Dear all MFF members,
I would like to inform you that who ever is interested in buying an EPIRB for his safety at sea, we've got a quotation from Caruana Marine Centre and the prices are very good compared even with some from EBAY.
The first option is RLB-32 CAT I with hydrostatic release ( this will release the epirb automatically when the boat sinks. :'( hope it never happens) and it costs ?720
the Second option which I'm more interested is the same model but with manual release.
RLB-32 CAT II + Bracket and manual release at ?460.
I will post the pictures and who ever is interested please let me know so that we can deal a good price together.
On american sites they are way cheaper...some of them close to half price and with the value of the american dollar compared to euro right now, it makes it more worthed to buy it online and ship it to Malta.
Charlot, I am intrerested but I am not sure aboiut one thing. Should an EPIRB be registered and carried only on a particular boat (like VHF with DSC & MMSI no) or is it not boat specific and I can just carry out around on different boats with me just like I do with my portable VHF & GPS?
Jonathan an EPIRB is registered to the boat and you SHOULD NOT take it along to other vessels. Personally for the type of use most of us are interested in I would go with a PLB instead and always make sure it has an Internal GPS or you will be in the water for a while. Non GPS models rely on satellites to pass over more than once to narrow down your position using doppler shifts in the frequency.
The RLB-32 doesn't have that. You'd have to step up to the Globalfix RLB-35.
I personally think we're better off looking at a group buy scheme of a PLB, either the ACR Aquafix 2797.4 GPS or otherwise the McMurdo FastFind MaxG (48hrs transmit), or the FastFind Plus GPS (24 Hours Transmit)
thanks for the info skip. what would the approximate cost of these gadgets be?
when the plb signal is sent who actually receives it nick
When a PLB or an EPIRB transmit they send their signal up to the COSPAS-SARSAT network of satellites that process the signal and provide a location which is then sent downstream to ground station local user terminal known as a GEOLUTs.
The main GEOSAR satellite for our area is MSG-2 which has GEOLUT terminals located in Algiers, Toulouse, Pentelli (Greece), Bari (Italy), Fauske (Norway), Spain, Ankara and Combe Martin (UK). The GEOSAR network only processes signals from devices with GPS information as they are Geostationary satellites and therefore don't use doppler shifts, whereas the low earth orbiting LEOSAR network processes 406MHz signals with no embedded GPS co-ordinates and rely on multiple satellites to pass over you to narrow down your position via doppler shifts.
The GEOLUT's then send the information to a Mission Control Center who in turn forward the distress to the nearest rescue co-ordination center (in our case RCC Malta), who come out and get you!
It's important to stress that one of the main advantages of an EPIRB over an PLB is that it gets it's optimum signal when floating, whereas a PLB needs to be held above the water with the aerial pointing skywards and nothing covering the GPS receiver area. If you're unconscious or something like that you'll get a reduced or no signal as the PLB can't be held, whereas if an EPIRB auto deployed it would be floating and transmitting in the clear so to speak.
MacMurdo Fast Find Max will set you back ?239 incl VAT and has a 121.5MHz homing signal beacon as well but no GPS.
MacMurdo Fast Find Max G +GPS will set you back around ?350 incl VAT and has a 121.5MHz homing signal beacon as well
MacMurdo Smartfind E5 EPIRB Manual (No GPS) - ?299 incl VAT
MacMurdo Smartfind E5 + GPS EPIRB Manual - ?449 incl VAT
ACR units are a bit more expensive but considered to be top-notch.
Guys what do you think of extending on Fishfinder's idea of a group buy which I had also been thinking about, and we write a letter from the Forum to the Times and the Independant informing people that we intend to do a group purchase of EPIRBs and PLBs and anyone interested in joining in to get a better price is free to do so.
I would like to take it a step further and say something along the lines of 'Seeing as the government has no intention of providing an incentive such as waiving the VAT on emergency life saving devices, a group discount is one way of reducing costs for all those interested.'
