won't be able to plan anything, including a fish which is something that i really need after exams ehhh....
If there's anybody wanting to come to the BBQ but has no transpost, that shouldn't be a problem. Jusst post here that you'd like to attend, and we can arrange the rest!!
no, it is a matter of time i guess to solve it, we will try to do it. when it is fishing or anything we always do things together. we might have a 3rd forum member coming too I have to check though
it would be nice to put some faces on the nicks now and tell me something about your alungi fishes.... something which i never practiced
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddgagrass, suffrun, Italian, baghira
14 and counting
shanook ...... ma kont ser nghidlek xejn imma issa li ktibta hazina xi 5 darbiet ghidt ahjar nghidlek ;D ...... Buddhagrass mhux Buddgagrass :P
good thing u told me as i am copying and pasting so everytime its going to be exactly the same LOL. My apologies Buddhagrass
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, suffrun, Italian, baghira
14 and counting
hey i need to count more i have some fingers and toes that have noe been used yet.......
Quote from: shanook on June 09, 2008, 12:31:54 CET
good thing u told me as i am copying and pasting so everytime its going to be exactly the same LOL. My apologies Buddhagrass
Mahfur u lest ;-)
hey shanook everybody knows you are using the carculator ;D
Yes probably. that explains the spelling mistakes!
how are you visa? Ithink you'll be using the motor level indicator only in port for another week!!
hey guys!
join me in if it is alright for all of you :P
Isa hey x'bbq ha ikollna :) ...... meta niddecidu il-post u kemm ha inkunu nies nista nofflilkom li hemm butcher hdejja vera tajjeb u nistaw nordnaw kollox min ghandu marinat u lest tipo steaks, ribs u anke xi kebabs jekk iridu umbaghad naqbdu u naqsmu kollox. Bhala post jekk tridu x'imkin hassle free nahseb Ta Fra Ben mhux idea hazina ghax anke parking tajjeb hemm. Insomma, up to you guys ;)
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, suffrun, Italian, baghira, kris,
15 and counting............
how is it that 21 have voted for the BBQ and yet i am on a count of 15?!?!
there is something thats not matching or is it me???
You're not sitting on your foot or somthing shanook?
We told you to use calculator!!
I think we had better anounce date chosen, and ask those attending to confirm, no point in having too much food going to waste.........................as if!!
I think you better do as ramio said. Announce the date and then ask those whom will be attending to confirm.
You can def only vote once, so either a few ppl have 2 accounts in here or have voted but not said they are coming!
ohh sorry .... I have voted and I am willing to come but not sure on the date! I voted for the 19th as on that day I can come for sure! but on the 18th I am invited to another bbq!! sorry for not posting my interest....
OK Guys...I think we have a decision. the date is Wednesday 18 June...
Now just decide on a place. lets just agree on a place and get this show going.
Hello Guys,
has any one decided where this BBQ will be held cause I'm trying to come to make some new friends but it depends the location cause the day after I must start work early and I often sleep while i'm driving back home ;D
I vote for Ta Fra Ben ...... reasons are :
1) Good Parking Area
2) Good flat area for the BBQ & us
3) If food won't be good there is take away & restuarant in vicinity :)
yep good enough for me fra ben any other suggestions....
Hi Guys anywhere is good for me as long as we don't have to carry stuff for long distances. Regarding tables I can borroow some folding ones for work if they are not being used. If we need please let me know and I'll check for the 18't if they will be available. Chairs will be a bit difficult to borrow for me.
Ta fra ben sounds good to me too.
How are we going to go about it - will it be a bring your own stuff (food/drinks/bbq set) or is someone providing these and then we share the costs?
18th - Fra Ben sounds good to me.
ok guys count me in I'm coming. Just tell me what do I have to bring and at what time and I'll be there.
Perfect for me i live close to it ! let s just decide for food !
the_gaffer is lost as he heard that alungi have been caught and it looks like his mind is on them only ..........dont blame him.....but all members are waiting for your guidance and benevolence so we beg of u OH mighty and offhsore gaffer look our way and make some decisions .............opps hope i dont get struck with a gaff or something.....
i should come aswell... but not 100% sure...
