Malta Fishing Forum

Boat Fishing in Malta => Offshore & Coastal Boat Fishing => Topic started by: SPITEC on June 10, 2008, 20:32:15 CET

Title: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: SPITEC on June 10, 2008, 20:32:15 CET
Can anyone tell me the best way to cook a barracuda?
I always fry them in oil with some garlic.I like them this way but I would like to try something new! :P
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 20:54:19 CET
Spitec one of the best ways i find for cooking barracuda is cartocio. When i have one which is over a kilo i fillet it removing the bone in the middle as it doesnt have any other bones. I then but it into 4 pieces and putting the meat facing upwords on the dish. i garnish and season with finely chopped tomatoes, some garlic, mint and basil and salt & pepper. then some white whine and some olive oil u ejdli xinti tikol :p
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: SPITEC on June 10, 2008, 21:04:26 CET
Thank you big boy I will try it when i will catch some again.Shall I put it in foil or straight in a dish?
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 21:05:31 CET
put it strait in a dish and cover in foil.
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: Granitu on June 10, 2008, 21:07:43 CET
il lizz huta tajba meta tkun nadifa imma gieli naraha ftit xotta jekk ma taghmiliex ma forma ta zalza
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: SPITEC on June 10, 2008, 21:13:06 CET
Thank you big boy.Ghalhekk tamlila l-inbid u tatija bil-foil Granitu halli ma tixxutax ;)
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: Granitu on June 10, 2008, 21:15:03 CET
ehh ok .. inbid ma naghmilx meta nsajjar jien ghax ma jogobnix
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 21:17:45 CET
l inbid jatija toma tajba l huta
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: SPITEC on June 10, 2008, 21:19:28 CET
Last question big boy.For how much do you leave it in the oven?
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 21:22:42 CET
20 mins not more man @ 200 degrees celcius
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: Granitu on June 10, 2008, 21:24:13 CET
jekk tkun thobbu ifem, kollox niekol imma l inbid u xorb ghedewwa ahna ehh.... gieli taghmel ommi xorta ma tantx niggustah l ikel bih intemu :-\
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: SPITEC on June 10, 2008, 21:25:47 CET
Thanks a lot my friend and sorry for disturbing you!   ;)
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 21:27:33 CET
dw man i love cooking fish. Any fish ejdli u natik parir kif issajjar ;)
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: shanook on June 10, 2008, 21:55:28 CET
hey how about we open a new topic called Cooking Methods and one can post different methods for cooking different fish...........
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 21:58:19 CET
Good idea shanook :)
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: shanook on June 10, 2008, 22:10:46 CET
done its there if u want u can place the barracuda cooking method. U tell me how and i tell wife and I eat..mmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 22:43:32 CET
hahaj mintix cuc shanook :p
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: Granitu on June 10, 2008, 23:54:44 CET
u ija trid zzid bicca ohra... tahsel l platti mbad ;D ;D
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: bigboy on June 10, 2008, 23:55:59 CET
jien insajjar, nikol imma imbad ma nhobbx inkun selfish hux heqq il platti natijom lil ommi biex tahsilhom :p
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: Klaws on June 12, 2008, 15:21:23 CET
u can add water instead of white wine granitu when preparing fish 'al cartoccio'. I prefer water when the fish is very delicate like bass for example and I add more wine when the fish has a stronger taste like red mullet.

Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: Granitu on June 12, 2008, 15:43:14 CET
claudio, if red mullet is trill it is not my favorite fish. i never shoot it cause i don't like it's taste but my mother loves them.... she's the cook i am the sort of the "bread winner"- fish winner in this case....

well groupers do have a good taste but they are becoming rare and never caught one because the examples i see are too small.. 1kg range. mullet if clean is an excellent fish so are saragi species(grufulatori), especially the mingus, which has a sort of sweet taste
Title: Re: Best way to cook a barracuda
Post by: placebo on June 12, 2008, 20:15:44 CET
i prefer to fillet barracudas put in a special eggs/ bcrumbs paste and off in boiling oil and chips u viva il cholesterol