guys, tried fishing for vopi @ ballutta today since it was rather choppy for pagell/serran off maghtab and found that it is still very small! when is the fish of a decent size in season ? what is the best bait and recommended size hooks?
don't know why cos just today while I was spearfishing I saw very big ones. Im talking about Lapsi area but was quite a bit out from shore
Big Vopi starts round Late November beging December. Best bait shrimps, hook size 9 or 8, of the old sizes as to day may sizes vary depends on the brand.
we catch big vopi all year round in south areas.
in NOV - JAN it gets more close to shores but we catch it on boats all year round.
thank you guys.
I do not think that the middle of the Ballutta area (opposite Exiles) is all year round but will give it another shot in November time.
it is indeed very good in November that part of the island....
what would be a good size of vopi, my ex landlord sats you can eat them at any size. ???
a nice size is the 200gms mark. I'm not sure what weight this fish reaches but we'va caught some really nice ones even i think around the 300gms mark!
Studies show that this fish can actually grow up to 12 inches, weight 500g. I think though that such fish would be a one-off. A more reasonable size would be in the range of 200-300g.
(Maltese translation) - Skond is studji, Din il huta tista tikber sa pied! u tilhaq piz ta 500gr. Izda nahseb dik tkun xi wahda fmitt sena imma vopa sabiha tkun 200-300gr :)
You are switching to maltese again guys,this topic was started in english!!!!
MIke.d. As you were told all sizes good to eat. Small fry are good cooked as you would white bait. A little bigger, just covered in flour and deep fried, if well done, can be eaten bones and all. Bigger can be grilled, fried or even as soup. Enjoy
This mornig i went Cirkewwa ( @ the side of paradise bay ) there was nice size of vopi, even kahli !! at the deep. good luck :)
Lapsi boy 10x for your script, you are the 1st one ( if im not going wrong )that wirte with the both languages, i can understand more !!10x m8.
Ramio mentioned dual languages in a post for those who can manage. In theory I don't have a problem with it, but my concern is that people will see Maltese and start writing in Maltese without realising. Everyone would have to be extra careful.
I rarely see large vopi in this part of the Island. As Ed mentioned you will have better luck finding large ones on the other side of the Island.
thanks everyone really helpfull, looking forward to eating.
I was the one to add the translation underneat leaving the original. To be helpfull to our english speaking members and guests, I will try and translate as we go on. Hopefully will try to start some old posts as well, this depending on time available. At least we have a lot of volontiers to help.
Hi guys am new on this site. Am very interested to go fishing for vopi. Can you pls give me some info.
Thanks a lot
Depends what info you want mate?
Let me Give you some brief info on the fish and how to catch it...Vopa (bogue) Can grow up to a foot! and a total wight of 500g, Lives Close to the coast especialy in late summer, To catch this fish use a size 12 hook with a small float and a light rod, As bait you can use bread,prawns or (hniex)..It is caught mostly at sunset.
Skip Since i was giving Some info For everyone i tought i could Do it in both languages so everyone will understand :)
If you would like to put both English and Maltese when you post that's fine.
Thanks a lot Lapsiboy. I will try to give it a chance later on then cause its still bit small.
Bongu guys!
Last I fished for vopi in Exiles (Sliema) was November time and as someone mentioned in an earlier thread it was pretty good time. Can one still fish for vopi now?
This year there was a shortage of Vopi. The only few that was caught was from Popeyes Village. Now it had dissapeared. During this time we used to catch some from Bahar ic-caghaq and Qawra, (Ta Fra Ben)
we fished some in the south as well but the last time i tried (about 2 weeks ago) there was no sign of vopi!
any idea what ground bait is used to get vopi ? and how would you know vopi is around? is korean worms good for vopi?
sarda is the best ...... try fishing the vopa as it is not always evident that there is vopi around ... sometimes it is mid water other times it is completely at the bottom so try different levels ...... korean worms are good but not the ideal ...... vopi prefers shrimps as bait.
What is sarda?
finely mashed sardines.
korean worms are good, as usuvally with one piece you can catch more than one. As it is 'hard' bait they usually swallow the hook wihtout touching the bait, try it it works for me;)
jekk ikun frisk u haj jiccaqlaq sew kollox taqbad bih il vopi alef l ewwel halli tigbora