Then the 18th is the date I think it can be confirmed...
yep its def the 18th that much is established
We seem to have consensus on Ta' Fra Ben area. EmicMalta has been kind enough to offer to bring his BBQ and stuff along. We just need to decide on a the meeting time. lso, we have to decide who's buying the food (meat, sausages, galletti, bigilla, usual BBQ food - drinks (wine, beer, water).....I think it would be best that if we have any volonteers, to post their mobile number here and I'll get in touch with them ASAP.
Shanook, please note, I have someone coming with me to the BBQ who wants to join upas a member...you know him, its Janis
As I posted before in my one of my earlier posts I can offer to get very good marinated steak and ribs from a butcher nearby whom he is really good (Charles Butcher) and I trust him a lot with all my needed LAHAM :D. Just had a BBQ this week and we ate some really good stuff from this butcher. Just tell me how much to get and I'll just order them this weekend. Then we'll just share the ?'s. I think it's better this way instead of everybody getting his own food. Just an opinion. Let me know how shall I proceed ;) . . . . . . .
good for me on 18th and ta fra ben
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, suffrun, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna,
17 and counting............
If there is someone in the list that cannot come please let me know so i cross out so that we order the food and drinks (that is if we are group ordering). if there is someone that I left out please let me know....
i am joining and so will ed and some others
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, suffrun, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G,
18 and counting............
suffrun cannot make it as he had another commitment.He sent his best wishes for a lovely get toghether.... See u next time suffrun...
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G,
17 and counting............
Hi I am new to this forum, but I am willing to come to this barbecue to know some of the members.
I am a friend of baghira. Please count me in for the barbecue on the 18th at ta fra ben guys.
Cya there
What did you decide about the food??
Will someone buy everything and then we share? I think that's the best.
aw guys
ok ghalijja ghal nhar l-erba.
ghidu hin, u ftehmu min ser igib l-ikel u xorb guys.
i take care for the bbq s staff, ice and the drinks. I will bring them and then we cool them there.
Just a thing wish to ask. Is there light to see woking where we are doing this bbq? Or is it possiblethat someone bring a genarator? Light I have so if so I will bring it.
I will bring a gas burner but need another one so we make chips too. Any one has a 1 so that we twice the speed of cooking for all these members??? For the food if I will know the no I will suggest how much there will be needed but I cannot but the food cos will be working to prepare the things.
Count me in too please.
Mike K
EmicMalta shal I check for the Folding tables, If they are not being used I can get some from work? I will check monday morning and know if will be available. Chairs we eitheer each get one, unless somone can get some folding/ plastic ones.
How about cutlery and glases?
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook, ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G, kalnc2, Kayak Mike,
19 and counting...
Quote from: ramio on June 14, 2008, 21:03:20 CET
EmicMalta shal I check for the Folding tables, If they are not being used I can get some from work? I will check monday morning and know if will be available. Chairs we eitheer each get one, unless somone can get some folding/ plastic ones.
How about cutlery and glases?
about catlery and glasses better to buy some plastic ones so that just no hassle
Count Janis in as well....he showed an interest in coming.
ramio, Emicmalta....could you please Pm your mobile number to me
I think it's best if everybody gets his own cuttlery, chair, drinks and cups and we just share the food & charcoal. If you want me guys to book meat for everyone just let me know.
Gaffer I already did yanis is 'pauline tuna' thats his nick on the MFF so i have to put that down.
Was going to suggest everyone brings their own food and then it's cooked on the bbq's that are there, but I suppose if there is firm commitment on those numbers food could be arranged and then everyone chips in a share towards the cost.
BTW, is the BBQ with wives/girlfriends (if you have both! choose one!)?
Ha!!!!....good question Skip...my wife was just telling me...."iss hej, the wives, GFs, partners have to put up with your fishing, then you organise a BBQ, and we're not invited!!.
Anyway, its up to the guys here...
Hi i think I am going to join! Seeing all this enthusiasm!! However, I will get my food as I am on a strict diet!
now about drinks... what drinks are u going to buy... please do include some diet softdrinks :)
I agree that we get our own cuttlery and plates...
PS* count me in please :D
Guys, I have a Honda 1KVA genset, but I don't have proper lights. I can bring the genset along, if someone is willing to bring the lights.