We can certainly approach the local suppliers like Caruana for ACR and Medcomms for McMurdo and see what they are willing to offer before contacting suppliers based in Europe. Whilst the US is a little cheaper, unless the units have a CE stamp they will be stopped on import, and there's also duty to be paid on top of everything. (
some prices are cheap on this site too.
Guys thought it might be time to refresh everyone on this as we're in the winter months and preparing our budget for next year! Maybe you got some money for Xmas.....and are pondering what piece of equipment you should spend it on...a new reel, rod.....what about a vital piece of safety equipment if you venture offshore.
With the strength of the Euro against the £ now is the time to buy from the UK as from the USA it's no longer worth it.
McMurdo Smart Find Plus (G5) 406 GPS EPIRB Manual Release 5yr battery life minimum 48hrs Transmit. Free MMSI and Foreign Flag programming. €462 incl VAT
MacMurdo Fast Find Max G-GPS will set you back around €335 incl VAT and has a 121.5MHz homing signal beacon and 48HRS TRANSMIT. Free MMSI and Foreign Flag programming.
MacMurdo Fast Find Plus-GPS will set you back around €283 incl VAT and has a 121.5MHz homing signal beacon and 24HRS TRANSMIT. Free MMSI and Foreign Flag programming.
OR if you prefer ACR as a brand:
ACR Global Fix 406 Cat 2 Manual EPIRB Internal GPS for pinpoint location. Manual 5 year warranty & battery life. 406 and 121.5Mhz. Free Foreign Flag programming. €515
ACR Aqua Fix 406 PLB GPS EPIRB with internal GPS and link 5 year warranty & battery life. 406 and 121.5Mhz. Free Foreign Flag programming. €450
Whether you go for a PLB or EPIRB is up to you and what you think your intended use will be....both have their pro's and cons, but having at least one is very important, especially if you couple it with a modern Laser Rescue Flare €80:
Night time signalling device visible up to 20 miles (32 km) away, optimal conditions. Effective in daytime up to 3 miles.
Locate reflective material up to one mile (1.6 km)
Waterproof to 80 feet (24 m).
Runs 72 hours on two easily replaceable AA batteries, buy once and no need to service etc.
Carry in your survival gear or attach to a lifejacket.
Let's see what the interest is in purchasing some, so that we can look at a bulk discount/make the freight costs more reasonable.
Nick are those prices in euros or sterling. I am trying to see if I can contact someone to maybe waive the vat part, thats why i am taking so long. I am interested although at the moment its a bit pricy and things arent exactly rosy......
Euro's I converted them over.
Just so everyone knows McMurdo have come up with a smaller, more cost effective PLB. Don't ignore your safety guys, it hopefully will never happen to you but if it does you want to have peace of mind that you have the right equipment to alert authorities to your exact position in the minimum amount of time.
I have spoken with Mark at Medcomms about a group purchase of a PLB for those who may be interested. He has offered the excellent McMurdo Fastfind 210 (with GPS). This personal locator beacon functions in the same way as an EPIRB that is equipped with GPS but is designed to be more versatile and portable and registered to an individual rather than a vessel. This has the added advantage of you being able to take it with you when you go on a friends boat, or any kind of outdoor activity where you want peace of mind.
1 – 5 Units - € 260.00 + Vat
5 – 10 Units - € 230.00 + Vat
10 – 15 Units - € 215.00 + Vat.
The 210PLB was recently voted Product of the Year at the Helsinki Boat show
It's fully waterproof, has a built-in integral 50-channel GPS for additional pinpoint location in additional to a localised 121.5Mhz homing beacon and an SOS LED flashlight. The size of a mobile it is designed to be tethered to an individual and there are various optional accessories like carry cases, lanyards etc that can be purchased.
With the accidents that occured last year, safety should not be overlooked. If you're interested please post your interest here so that we can get an idea of numbers.
im interested skip
il-prezzijiet huma tajbin ikkomparati ma barra
Interested too
Me too
we have to check about the battery. it lasts 5 years if not used {hopefully). would we find a replacement? and how much would it cost?
