Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Spinning => Topic started by: intermilan on August 28, 2008, 11:24:52 CET

Title: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: intermilan on August 28, 2008, 11:24:52 CET
going to be fishing the next 2 weeks in armier, spinning not with live bait. What would somebody recommend. For example what type of lures, and what should I expect or better yet what are my chances :)
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: skip on August 28, 2008, 11:30:09 CET
Spin with various types and sizes of rapala's or similar, and maybe some surface popping lures and you might get into something decent. MartinB is probably in a better position to advise in more detail along with some others.
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: clutch_kick on August 28, 2008, 13:50:43 CET
Hello InterMilan ( I made a big sacrifice to write that nickname! )

Depending on the Casting strength of your rod ( I will consider this to be 10-50g) you should invest in a small selection of lures.  90-110mm Minnows from Yo-Zuri or Maria for example, get a natural coloured one and a high visibility one.  You could also buy two small metal spoons, maybe a 20g and a 35g, they will help you cast longer, but they need to be 'animated' by the spinfisher.

Poppers, are good, but not so popular, I guess it's because people think they are un-natural.  One thing I know is that they are effective once you have gained a good relationship with your rod, poppers can be lethat for surface predators.

Tight lines and remember spinning is not the most productive of techniques, but you never know what will hit you.  If you require more expert advice MartinB is the man to hunt down :) ... he is one of the undisputed kings of spinning hehehe
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: SPITEC on August 28, 2008, 20:26:56 CET
You never know what may hit your lure the most important thing is that you experiment with lures and retreive in different speeds and change places by walking a few meters when fish don't bite because you have to find the fish with spinning not they find you.
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: intermilan on August 28, 2008, 20:29:22 CET
Yes Yes I understand, but in this time of the year, what species can I expect?  ::)
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: SPITEC on August 28, 2008, 20:39:40 CET
sawrell,kahli,baracudas,accola you never know my friend
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: intermilan on August 28, 2008, 20:40:52 CET
can wait ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: fishing in the next 2 weeks in armier - spinning not with live bait
Post by: intermilan on August 31, 2008, 21:38:03 CET
Anyways, going to start Tuesday at around 5am, till sun comes up, hope I will start the week being lucky, will keep all posted on forum, maybe I might need some tips!! :)