Malta Fishing Forum

Boat Fishing in Malta => Offshore & Coastal Boat Fishing => Topic started by: pupu on September 05, 2008, 10:34:53 CET

Title: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: pupu on September 05, 2008, 10:34:53 CET
il gimgha lohra qbatt xi tunagg u kif wasalt id dar missieri qalli hargett ligi li tehel lm 500 ax zghira . kin fijhom 300g il wahda.  issa jiena meta naqbad huta zghira li naf li tikber dejjem nitlaqa ax mat tinix il qalb. tafu bxi ligi ?? jekk iwa xhut u pizz tafu??

u haga ohra wahda kella timbru fuqa blingwa speci ta ukraina, qatt qbattu xi haga simili?? tafu xini?

English Translation:
Last week I caught some small tunny and when I got home my dad warned me that they were too small and that I could be fined upto Euros 1164 for catching small protected tuna.  They weighed in at about 300grms each.  I always release small fish back into the sea, knowing that one day they will grow to their adult size.  Does anyone have any information concerning this law, if yes, which are the fish and weight/sizes specified. 
Another thing, one tunny had a sort of marking in a foreign language stamped onto it.  Has anybody encountered anything similar?
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: The_Gaffer on September 05, 2008, 11:14:03 CET
Iva, ligi tezisti.  Ghada kif harget din is-sena.  Irreferi ghal gazzetta talggvern, hemm il hut kollu li jista jinqabad, il piz minimu u d-daqs.  Ma nafx ta liema xahar kienet il-harga, pero rajta zgur.  Rigward it-timbru, ma smajt xejn.

English Translation:

Yes, actually there is such a law, published this year.  Refer to the government gazzette, stated within are all the fish which one is eligable to catch, minumum sizes and weights according to law.  I have no idea when this law was published, but I'm sure that I read it.  As regards your other query concerning the official stamp, I personally have never encountered anything like it
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: Perla 165 on September 05, 2008, 12:06:28 CET
the gaffer,  min fejn nista nakwista din il gazzetta jek jogbok?

English translation:

Hi The Gaffer, where can I get my hands on a copy of the gazzette please?
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: kris on September 05, 2008, 12:37:36 CET
aw hbieb

around two weeks ago i was talking to employees at san lucjan and they said that the minimum weight of a blue fin tuna should be at least 25kg.

and the other thing that i was told that all those registered as 'S' cannot catch BFT.
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: Gazzetta on September 05, 2008, 12:40:39 CET
Hemm xi cans ngibu xi kopja ta din l gazzetta jew xi scan forsi ?? 

Jekk l S ma jistaw jaqbdu BFT qas tunnagg jigifieri !!!   :o

Chris  8)

Is there anyway we can get a hold of this gazzette, or at least a scanned copy maybe?

So we can't even catch BFT or little tunny at this time of the year?
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: fishfinder on September 05, 2008, 13:06:23 CET
Hi Guys,

this is all I could find ::)
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: placebo on September 05, 2008, 14:13:46 CET
very interesting.....thanks charlo
Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: skip on September 05, 2008, 17:54:57 CET
Guys those documents have been in the Downloads section (on the front portal page) for quite some time, they were kindly provided by Charlot, though I've just noticed for some reason they don't want to open/download so it's good that its posted here as well!!

pupu regarding the marking you saw, the only thing I can think of is that it's a form of tagging, maybe a conservation mark, but it's also surprising as the fish was quite small. You could always post a picture if you can of the mark.

The minimum size for most fish is 115mm (11.5cm), what's interesting is that what we refer to as Tunagg it seems are in fact baby bluefin tuna and in which case the minimum size is 30kgs/115CM so then catching them is illegal. Locals have been catching Tunagg for a long time using various methods, and during the Lampuki season they tend to be a major 'bycatch'.

I think its time for fisheries to make their position clear and well known on the issue of Tunagg.

Kris, I'm afraid the guys at San Lucjan gave you incorrect information on both accounts. The minimum size is 30kgs, not 25kgs and if you are a recreational fisherman, you can catch most things if you are using a handline or a rod, regardless of how the boat is registered.

As you can see there's so much vague information and not even the people who are supposed to know, can provide the correct info. Hopefully we will be making some progress on that in the near future.

Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: Diplodus Sargus on September 07, 2008, 20:01:19 CET
Guys I was reading an article on the sunday times last time...... It was on blue fin tuna. According to this article the season for catching this fish is closed in many countries around the globe. This is due the fact that its demand was so high during these past few years that its almost extinct, and in some areas its colonies are so few that it is impossible to recolonise again. This was due that the chinese are hunting this kind of fish with such technologies that it cant keep up with the hunt. Most probably by 2020 there is the risk that in our seas we will not see it any more!!!!! There were also some places mentioned that they have totally eliminated it!

Title: Re: aw xi ligi ta daqs ta huta??
Post by: skip on September 10, 2008, 14:04:54 CET
Saw that article as well, it was in The Circle I believe, an article on Bluefin Tuna with a nice big picture of a yellowfin!

You are right in saying the season is closed around the Med for commericial activities, purse seiners etc but not for recreational fishermen.