The Battery does last 5 years. I am sure we would find replacements. if not, 200Euros + in five years is a small sum to pay for peace of mind.
if you activate it does it still transmits the signal if you are in the sea and it goes under water for some time. it transmits a 5 watt signal is it strong enough because a handheld radio transmits 5 watts and you dont make contact with it or they use different signals.
it does not float but,there is a floating pouch which one can buy.
So as Caldaland pointed out it doesn't float, though you can get a floating pouch, but it is fully waterproof. It is meant to be tethered either to a person or to a lifejacket etc.
Because it does not float and isn't self righting like an EPIRB that is in a big bulky casing you need to be conscious to use it because it needs a clear line of site to the sky. If it goes underwater I would imagine (but we'll need to check) that it still transmits but signal won't get through to the satellite whilst submerged - same with an EPIRB which will not work underwater
Different signals busu you are transmitting on 406MHz to satellites in low geosynchronous orbit in a narrow burst transmission. Battery can be changed by Service Center (Medcomms).
The 121.5Mhz homing beacon is just to guide an aircraft in for the last couple of miles.
so if it is sending signal and goes underwater if you keep it above water it will continue transmitting. and you dont charge the battery ? is there a fee to register it ?
I think cabela's have something similar to what you all are writing about.Its the acr sarlink personal locator costs $500.
Hi Busu, It doesn't stop transmitting to the best of my knowledge if it goes underwater for a short period of time because things like PLB and EPIRBs do not constantly transmit, they have a cycle on/off after sending the initial co-ordinates. You don't charge the battery, it has a lifespan of 5 years and then needs to be replaced, in those 5 years you can run up to 10 self test cycles which tests the battery status and transmitter status etc.
Registration of a PLB should be free......but we need to confirm that for sure.
An EPIRB has it's advantages for sure but it's alot more expensive for a similar GPS version, in my opinion more suited to being offshore over long remote passages rather than coastal (up to 40nm) due to the differences in transmit times (24hrs PLB, 48 hours EPIRB). But they are registered to a vessel and should not be removed so in that sense an EPIRB keeps you bound to the vessel its registered on. For additional peace of mind I think a Personal Locator Beacon makes sense for the type of boating we tend to do.
Interested so far:
Interested so far:
Interested so far:
any translation in maltese pls?
translation @ perla, hemm apparat li tilbsu fuqek qisu mobile phone u meta jigrilek xi hsara fid dajsa (teereq jew tkun qed tiddriftja) u ma tkunx tista tikkomunika ma hadd, taghfas il buttuna fuq dan l-apparat u jibat messag bis satelita. Dan il messag jindika li inti ghandek bzonn lajnuna u jibghat ukoll il pozizzjoni tiehgek biex isibuk malajr.
Jekk nordnaw 10 jigu 215 euro.
hi all
i am offering my knowledge to all interested to organize a speech about Epirbs & Sarrts;position reporting; dead reackoning; flares; sea anchors; liferafts; VHF's
we can also expand on Fire onboard or other marine related topics which may save your life,
contact Nick with any suggestions decide on a meeting place
this seminar will be Free of charge for all forum members Sponsored by Okuma
thanks norbert...... that wud be very interesting
Just as a background for those that don't know, Norbert is a licensed praciticing maritime full time Captain on commercial ships with countless years experience - so it would be fantastic to have such a briefing :)
Tks norbert, I m interested.
tks norbert, sounds interesting even for those that don't venture out far at me!! ;)
mamma mia kif ma ghandnix hila naqqdu ghaxra minn nies fuq din?........milli jider ma tantx hawn minn intaqa ma bahar ikrar jew waqfitlu xi magna hemm barra...........
Ktibt bil Malti biex nitemu ahna biss
Hi Skip
When I bought my VHF radio, for an extra few Euro I also got this, thing that looks like a small radar dish, which is now monted on the SOJ radar arm, this is in turn connected to my radio.