We need to finalise the finer details of this BBQ.
We have confirmed:
The Date: Wednesday 18 June
Place: Ta' Fra Ben area
Time: 7.00pm
EmicMalta to provide BBQ, Ice and drinks
Buddagrass to provide meat, ribs ect.
Ramio, how are we for tables and chairs?
EmicMalta...some diet drinks for jon109
There is only 3 days left for the BBQ, and we need to finalise things....ASAP!!!!
what about this idea...?
everyone gets his own chair! and then someone else (there was a guy saying he can get tables ... dont remember who though) gets the tables.... since we are going to be around 20 people... we need tables to fit 20 people on! and another table for food!
All I need to know is how many pieces of marinated steak and kilos of ribs shall I get so 2 morow I just go and order them. 1 kilo of ribs = around approx 7 pieces. Remeber ribs doesnt contain a lot of meat. Emicmalta please get me Kinnie :P ..... you know I can't have alcohol at the moment :).
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook, ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G, kalnc2, Kayak Mike,jon 109,
20 and counting........
No ribs for me Buddhagrass....
Hello guys
I just think that the organisers of this barbecue should take a stand, and decide who and what are we all going to do. If you keep on going like this, you will never agree. Someone is on diet, the other wants kinnie, someone does not like ribs etc etc.
Who came out with the idea to organise this barbecue, sets the final decisions. Just write, the menu, what drinks are to be bought, if wee need to bring along chairs and cutlery, who will bring the lights and generator, and who will bring barbecue and charcoal (if with the opposite sex or not). I also beleive that if you want to buy fdrinks, we also need a tank and ice.
just remember that just 3 days are left, and for the poor people that are organising this it is not fair.
Guys I just got a car, and no vans to carry large items, but if i can help in anyway just let me know.
My food order for tomorrow is going to be like this :
1 piece of marinated steak per head
1 piece of marinated chicken per head
10 - 15 Maltese sausages
9 kilos of marinated spare ribs
4 extra marinated steaks (ghal min jibqa bil-guh jew aptit)
Please email me a mobile number of someone who will know the final amount of people coming so that tomorrow before I go to the butcher I can call and confirm the amount of people coming.
It would be also great if someone could get some potato salad, rice salad and salad ghal mal-genb ;D
Gaffer my phone is 21580695, mob 7970 2496. Tables I'll check in the morning if they will be available for the day. I don't think it will be a problem unless there is some big function going on. But monday will confirm. Chairs I cannot get, so I suggest we all get our own.
I agree on cutlery, plates and glases each get his.
Regarding the wife/ girlfriend isue I think we leave it for members only for now, so we get to know each other. later on we organise somthing for them as well.
Tomorrow morning will confirm whether Redbus9 will be attending as he is in Malta (usually UK) and no Internet access.
After the food order cut off date/time if anyone else wants to come I suggest they bring their own food otherwise we will never stop.
Gaffer/Shanook/Emic et al, I suggest you drop all those who confirmed a private message clarifying the issue of wives/gf/partners as I don't think you can exclude them at the last minute without causing problems and having people drop out.
This is something that should have been clarified at the begining as previous bbq events included them.
Quote from: Buddhagrass on June 15, 2008, 21:05:49 CET
My food order for tomorrow is going to be like this :
1 piece of marinated steak per head
1 piece of marinated chicken per head
10 - 15 Maltese sausages
9 kilos of marinated spare ribs
4 extra marinated steaks (ghal min jibqa bil-guh jew aptit)
Please email me a mobile number of someone who will know the final amount of people coming so that tomorrow before I go to the butcher I can call and confirm the amount of people coming.
It would be also great if someone could get some potato salad, rice salad and salad ghal mal-genb ;D
sorry to be a pest! but if your getting all that food per head, count me out from the list as i will get my own food!
Also, we will be 20 people biss taa.... mahnix ha nkunu mitejn!! billi xi hadd jixtieq kinnie u jghid li jixtieq max xorb ikun emm kinnie ma fiha xejn hazin! U billi jien ridt diet softdrink, u nixtru kaxxa diet (tkun xi tkun) mux ha taqa id dinja! Jekk tkun problema li nissugerixxu no problem man.... min irid igib alih ux... just ghiduli u ingib... jin gej bix niltaqa makom u mux bix niekol as such...
