The season is fast approaching when infront of Tigne point, Dragonara Casino Area, infront of maghtab and elsewhere on the east coast one will see the sea dotted with bright lights on all kinds of boats during the evening and night. This signifies the beginning of the Calamri season in Malta, which usually begins around the end of September and carries on until late March April. This year, I'm prepared to go jigging too. Have already heard some reports that Calamari (albeit small ones) are being caught on the west coast and up at Cirkewwa. Anybody here ever been out jigging for them?.
we will wait till this moon clears off. Its too early and they are small. Yesturday there was from Lapsi that didn t had a singli strike
The season has started, but the size of the calamari is still small around 100gr.
i usually go from bugibba but this year i want to try it out by using my boat. can anyone tell me what i will need since it's my first run...
My setup is as follows:
100m 0.80mm main line
2m 0.40mm
3-way swivel
2m 0.40mm
3-way swivel
1m 0.30mm
I attach the calamari jigs (the ones without lead) to the 3-way swivels dirctly. The weight of the lead varies between 3-6oz, depending on depth and current.
I agree with rob but even the ones with lead are good and you can use 3 swivels instead of 2 and don't put too much light in the water.
last year i went for clamari about six times but only at sunset because i did not have a ny special lantern.can i use a diving torch immersed in water?
No spiru it's not good u better make at least a small bulb like the ones you use for the soffits[suffet] better if halogen
this is a mares brand torch and it is halogen.what do you think cor it is quite powerful
its not raccomanded because it spreads in the deep and its better if you spread the light a little bit closer to the surface.Its my opinion someone else may tell you its good I don't know my friend.
Has anyone been successful using a rod to fish calamari from a boat? Tried several times, but results were poor because I never managed to feel the bite, even though I had braid in the spool.
Any ideas?
I have been successful without light but I used to go right at sundown. I started again last week, but it is still to early. But this year will be making a light :)
Some monster calamari are coming up from the depths together with the small ones. A friend of mine caught a 1.5kg one today!!!
rob,i fish for clamari with a short boat rod.i find it more convenient.forget it that you feel a bite when you cathch is not like fishing for sargi far from it.all you feel the rod heavier while jigging as if you have hooked a plastic bag
If you're spinning from land and manage to catch a nice one, 1 - 2 kg range, on a spinning rod 150g range it's like you've caught a nice fish !!! Last year I had to use even the drag with some of them, they took line aswell like when a fish is caught ;)
Chris 8)
The difference is that with a hand line you can actually feel the calamari 'playing around' with the lure; in this case I wait for a couple of seconds and sort of 'stike'. More often than not I manage to catch the calamari. That is something you cannot feel with a rod (or I have not managed to feel!!).
gazzett,i was talking about fishing for clamari from a boat in 50 to 60mtrs deep.from land it is a different story cos clamari strike while spinning in 1 mtr deep
The way I found best, and have been using for the last 5 years, is a short rod (about 1m), small multiplier reel, preferably self winding filled with 10 Lbs powerpro line ( I think this is spectra). The feel is out of this world as there is no stretch. I actually feel the lead weight fall from vertical to horizontal.
Sinse the rod is short by holding the line just out of reel in my fingers you can feel the sqiud as soon as it touches lure.
The good thing is, no tangles of line on the floor boards under the feet.
good idea ramio!
will try out
Nies araw naqa dan il link
Tubu ahdar ( green neon) tahsbu li hu efetiv izjed min dawl l-iehor ez min helogean? Din qrajta min site barranija illi juza dan it tip ta dawl . xtahsbu?
That's the best site I found regarding squid fishing and there is also a seller there which is very reliable, I got lures from him aswell.
Regarding the light colour, I prefer to use White light (not yellow but white) as it's the most light that penetrates through the seas darkness thus attracting more small fish which is bait for squids !!
Chris 8)
Gazzetta meta tejd tuza dawl abjad, ezempju bozza ta xix tuza u kem tkun watts al klamari ?
Halogen trid tkun l ahjar u jekk jista jkun tqabbad dimmer maghha halli tirregola s sahha tad dawl. Kif jibda jmiss il klamar trid tnaqqaslu d dawl.
Bozza halogen tal 50 bizzejjed man ;)
Thallix min ibellalek li il klamar irid hafna dawl ax il klamar fid dawl ma jmissekx. Meta jkun kwinta l qamar ahna laqqas nixelu dawl u jibda jmess aktar lejn il wic.
tal 50 + dimmer u xhin imiss tbaxilu ux big boy? Thank you
bozza halogen tal 50 man. Ijja jkollok dimmer biex xorta inti ma thallijiex tati full il bozza u kif tara li beda jmess il klamur baxxilu d dawl kemm kemm thallilu dik id dijja gel ilma u tara kif jibda jmessek sew. Jien Issa nibda ndur l affarijiet tal klamari u nara li kollox armat sew ax issa dalwaqt jibdew jidru n naha tana
Mill art jew bahar qed titkellem bigboy ?