On the radio there is a spring loaded saftey flap, with a button underneath it, if I get into difficulty, I press this button and it sends out an automatic distress call and my location.
Is this similar to what this EPIRB ACR SATELLITE does. Or should I think of purchasing one.
Captain Gus
recession shanook!!!! :)
yep must be Benri, and a real bad one at that........but I keep hearing that everything is working fine and we are out of it ?!?!?!?!?! So probably we are NOT
SOJ the one that you have is good if the boat is still afloat. if it sinks its of no good. you carry the PLB on you so if the boat sinks or you are thrown overboard and no body notice immediatly you activate it.
250 euros is not a lot of money compared to your life or better still compared to that time spent in the water thinking if someone knows that you are stranded or if someone might pass and see you or if they know that you are stranded if they will find you in time before dying. ok you might say it wont happen to me or you never tought about it.
I experienced this situation and i can assure you its not very nice. if i had this PLB we would have been rescued in a short time (hopefully). I dont know why i did not buy one immediatly after that experience but now that i saw again this post i am not taking any chances with my life.
Thanks for the info Busumark, if that is the case then I will buy one for sure.
Captain Gus
Spirit of Jason
Gus, basically you have a DSC VHF connected to your GPS. It will transmit your position to vessels/ground stations within range but on smaller boats without very long whip VHF antenna's range can be limited, mind you even on larger boats it all depends who is near you. then as Busu pointed out if you have to abandon ship this thing comes with you. Most of the smaller boats can't carry a dingy or liferaft so when you're floating in the water you want to minimise the time as much as possible to get rescued.
I've been 12 miles out and unable to radio Valletta Port or Malta VTS which made me feel uneasy especially with bad mobile coverage at that distance, so for less than the price of most mobiles this will be coming with me for peace of mind. Both the Simshar incident but more importantly Busumark's incident really raised the awareness level.
If together we're able to get the price down a bit, it's a nice help.
well we are 9 so far all we need is one more and bingo we have it for 215 euro........
i am still curious to know the price of the battery when the time comes to be changed
I will drop Medcomms an email with some of the question raised in this topic and revert back with their answer.
ty skip
come on guys! are we going to let this opportunity slip away?this may save you and your family's life!
Spirit of Jason
9 and counting, email sent to Medcomms concerning the questions raised.
ty skip
Spirit of Jason
10 confirmed....
lets not count the chickens before they hatch cause i have a bad feeling about the cost of the battery. lets hope for the best!
the price will cover the technology involved in these items they are built and then approved by SOLAS and many classification societies like DNV & BV. they are meant to work when you need them most.
the cost of the equipment you must divide over a period of years, then cost of the battery again divide it over five years.
These things don't come cheap but what's your life and of those on board worth???
not much! lol!
0.66% !
so now we have ten confirmed when are we going to get them
Visa, just waiting for Medcomms to answer some queries that were raised and will then post the reply and we can take it from there. Will also need to check stock levels with them
We are going to England for a short break 12-26th April, if you think the deal for these, EPIRB ACR SATELLITE 2 406MHZ, will be done while I am away, what would be the best way for me to pay for mine.
Captain Gus
1: Question: Is there a charge to register the PLB locally. Answer: I am checking with MCA regarding the possibility of local registration. So far, it's not possible. However I've been requested by MCA to put an official request in writing. I will do so accordingly. In the meantime however, each owner must register the unit for free on the official CapSat Sart website. That way should a PLB be activated, AFM will be notified anyway.
2: Question: Battery replacement cost. Answer: The replacement battery can be done locally and cost would be € 71 + Vat.
3: Question: What happens if the unit goes underwater temporarily whilst activated. Answer: I have asked McMurdo. So I will revert back accordingly.
Gus, PM your mobile number but you should be okay for those dates.