Hello Guys,
jiena ma tantx nmur barbeque's u ma tantx nista nofri armar li tigu bzonn u biex taxxaqa il-karretta tieghi zghira.
biss ghandi igloo kbir fejn is soltu jidhlu l-Alungi u l-lampuki nista ngibu u ghandi lampa tal-gas bic cilindru zghir.
min ser jgib is-silg?
If any admin or organizer is reading my post kindly call me on 23819125 (7am-3.45pm) regarding the bbq food booking. I am not going to book anything before I speak to someone about it. I don't wanna sound like I am pushing anyone to share food or whatsoever. It was just an idea I had and some members seem to like it. I know some members might have a different opinion regading food like everyone gets his own, which I don't mind at all. We only have a couple of days left and we need to straighten things up regarding many little things like charcoal, meat thongs, sauces, tissues, garbage bags, tank for ice, light, mosquito candles (l-ahhar li rajt ghand Piscopo supermarket u ha ikollna bzonnhom zgur), etc etc. I'll also bring my First Aid kit just in case.
as for the drinks i said that i will care for it and don t need to know that there should be diet or not. I said that I will take care and thats all. Now the drinks are in my hands and pls don tsay i want this or I want that cos will not finish. Don t worry. I done a lot and know what I need to buy. Then if someone need some drink special just go and get it by him self. To buy diet drinks was also in my mind. Las time bagira and Buddhagrass came to my bbq they can conferm that they found every thing.
As for the Ice i said that I will bring it.
As for the food Buddhagrass
pls take out the ribs cos for cooking for 20 pls it takes too lot. Just make that a Maltese sausage for every person, and some frankfurters and pink sausages, and 1 piece of marinated steak per head
,1 piece of marinated chicken per head, Maltese sausages, 4 extra marinated steaks (ghal min jibqa bil-guh jew aptit).
I will bring:
1 big box for the drinks,
Wine (Red and white),
Beer (Scoll),
Gas burner and a chip pen,
2 dishes,
Tools for the BBQ,
1 big BBq,
1 Small BBq,
1 BBQ so that we do another fire to get charcoal ready.
1 gas burner with gas,
1 chip pen
food by Buddhagras
chips from the butcher
sauce; 1 HP and 1 tomato sauce
salt and peper
and some gas lamps.
pls try not to reply the same questions cos at the moment i`m busy on work and to read all the posts its hard.
Who is bringing something just add them in his post and lets help each other. And don t worry that all the expenses will be shared with each other.
i propose that the closing date will be tonight to see who is coming or not, and then who wants to come just bring all his staff. It isn t fair for who is preparing to leave them waiting.
Yes Buddhagras will be fine if you do that things. Just make the thing have to order under your post so others don t have to buy them again
Ivan is coming too
Hey guys if you want, I can offer to bring logs along (free of charge) instead of charcoal.
Charcoal is expensive, and many times not efficient as much as logs. But if you somehow have a brand new barbecue, painted bright green, better you tell me, if you do not want to strip them.
If you agree, (I mean who is buying the charcoal), let me know and I will bring logs with me.
if you have logs will help bagira. I would have bring wood but as I said im too busy at the moment. That will help me a lot, and for the bbq don t worry.............. Its a geaser 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook, ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G, kalnc2, Kayak Mike,jon 109, Ivan
21 and counting.......
Emic is taking care of drinks and the BBQ sets: THATS DONE
The_gaffer is bringing the generator: THATS DONE
Baghira is bringing the logs for BBQ: THATS DONE
Ramio is bringing the tables(pending confirmation): THATS DONE
Buddhagrass is taking care of food and this is where the problem is. Not because of Buddhagrass as he is doing a fine job but if those who are coming dont speak out their choice then we are stuck. Buddhagrass was clear and posted what he is going to order. SO THOSE WHO ARE ORDERING FROM BUDDHAGRASS please post their choice (not what to eat but whether they bring their own food or not).
those coming need to bring their plates, cuttlery and chair. Any additional gas lamps are appreciated.