Chris 8)
tajjeb. Mela il qabda tajba bigboy u grazzi
found squid jigs on ebay that have LED's inside them that light up on contact with water. Does anyone have any experience fishing with them?
fiz100 tista ta tina link tahhom dawn biex narawhom, jek jogbok. grazzi
pirotta igib minom dawk li jixelu is sena lohra qazizni ir riklam fuq ir radio hehe ma nafx imma jin alija il clamari jek ikolli jinqabad jinqabad ,..jin nistad min lapsi (lizjed) u ic champion tal clamari tem isfel imur b'krapar li jamel hu..ikunu comba min gewwa u drap abjad...u jek imur jin u naqbad 20 hu jaqbad 40 !! nahseb li il clamar trid tinzertah .ma neminx li il kulpara tamel daqsek differenza
Ijja min fuq id dajsa hux. Jien qatt ma tajt kas il labar li nuza ax meta jkun hemm jehel u tista titfalu li trid ax taqbad xorta.
Sorry, but I do not agree with you big boy. Its not the first time that, after having a long period without any signs of calamari, I decide to change the lures. Funnily enugh, after the lures have been changed, the catch rate increases dramatically.
Dawk l jigs li jixelu mill art ma tantx huma tajbin as semplici raguni li bl affarijiet li fijhom f zaqqhom biex jixelu jigu naqa tqal u int u gej bir rixa hemm cans kbir li tehilek ax teraq hafna !!
Kulur u forma tal jigs nhobb nibdel ukoll u gieli tara differenza bej gurnata u ohra.
Chris 8)
ezatt kif alura tarma ferha al klamari? forsi diferenti min dak li tana rob 1974
gazzetta i meant using these jigs from a boat. Being heavy is better i guess cause they sink faster
It's a good idea fiz100 the most important is to see if they stay good because of their weight!
only way to know is by trying!! will let you know the results later this year when we'll be going for the klamari
any hot pionts in north of Malta for klamari from shore and off shore?
fittixom perla hux :P int andek aktar vicin minni habib kemm iddur id dawra u issibom hemm. Tantx thalluli labar mal hbula tan nassi ax kollezjoni ghandi d dar daqs kemm insibu mal hbula u man nassi. Jekk ma nsibx qarnit insib b 20 lira labar zgur :P
Azzopardi fisheries is a very hot spot perla !:p
HAHAHAHAhahahah tajba lapsiboy loool !!! 10x xorta bigboy!
hi guys...what would you recommend regarding squid lures??...shiny ones,florescent ones, cloth coated....?
what differences are there between these lure?...if it does make a difference?
Hi fava.Sometimes it depends on the condition of the sea and if there is squid ;)If there are squids you can throw anything in the sea and you will catch.Everyone has his own colour favourities.But i think they are all good.You can try different ones while you are fishing and try to find the best one for that day!!
Not that much a difference Fava it's more a personal choice because as camkev said when there are squid they are caught on every colour.Good luck to all for the squid season
Have there been any catch reports iro boat fishing for calamari ?
Any specific areas where they are reporting catches if any ?
Is it still too early in the season ?
poor catch u havnt changed ur nick yet........clamari being caught off Gozo and off mizbla. catches not very abundant except for the odd day. Klamari are nice sized. its a matter of luck but if the weather is good and the company nice then u should go.
I went for a couple of hours on Sunday early morning. Six in the bag, averaging 150gr.
Thanks for replies, since I' m new to this type of fishing I need some more info please so onto the next couple of questions ...
Should the light set up used be bright or dim ?
Should light cone be concentrated as per a spotlight / beam or is a floodlight type effect better ?
Should light used be submersed into the water or reflected onto the fishing spot ?
Do you fish in the lit up area , adjacent to or away from it, say opposit side of boat to where light is setup ?
And additional advice / info provided would be of help.
I did not use any light on SUnday. Usually I do, but due to force majure (broken bulb) had to do without. I normally have ready to use submersible bulb bought from Mr Fish.
i got nice catches from the south last week.
in one outing i got 35 and then sunday morning i got 7.
many are still small in size (less than 200gms) but i got also some nice sized.
i was fishing in a new 70mtrs depth area! normally i fish them in 30-50mtrs but this time i'm experimenting in more deep waters and is looking good.
do not worry much about light as i only have a small dim light (20 watts) to save battery energy!
Prosit Placebo ur d king
far from it bigboy! i was only lucky!
This is my third year fishing for klamari and i can assure you that for every squid i get the boats from MXlokk who are fishing near me get 3.
i'm still experimenting and finding good spots
palcebo , just when you found them just let us know :P cheers m8 and good luck form more experements
Thanks to all who submitted feedback - very useful to me as new to this fishing category. At least I'm getting some clues.
Regarding wind, sea state and lunar phases which conditions would be most appropriate ?
yesturday went out and the wind was north. in 10 mins we got 6 nice ones but wind had changed to SE and had to get back. Was going to be a good one but better safe then sorry
poor catch did u rig up for kalamari or not. I suggest spitec to buy lines and lures. then all u have ot do is try.