Do you guys have a target date when you are going to place the order? I might be in for two....
ty skip,im in for 2
The sooner the better, thing is I need to give Medcomms an accurate idea of numbers both for our unit price and also for him stock wise. I would like to get them in hand by the end of April if possible :) Will ask for a stock update
skip can you contact the afm and see what they tell you about PLB and what they do in the case that someone activates a PLB in their rescue area. this is the most important thing that we should know.
I can do yes. Basically the operators of the satellite network forward to the AFM RCC. Same as for Epirbs
5 units available ex-stock for those who might need them ASAP. The rest would take 2-3 weeks from confirmed order against a deposit.
Confirmed by McMurdo: The PLB will continue to transmit but if the antenna is under water it is unlikely the transmission will get through.
Quote from: busumark on April 05, 2010, 21:24:25 CET
skip can you contact the afm and see what they tell you about PLB and what they do in the case that someone activates a PLB in their rescue area. this is the most important thing that we should know.
is there any news? thanks
I have emailed the AFM several times in the past and never received a reply so I wouldn't hold your hopes up to get one from them this time around.
The procedure for what happens once a PLB is activated is documented at the begining of this topic and works the same way in Malta. If I get any reply in the meantime will let you all know.
Medcomms have put aside the 5 units for us (on a first come first served basis) with a confirmed price including VAT of €250 as we are 10 and over. Everyone can go there (Ask for Mark) ideally show their Forum card and pay for the PLB. It's important that are registered online as soon as possible in case one is activated.
The remaining units have been ordered already and will arrive in around 3 weeks time.
Just putting my 2c worth regarding the plb. Maybe it will make you guys feel a little bit safer. I read with interest that is transmits on 121.500Mhz. This means that it will be transmitting continuously an Audible sound, once activated, much like the old ELT's and the new Epirbs we have aboard aircraft.
As pilots we are legally bound to monitor 121.500Mhz when flying duties permit, infact in our company it is standard operating procedure to monitor the 'Guard Frequency'. Almost all pilots around the world report such emergency transmissions to Air Traffic Control. They in turn use their sophisticated radar equipment to triangulate an area, where the transmission might come from and alert the responsible SAR unit.
One more for the list:
Spirit of Jason
11 confirmed....
Caldalandx2 confirmed
Not sure if anyone has been to Medcomms yet but you can go and pick/pay for those 5 from stock, just ask for mark and show forum card.
Should be going shortly.
Did we get a confirmed price, sorry if the price has been posted, must have missed it.
Captain Gus
As we are more than 10, we managed to get it for €250 including VAT
Mark has just informed me by email that all PLBs are now in stock.
i will be going next week as tomorrow its full day .......
just got mine this morning.................well done skip.
i got mine too. its very small you have to pay attention not to loose it
What is the name of the shop and were is it, I shall nip down and pick up mine..
Gus, once u go past the big roundabout at Msida u go uphill to sliema then the road goes downhill past International Marine and BMW and u come to a petrol station on your left. Find a parking place as the place is called Medcomms and its on the right side of this stretch of road. This is just before u come to an opening where the road either goes to sliema or back to Msida.
Thanks for the info, Shanook, I think I know were you mean, I take it all I have to do is show them my membership card.
Thanks again
Captain Gus.
yes and ask for Mark as he knows about the PLB.
R there any left guys????????
put it this way Kaptan, members were supposed to buy it and they put their name down but if I were you I would go and buy it. If they didnt leave they might have changed their mind. Give a call to Skip.
i will try to get my 2 this afternoon.
it would have been nice if those who got their plb would have informed the others that they need 4 details before they go to fetch theirs!
Cadrick, yes there are some extra units over and above what was confirmed by us.
