using .20 falcon line for rixa fergha but it keeps getting tangled so much the line "jinharaq" rixa using is delta eel with 1 hook . the .40 falcon is fine but the .20 i have my doughts,
anyone use falcon and have the same problem or am i doing something wrong??
for what kind of fishing are you using it?
Do you mean tangled or twisted? Could be you need to have some swivels on your connections or else the set up hasn't been rigged right.
If you're using just one lure (delta eel) on the end of the line it shouldnt tangle for you, but it will twist the line which might then tangle if there's no swivel.
falcon is a very soft line my friend..... it will get burnt easily if it twists....
eliminate coated fluorocarbon and switch t pure fluorocarbon if you want that invisibility,
but i would rather use a maxima line of thinner diameter
ahh.. remember to straighten(stira x xlief) the line, else you wont reduce entanglement.... this often happens on retrieve as the rotary of the motor generates a rotating current that eventually spins the fergha(trace) because of a low weight. a slip shot at the fergha can help to reduce it and as skip said, a proper rotatin swivel and 2 beads and 2 stoppers will further reduce it
i tie directly to rixa , i think rotating swivel might solve the problem, ill give it a try .
so maxima line is of better quality, im just new to fishing and need big advice,
caught 6 tunagg yesterday 3miles off gnejna with lampuki lures , got tangled a couple of 100 times though.
when u ritrieve the lure do u switch off motor cause i lost 2 with motor going, and do u put line on top of itself or tie it to the sufra cause it takes ages, if no is there a particular pattern of retrieval to aviod entaglement
and what's a slip shot, beads and stopper.
beats i think i know but cant imagine what there for!!
Usually we dont switch the motor off.When we retreive the line we just leave it on deck.Try and dont leave the fish fall on the line cause you will create a disaster.Another simple thing is to use the fishing rod.With it you will never get tangled hopefully ;)
Camkev id rather go for the handline though :p as is you catch a tunnag on a thin fishing rod you take ages to retreive it right ??? :p
i think .20 is too thin.
For this time of the year the less i go down is to 0.25mm. nothing less
also for this type of fishing iy is much more fun on handline since you can better feel the pull of the fish ....also i tink if u wer to meet a school of fish it is much faster to retrieve and deploy the rixa by hand x) Lapsiboy
after the first 2 weeks of lampuki season the size of the line doesnt make any difference. yesterday i had one rixa with the last 10mtrs with .40 line and the other the last 10 mtrs with .50 line. i caught more with the .50 line than i caught a lampuka and fell on the line in the boat and got the rixa tangled. i used another one that had the last 10 mtrs .70 and still caught more than the .40 rixa. if they want to bite they bite everything
Buzi starting from last week I'm using rods and I solved the problems on tangle when you get the fish into the boat. I was one of those you likes trolling on the hand lines but i have to admit that it's a great fun on the rod and it's faster to retreave a fish without losing it.
It depends on what rod you are using. Last time out with camkev for lampuki we had two rods with us, a light tackle trolling rod and a thin rod which i use for kahli. On the trolling rod you dont really feel the fun whilst on the thin rod it took me double the time to bring in a fish.
I'm using jigging rods 150-300grms and a normal spinning reel and i can assure you that there's all the fun you want and I retreve fast with out any tangle when i get the fish in the both. Last wednesday I had 2 x 3lampuki on the rod i was back trolling within 2mins.
i dont know fishfinder i never tried with rods but the most exciting moment when trolling is the first strike when the fish is caught and i dont think that with the rod is the same thing
Jien nipreferi fuq idi imma l-vantagg li andek bil-qasba li andek d-drag u jekk tmissek xihaga mux mistennija tista tajjija ahjar minajr ma taqtalek
it happens to get the strikes on the rod cause while you're retreaving the rod more keeps coming and as Spitec said with the help of the drag you will catch them easier even if you catch 3 nice ones. It happens also that when we catch on one rod we have to reduce speed and so I get the other rod and start retreaving slowly and since Lampuki will keep coming with the other fish cought on the other rod you will get a lot of stikes on the rod and beleive me they are much more fun on the rod than on the hand line. Still this is my opinion but even when you're trolling for hrs and you will get tired we often put it on the bungy cord but still when a fish strikes and you will not notice it often happens that you lose the fish. With the rod you will hear the drag and the fish will still keep swimming without losing her Denture ;D
guys.. what do you think re having a rolling swivel connected to the reel mainline and a short shockleader tied to it and a rolling snap on swivel so to change lures swiftly..? It should also help with the tangling..
i think it is useless.
maltempu if u want to change lures than a better set up to ur suggestion is: snap swivel to ur main line and have ur lures set up with a leader ending with a loop. so all u have to do is take off the lure and leader and change to a new one.
shanook, that is my current setup, but i saw it on a book, i tought i'd better ask, than try it out and have some hassles... ;) thanks.. you too bigboy..
usually the main line gets entangled not the leader. or you step on it when you are retreiving the fish on the fish slips from your hand and finish on the line that is in the boat
That's why sometimes i prefare using rods.It's very easy to retreive and it's very difficult to get entangled.I am seing a lot of people today using rods instead of handline,even the older fishermen.
I like both the difference is that with a hand line i usually use from 4 to 6 lures for lampuki. with a rod max is 2 thats the difference i see, of course i am leaving out the part of a better chance od holding a large lampuka on a light line. As sometimes at this time we fish with small lures for a max of 700gr fish and u get hit by a 2kg lampuka which is hard to get on a hand held 20lb line
but leaders for lampuki should be at least 7 m long and with snap swivel youll end up 7m to retrive by hand. do u use shorter leader?
Quote from: shanook on September 02, 2008, 11:08:55 CET
I like both the difference is that with a hand line i usually use from 4 to 6 lures for lampuki. with a rod max is 2 thats the difference i see, of course i am leaving out the part of a better chance od holding a large lampuka on a light line. As sometimes at this time we fish with small lures for a max of 700gr fish and u get hit by a 2kg lampuka which is hard to get on a hand held 20lb line
4-6 lures???? Maybe in August you use 4 lures but to get 6???!!!!
At this time of the year even 2 on each line its hard, but as usual we try to get our chance. In a month we eill be using only a single lure on each line