I am coming and wish that BUDDHAGRASS order also for me
Regarding 'guys only' or 'accompanied' I suggest we leave it open, I know of many girlfriends and wives who are more into fishing than most fisherman i know. So feel free to either come alone or with ur loved ones. Please dont forget that if u are coming with partner to advice Buddhagrass if u are ordering from him. Also ramio needs to know to adjust for tables.
dont forget tonight is last chance post ur decisions.
Regarding the emails reply here and directly to buddhagrass
Ok then ...... tonight I'll check the forum to confirm the amount of people coming and i'll order the following :
1 steak per head
1 chicken piece per head
1 maltese sausage per head
Franfurters and Pork Sausages
and yes ...... bbq at emicmalta was great. X'naqa fenek dak e ... spicajt lanqas mort xoghol l-ghada ghax lanqas flaht inqum biz-zaqq fniek li kelli ;D.
If possible try to confirm amount of people coming by 3.45pm so after work i'll go to the butcher to order food.
The issue of wives/partners/Girlfriends has been settled!!!All are invited to attend this BBQ, as happened in previous events organised by this forum.
Following a consultation with the meat buyer ;D...you are all requested to indicate whether or not you shall be accompanied by your wife/partner/gf strictly by 8.00pm tonight.
After that deadline, anybody who fials to indicate whether he will be accompanied or not will have to bring their own food.
Shanook, please note.....
I will be accompanied by my wife Alexia!!
for clarifications sake, I will bring the Honda Genset, and the fuel. I have no lights, but I read in previous posts that someone is bring the lights.
I will also be accompanied by my wife Alexia.
Remember tonights 8.00pm deadline to say whether or not you'll bring along your companion. It is very important to know the exact amount to order the right quantity of food, drinks ect.
Shanook, I will be coming (alone) but unfortunately will have to get my own food...
The thing to get the no is simple. Not only for food and drinks. If we will be in +- 20, 2 bbqs are enough but if will me much more pls need another bbq. and chip pens.
This is a BBQ that we are doing without interests so pls lets help each other with this issue. Don t wish of bringing logs, bbq and staff and then we see that need more. Just a confirmation is enough.
For me and ivan we will eat from buddhagrass and will be without partners
Just got a call saying about food we will be cooking. The no is increased a lot and we came with an idea of doing burgers, sausages, and chips. Also if there will be some one that wants steak just think for his own. To cook 20 chicken, and 20 steak its a bit hard to make them all well done. Sure we will be over 20 so the no will increase the cooking work.
I will make salad for everyone too. What you think?
Sounds good to me!
Just get those numbers published, so ppl will get an idea what to order and so forth.
emic did u talk to buddhagrass. Yes u are right its will be way tooo much to cook for at least 30 thats what it looks so far..i will bring a small charcoal bbq that will work for 3 so thats 3 less...for cooking. on ur BBq.
just contact him and we came with the conclusion of him buying the burgers and pink sausages. We have to give him the no by tonight so that I could tell him how much to order. This will include the panini too.
As for the salad dont worry, i will do it. Its just half an hour work
emic u forgot the part of the potatoes what u think
food from buddhagrass is good for me. burgers or steak it doesnt make a difference for me. make food x2
Just confirming that I will be coming alone & please count me in for food & drinks too (it doesn't matter to me as to whether we're having steak / burgers, etc).
ok guys,
I will drink and eat whatever you bring for me the important is that we meet.
i will bring the igloo and 1 lamp. I can bring also a floodlight but we need an extension and and a pole to attach it on.
I beleive I will come alone but if my wife will change idea I will let you know till 8.00.
if you don't hear from me count me x1 cause I'm at work and my boss is going to kill me:) :o
ok fish finder I am sure that some type of pole will be available. Thanks for your contribution mate see ya there.......
i will do the potatoes too. I make salad poatato for every one. In 1 hr i will peal them and boil them.
Ok emic so its all settled
Buddhagrass will get the food (burgers and sausages)
ramio the tables,
baghira to get the logs,
emicmalta to get the ice, salad, drinks, BBQ and what have u
The rest of us to bring chairs, plates & cuttlery, any lamps will help, garbage bag, any add ons please post. I will post an update of the situation.