I've just called Mark to clarify as it seems that to further enhance things Medcomms will be keeping their own local database with the same details that you need when registering the unit online:
Full Name
ID Card Number
Telephone Number
Email Address
Next of Kin, Name and Telephone Number
This is to help prevent the situation where someone buys a unit but forgets to register online or the details aren't correct, the AFM would be able to cross-check with Medcomms
thanks skip.your dedication and commitment is duly appreciated.
skip we have to register them online ourselves ? because i toght that meddcoms were going to register them on-line for us
just got my 2 units thanks
Quote from: busumark on April 29, 2010, 13:18:43 CET
skip we have to register them online ourselves ? because i toght that meddcoms were going to register them on-line for us
Medcomms are keeping a local database as a backup, you MUST ALL register your units online
Tried to register my PLB unit, on the link you published Skip, but it wont accept the 15 digit code.
Captain Gus
i registered on line with UK do I have to do it again on the link u provided Skip
Where did you register Shanook? Do you have a link for us.
Not sure Gus will have to check with Medcomms.....perhaps the link I posted isn't good and Shanook has the correct one?
i went to have a look at the one u posted and it seems a bit different. Will post the site i went to
it seems that I cannot find the same site but I know that i registered with falmouth UK. I was asked the type of registration whether aviation, leisure or fishing. I also gave the phone numbers of people to be contacted but for the love of God i cannot find the site. I even looked in history and its not there.
If I find it I will post immediately
Sorry Guys
"Fast Find Personal Location Beacons (PLBs) should be purchased in your country of residence and must be registered with your national authority. Each Fast Find is programmed for a specific country and can only be registered in the country for which it has been programmed. However, if you were to purchase a Fast Find in a country other than the one in which you reside, you do have the option to have it reprogrammed to the country code of your country of residence but, this will of course involve additional cost. This can be discussed further with your supplier."
How about someone gives a call to medcomms.
yep a definite call to medcomms is imperative..........i see a case for my daughter.......anyone wants to talk to my lawyer
I have emailed Medcomms. Malta does not have its own database at the moment so no national authority is performing registrations locally, this also applies to EPIRBs and PLBs. Personally after the Simshar incident I think it's totally unacceptable that Malta has not gotten into gear and sorted things out especially as it so actively promotes being a maritime flag state. However the COSPAS satellite network that all 406MHz beacons work on has ground stations worldwide, and after digging around the COSPAS site I have found that Malta RCC operated by the AFM is associated with ITMCC (Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) who operate in the Central DDR region. The UKMCC also operate in the Central DDR region (DDR = Data Distribution Region) therefore in terms of which ground stations would be notified if we triggered our PLB in Malta it would go out to all Central DDR regions. We should therefore have no problem with registerting with the UKMCC as italy do not do online registration.
I tried to register by PLB on the International site and got the same message as Shanook directing me to in order to register online from the UK Rescue Co-ordination centre which I am going to go ahead with, here is what I entered:
New Registration (ticked)
Name of vessel: fill in yours!
Type of vessel: select pleasure
Max Number of people carried: fill in yours and be accurate
MMSI and Call Sign if you have
Beacon Manufacturers Name: McMurdo
Beacon Type: Cat 2 FastFind 210 GPS PLB
Beacon Serial Number (From the label on the beacon): 210-xxxxxx (find your last 6 digits from the box marked serial no.)
Hex ID (15 characters eg: 9D0... or 1D... etc): 9Dxxxxxxxxxxxxx (15 hexadecimal digital so A-F and 0-9)
Personal Details: Enter appropriately, ensure you put MALTA in the address, ensure you have +356 before your telephone numbers, list multiple 24 hour contacts
Notes: here I put some details of my boat, its engines and where i normally operate.
I will know within 48 hours if there are any problems with my online registration, in the meantime I suggest you guys hang on before registering yours online unless you are planning to go out with it at sea beforehand.
Also suggest you register product here as then you know your details are with the manufacturer as well.
Use MT for the state/county
Retailer Information:
Medcomms Ltd
4 Msida Road, Gzira GZR1401 - MALTA
+356 21335521
skip,as always,you are a man of great dedication.thanks.but can i ask a question? what was that you emailed medcomms and what exactly was his reply? i will wait to register my 2 units as you wisely suggested.thanks again.