Yes, I managed to get all necessary equipment sorted out.
We were out last week for a couple of hours and managed to land 10.
Pleasantly surprised with catch since it was our first time out fishing for calamari. Not bad for starters ! :)
hey hey hey as i told u before u have to change ur nick man........try 'good catch' for a change, good luck man. did u go Gozo and Bugibba side cause there are lots who come from gozo on that edge. faccata tal Barriera........
Quote from: poor catch on October 22, 2008, 13:50:21 CET
Thanks for replies, since I' m new to this type of fishing I need some more info please so onto the next couple of questions ...
Should the light set up used be bright or dim ?
Light should be not that bright (i use 50watts)
Should light cone be concentrated as per a spotlight / beam or is a floodlight type effect better ?
Floodlight its better than spotlight ...... remember that squids dont get into the light, they just stay in the halo of it (mad-dija) then small fish are attracted by the light and that is when the squids come in .... to eat. In fact normally they attack the lure as soon as you getting it in and just entered the light.
Should light used be submersed into the water or reflected onto the fishing spot ?
I prefer reflected from above. I found submersed light to give out too much light.
Do you fish in the lit up area , adjacent to or away from it, say opposit side of boat to where light is setup ?
Oh sh@# ;D ... i thought you were talking about squid fishing without the boat :) .... anyway, I think that you can adopt some of the things I told you for boat squid fishing too. Good luck mate ;)
And additional advice / info provided would be of help.
Experiment yourself with different stuff and combos like lines, lures, intensity of light etc etc ... after a while you will start noticing what suits you best. I've been squid fishing for 5yrs now and every year I make modifications to my setup to improve my fishing technique. Buy different lures and use them wisely ..... 1 example is try not to use a bigger lures than 2.5 for Nov, Dec then switch to size 3 for Jan onwards. I even try to keep my swivel small ..... i found out that the bigger the swivel is, the less attractive the lure is to the squid ............ oj oj oj I think I am saying too much now :P ....... if you need anything which I can help you in let me know
No problem mate .... anytime ;)
Im getting to belive that lures and good technich make the differnce with Klamari. This is the 1st year Im doing for Klamari end always we getting good results where others don t catch even one. Yesturday there was a guy next to us. We had 6 and he didn t even started up
Fishing off Gozo.
Whereabouts is Barriera ??
on the east side of gozo ......
hey guys,
I am new to squid fishing.
When u jig for klamari by boat how much time should you try an area before you change place? What i mean is this: should you wait and keep on trying an area till finally some squid come or lets say try for 15min and then change place?
If nothing is caught after 35 mins of constantly trying, try change place
if u are drifting slowly then u constantly changing the area man....the problem is when u catch as if u drift too much u lose them. if nothing happens than the currents down there arent that good for klamari fishing.
hmm ic ic. so u guys never anchor when fishing for klamari?
When the sea is not that calm you have to anchor man. That is what we always do but it is useless fishing in rough conditions (as you did :P )
pffft i still managed to catch 1 haha :P :P :P
Caught more than you when we went :P
ok ux ha ninzalek il-kappell :P :-*
(pls translate cause i don't know the same expression in english lol)
looooolll good one kris ;) who told you how to fish for them eeee eeeee ?????? tell them
Quote from: bigboy on November 06, 2008, 17:18:14 CET
Caught more than you when we went :P
Mhux ax kien hemm jin u l Fortuna makom jew !! :P
Ijwa mela int lizjed ;D ;D Tejduli xej imma jin u il bigboy kona loriginal u hu iktar mini ax hu rama u jin qbat lewwel tnejn ...umbad kien em xi 2 TBASSSU :P
U min qabad d dopju tijak hahaha :P
Chris 8)
mhux imnalla gibt l affarijiet mijej jien kiku lejl hemm barra az z**b kin ikun
Dik ovja king u jin edta meta ikkumentajt fuq s sajda tiftakar ;)
Chris 8)
Li ma kontx jien hadt ma kien jaqbad xejn zgur :P :D ;D ;) :)
omg omg loool...qed jaraw min qabad l-aktar ta...mux xi 10 qbattu b'kollox?? kiku ettuli xi mijja...kont najdilkom min qabad l-iktar?...imma 10 come on lool :P :P ;D
Ma fimtx kris ta,jien lanqas wiehed ma qbadt ax irqadt 8)
Jiena nhobb inmur Cirkewwa ghal klamari. :'(
X'taqt inkun naf xi xlief nuza bil-qasba tar-riel.
U rix tiei gibthom min fuq e-bay imma dawn jerqu ax bic-comba fuq barra. tajbin ghal Malta jew????
Li nixtri soltu min Malta jibqu ezatt fil-wicc :-\ tahsbu li ahjar hekk imma l-problema taghhom li wara li tuzhom xi darbtejn dawn jitilfu il-balance u jibdew gejjin lura nofsom l-isfell ?!!!?? >:(