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Pauline tuna
Simon G
Kayak Mike
total 14 12 (Buddhagrass order)
By tonight please tell me the amount of burgers, steaks etc etc. Sorry but I cant manage to calculate. Someone will post telling pls get so so and so with the amounts. Cheers
i am getting it ready for u there are quite a few who answerd so we wait a bit for those who are at work...
thx bro ..... ;)
Quote from: shanook on June 16, 2008, 13:33:54 CET
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Pauline tuna
Simon G
Kayak Mike
total 14 12 (Buddhagrass order)
As far as I know, Gazzetta is coming along as well.
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Pauline tuna
Simon G
Kayak Mike
Free diver
total 15 13 (Buddhagrass order)
gaffer i will include gazzetta as soon as he tells us how many are coming and whether he is ordering from Buddhagrass. Once we conclude the number of confirmed members attending then all the rest can come but they will have to bring their own food. As we cannot keep Buddhagrass and EmicMalta waiting....
Spoke with Emic and 99% I have a single gas burner which will hold a chip pan. Also have a big floodlight on its own stand, only problem is that I think it will kill a 1KVA genset if other things are connected to it. Will need to check wattage of the bulb to know for sure.
As above, me x 2, food from Buddha.
I will eat from buddhagrass and drink from emic, and I will come on my own. My girlie does not like fishes. I am also confirming the attendance of kalanc2 and he will also eat from buddhagrass and drink from emic. ;D
so me and kalanc2, for whatever you cook and else.
Confirmed for the logs from my end. I can also bring a small barbecue if needed.
Posts: 322
Re: Forum BBQ / Season Get Together 18th June - Come on let's meet up!
? Reply #150 on: Today at 14:29:36 ? Quote Modify Remove
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Kalanc2 1 yes
Baghira 1 yes
Pauline tuna
Simon G
Kayak Mike
Free diver
total 17 15 (Buddhagrass order)
Free diver is with us too. Think he wrote on the wrong topic
for me is fine the food from Buddhagrass and drink from emic
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Kalanc2 1 yes
Baghira 1 yes
Freediver 1 yes
Italian 1 yes
Pauline tuna
Simon G
Kayak Mike
total 19 17 (Buddhagrass order)
Seahunter, Kris Pauline tuna Simon G and Kayak mike please note that u have not posted whether u are grtting food from Buddhagrass oor not, and how many u will be.
Buddhagrass I go to eat and tehn let u know the exact amount
Tasbles comfirmed not a problem, will be in toch with shanook to confirm qty required. Onestly guys I never encountered so much commotion on a BBQ. Reading trough the postswas ammusing. Forget organising a fishing trip to Mars.........would be tooooo much for us to handle!!
Guys, kajakMike called me yesterday toconfirm he's coming. Can you please update headcount and order some food for him.
So i'll be ordering :
1 X homemade burger per head
1 X Maltese Sausage per head &
2 X Pork Sausage per head
Total of 18 people.
Quote from: Buddhagrass on June 17, 2008, 07:44:56 CET
So i'll be ordering :
1 X homemade burger per head
1 X Maltese Sausage per head &
2 X Pork Sausage per head
Total of 18 people.
pls some panini too
Quote from: EmicMalta on June 17, 2008, 07:46:59 CET
Quote from: Buddhagrass on June 17, 2008, 07:44:56 CET
So i'll be ordering :
1 X homemade burger per head
1 X Maltese Sausage per head &
2 X Pork Sausage per head
Total of 18 people.
pls some panini too
Ok ok .... ingib panini ukoll ;-)
me coming by two and bringing own food (my freezer is full need to clear it out to store some bait ??? but dont tell the mrss)
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Kalanc2 1 yes
Baghira 1 yes
Freediver 1 yes
Italian 1 yes
Kayak Mike 1 yes
Simon G 2 no
Pauline tuna
total 22 19 (Buddhagrass order)
I am still coming. I will order from Buddha grass and Emic. ( so please count one more)
Sorry I did not reply earlier, but these last two days I was extremly busy and did not enter the forum. I am going to bring a small genereator with me so we`ll have an extra one, just in case...
ok sea hunter I will inform buddhagrass.