I emailed Medcomms to ask how come we can't register on the IBRD website and just to confirm that the UKMCC have no issue with us registering our units there. From what I can tell because the units are HEX ID 9D they seem to be wanting to be registered on the UKMCC website. I've asked him to ask McMurdo why we can't use the IBRD and for further clarification.
any news skip?
Yes Mark just called after having spoken to McMurdo in the UK.
As Malta is currently not recognised on the IBRD for PLBs etc we are to use the UK site and the registration will be accepted.
Thank you Skip
thanks skip
just got email from UK and the beacon has been registered. Official notice will follow. So I am officially seen by BIG BROTHER now.
In the meantime Medcomms have agreed to contact MCA in Malta again and when we have some time I will also try and set a meeting with MCA to see if we can take things forward locally.
skip,did you post any of those papers included with the unit?
No I did everything online........Registration with McMurdo and of the PLB all online.
i registered my unit on the site you kindly provided {},do i have to register it elsewhere? and if the answer is positive ,where?
Optional Warranty Registration with manufacturer
Also suggest you register product here as then you know your details are with the manufacturer as well.
Use MT for the state/county
Retailer Information:
Medcomms Ltd
4 Msida Road, Gzira GZR1401 - MALTA
+356 21335521
thank you skip
where can we buy floating pockets for the plb ?
mark of medcomms told me that as soon as he has some he will email me,but im not holding my breath! i will check online if i can find some!
mark of medcomms informed me that when the floatable pockets arrive they will cost around 10 euros for 2
good price 10 euros for 2 we should buy them in pairs then
one yellow and one black
let us know when he gets them as I want one.........
of course
me too
I went to have a look at my registration from UK and the unit was jotted down as a non GPS unit. So i made the necessary corrections and re sent to UK. I have just received an email stating that the the unit's hex id is wrong and depicts a non gps unit.
I will copy and past the email i received so that u guys can check about the unit. Will call Medcomms and write to McMurdo.
Dear Mr Pace
Looking at the Hex Id: 9D0F60661000309 (210-530820), this decodes as a non-GPS beacon. However, given that you state that the model is a 210 type, it is currently wrongly coded and therefore will need to be re-programmed as soon as possible to the correct GPS coding protocol. I suggest that you contact the supplier or if you have a problem, please contact Geoff Sargent, Customer Support Manager, McMurdo Ltd, Tel: +44 23 9262 3900 who will be able to advise further. I have copied him in on this email.
Once reprogrammed, the Hex Id will change to start: 1D....., etc, please advise us of the new Hex Id so we can update our records.
Many thanks, Linda
UK 406MHz Distress & Security Beacon Registry
Tel: +44 (0)1326 211569
Fax: +44 (0)1326 319264
Just called Medcomms and I have to take it in for check our the hex number and if it starts with 9d then it needs reprogramming......
That is annoying, mine is a 9D hex code as well so looks like they have all come out incorrectly coded. Tony can you email me Geoff Sargent's contact email address so that I'll send him an email to double check, but if they need to be 1D I guess I'm in the same boat.
I dont have Geoff Sargent email, the posted email is exactly as I got it. Although Mark from Medcomms was helpful i felt disappointed as when I told him about this he said that someone else had contacted him with the same problem, my disappointment is that he should have consulted the data he collected from us and should have contacted us.
This is a safety measure and it should be taken seriously..........there might be lives at stake.....
Medcomms have confirmed that all 9D units have to be returned for programming.
Went to medcomms and met Visa there, just got a call that they are ready, and that Mark is going to take care of registering them with the new hex ID.
Do you have any new information regarding this topic in regards to registration of PLBs or EPIRBs? Do we still have to do them online via UK only?
Haven't been informed of any changes, but may be worthwhile giving Mark at Medcomms a call. In an ideal world the MCA would have taken charge of this locally but.....!!
Old topic however just as an update all these years later, I've had the battery changed on my 210 model and as Malta now supports beacon registration , my PLB has been coded to Malta and I will be registering it on