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Kalanc2 1 yes
Baghira 1 yes
Freediver 1 yes
Italian 1 yes
Kayak Mike 1 yes
Simon G 2 no
Seahunter 1 yes
Pauline tuna
total 23 20 (Buddhagrass order)
just had the confermation of a friend. Patrizio. He is coming too. I had confermed with bugarass ok.
oh ok emic good thing that u told buddhagrass i will repost to update
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Kalanc2 1 yes
Baghira 1 yes
Freediver 1 yes
Italian 1 yes
Kayak Mike 1 yes
Simon G 2 no
Seahunter 1 yes
Patrizio 1 yes
total 24 21 (Buddhagrass order)
Shanook, just got an sms from Pauline tuna, regret he can't make it tomorrow because of work commitments.
no problem gaffer, i will give u a call on sat as thursday i launch so i might go friday evening but sat i will be out there. Alungi as well as bottom fishing.
Very well then. Saturday I'm out trolling for alungi, probably Monday I'll fo for deep sea fishing, using electric reel. Might do some trolling around before though, searching for some good reefs and drop offs.
ok i will be looking for dropoff on sounder and will get the berings. c ya out there.
hi guys sorry for not answering early =/
i have not logged into my pc for two days
i confirm that i can come. i will also bring another person if it is alright for you.
as regards food i will order it from Buddhagrass pls!!
sry again!!
and hope to see you all there! :)
regards to all!
Kris, you might be too late for the food order, Gaffer/Buddha will confirm. If that's the case you will need to bring along your own food.
Im buying 1 box of coke, 1 sprite, 1 diet sprite, 6 mixed bottles of wine, 2 boxes of scoll beer, potatoes to boil, 3 water mellons, sausces and salad. Some paper nepkins.
at 4pm i be there cos going a bit diving. Will be with a white ford escort.
hello Emic,
I will try to come a bit earlier to help you out with all those things. I have a FIAT Palio frost blue.
who was getting the ICE?
i will be there at around 6pm
MFF nick No of persons food ordered from Buddhagrass
Skip 2 yes
The_ Gaffer 2 yes
EmicMalta 1 yes
Ramio 1 yes
Buddhagrass 1 yes
Benri 1 no
Ivan 1 yes
Jon109 1 no
Busumark 2 yes
Jonathan 1 yes
Fishfinder 1 yes
Shanook 1 yes
Kalanc2 1 yes
Baghira 1 yes
Freediver 1 yes
Italian 1 yes
Kayak Mike 1 yes
Simon G 2 no
Seahunter 1 yes
Patrizio 1 yes
Kris 2 yes
total 26 23 (Buddhagrass order
ok skip then dw. i will bring along my own food so i will not make life difficult for you guys (after all i answered late).
i will bring along some drinks as well.
cu at fra ben guys.
i will be in a peugeot 205 white.
thanks again and see you all there!
Mela ...... I just called the butcher and I am getting food for 23 people. Gennintu miskin :)
1 homemade burger per head
1 maltese sausage per head
2 fat pork sausages per head
& getting panini too :P
Peace ;)
hi guys i will be coming at around 7:30 pm ! i have a blue pegeout 206 !
See you all there !
tnx Buddhagrass mawx alik king int! jien il-guest li ha ngib mijaj it-tfajla jek ma jimpurtax. :)
Hi guys, unfortunately wifee cannot come tonight, since we have no one to leave little Julian with. Wasn't planning on coming with baby, he's 18 months old, and very very hyper....
Well done to the organisers The_Gaffer, EmicMalta, Shanook, and those that brought equipment and food along for everyone, it couldn't have been done without you.
Was a great evening, fantastic BBQ, I'm super tired and don't feel like going to work!!
Well done and thanks to everyone who helped in getting this done - everything was great - food, drinks, lighting, tables, location, company, kollox. It was also very intreresting to put faces behind the forum usernames as well as to hear about some of the different techniques being used. Looking forward to the next! ;D
Fantastic evening everything was great well done to everyone .... when is the next one ;D ;D
Well done to all and thanks - It was excellent company even though most of you made me feel jealous with your catches and fish I would only dream about catching... Well done guys
Prosit guys.
Well done.
Really enjoyed it.
I am usually a bit shy and find it difficult to integrate, But all went okay :o ;D ;)
Thanks to those whom provided the equipment and food, especially to the guy whom provided the logs, and the rusty barbeque. ::)
yep the rusty BBQ made all the difference LOL. Really great, shame it was during the week as most probably we would have enjoyed the sunrise ........... thanks to each and everyone...........MFF hurra
Yes, it was nice to meet the other members... while eating the homemade burgers !!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
this morning the hospital was out of stock from tetanus innoculations. I think it's all your fault. thank god I ate from Emic's BBQ.
was it 316L the stainless of that BBQ? ;D ::) ???
It was nice meeting you all and hope we'll do another one on a Friday so that we'll sleep there ;)
It was really great meeting all of you guys. BBQ was a great success with my homemade burgers (butchermade propja imma insomma :)). I really had a laugh and its amazing how now I can read some members posts and hear them in my mind saying it .... you know what I mean ? ;D. Next time we try to do it on a Friday so we can get some sleeping bags and just lay there, and ....... please ...... get litres of that anti-mosquite spray ghax hasruni. Hope to meet you all very soon.
( This morning I had to take 3hrs leave as I couldnt wake at 5am :o )
Take Care,
Buddhagrass ....... (kemm smajtu il-bierah :D)
hehe nice post guys!
BBQ was excellent...
the things that we'll remember are:
1) Eds salad...
2) Buddhagrass's homemade burgers,
3) Baghira's stainless steel bbq
4) Fishfinder's (might be wrong in the name) 24 euros fishing trips
and finally ....
5) Baghira's quote, "Io sone l'esperto.... ma per skop*** non per pescare"... haha nahseb fuqa u nidhaq ostja....
haha ejja ha namlu iehor ta :)
great bbq guys!
good food and great company! it was nice meeting you! :)
guys next meeting will be the Alungi competition on the 12/07/08.
this is for the divers too :D
baghira jisthi. din ma neminix zgur. great bbq
I know someone was taking photos of the bbq...... forgot who he was. Can you put the photos in the gallery please so we can all see them. Thx
Yes I agree with all those that attended..............it was a great evening. Was really nice meeting you all for the first time (apart from a couple whou I knew)
I too had dificulty convincing myself that I rather go to work than take leave. A good shower did the trick. Now I feel caput, just took boat over from St Pauls bay to B'Buga to start alungi season, so that coupled with last night's lack of sleep makes me totally knuckered. good night guys.......and ladies if there are any!!
It was great meeting up with al of you. I really enjoyed the evening, notwithstanding that I had to get up at 5.00am and fly out to London for a meeting!!!!. For sure we should do it again, but I think that next time it will be an organised dinner (fenkata) so that everybody, including EmicMalta and Buddhagrass can interact with the rest of us.
Agree with that for next time, so that no one gets stuck cooking and having to bring all the heavy stuff down, clearing up etc.
I have another suggestion if you want. What we can do is buy a big pig, obviously cleaned up and we go to Ahrax Tal-Mellieha from morning. We start cooking the pig (which will take around 5-6hrs) and while its cooking we can organize some games between us like vollyball, football, hide & seek, playing cards, listening to music, chat, have a nap u jekk hemm xi hero jisfidani Texas Holdem Poker ikollu ic-cans ukoll :). We can even have a nice swim and take it in turns with the pig :). I am sure we'll have a good laugh. X'tahsbu ?
We can all bring along some rods and try our hand at rock fishing from L-ahrax.... ;)
Quote from: The_Gaffer on June 20, 2008, 10:53:40 CET
We can all bring along some rods and try our hand at rock fishing from L-ahrax.... ;)
True true ...... that another good idea. We should make a date and start planning mela :-).
I hope this next time I can join you because I missed the bbq because I was working 2 till 10.I would like to meet you guys because I really like talking about fishing.
I totally agree with buddhagrass's idea and the gaffer, especially since I couldn't make it for the first bbq :( :(
haha ghidlu lil ta beuchat li is skieken mandux problemi bihom zgur!
imnalla amiltilna is salad int mast!!
and next time ma namlux kannestru patata lanqas LOL
mela salad with human blood kellkhom :P
Hadna pjacir guys.
Thanks and meet you next time.
Whatever you decide to organise, i will for sure come, and try to give my help.