Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Ledgering => Topic started by: pajsan on September 17, 2008, 13:00:27 CET

Title: Imsell mill-art
Post by: pajsan on September 17, 2008, 13:00:27 CET
Nixtieq inkun naf x'liska tuza ghal imsell, u tista tuza huta tal-plastik? :)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Robert on September 17, 2008, 13:41:01 CET
When my dad was younger he used to fish for garfish from land with his father - at that time everyone fished for garfish using bacon as bait. If I remember correctly it should be cut in thin strips.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on September 18, 2008, 16:07:45 CET
I find that the best bait is 'kurunella' when hooked alive and 'hniex tal-korea' but the most important thing is to use the thinest line possible.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 18, 2008, 21:39:47 CET
imissek kultant fuq huta tal plastic imma mhux il lure idejali my friend!
L-ahjar metodu huwa qasba tal idejn u jekk tista gib ir rih minn warajk halli jghinek titfa. Jekk tista tuza xejn comb ikun ahjar.

jekk tara li l-imsaella qed izzom il barra uza qasba tar reel fina u istad bi xlief 0.12 - 0.14.

Ahna insejhulu controller float meta tuza sufrun zghir u fergha xlief mieghu ta xi 1 meter twila.

Fit tarf orbot sunnara minn size 10 sa anke 14 jew 16. Bhala liska il korejan huwa tajjeb hafna ghax tista tghid meta jmissek taqbad dejjem. Biss l-imsella hija huta agli hafna u titghallem malajr ghalekk suggeriment tajjeb huwa li tbiddel il lixka. Tista tuza gambli tal friza, bacon u anke bicciet irqar ta hut jew klamari. L-imsella tattira hafna mir rieha u importanti li izzomma maghlufa tajjeb.

Ahna nhobbu nuzaw ftit zejt tas sardine jew inkella mal ghalf zid ftit zejt normali halli izomm fil wicc.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: LapsiBoy on September 19, 2008, 00:40:14 CET
Jin niftakarna naqbdu lewwel wahda malajr hali nuzawa liska..ahna dejjem fillet ta limsell kona nuzaw ...
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on September 19, 2008, 07:13:25 CET
Tajba ukoll li tqatta minna stess lapsiboy anke bicca vopa ima li semma placebo ahjar zgur u ghal armar ta spjegazzjoni tajba hafna placebo.Jekk tkun b'ta l-idejn ahjar jekk tuza harira biss bla comb u lanqas suffrun.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 20, 2008, 14:16:40 CET
i did a nice catch of around 50 today from south areas.

All on koreano worms as bait and using the controller float on a light ledgering rod.

Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: suffrun on September 20, 2008, 16:04:47 CET
placebo, excuse my ignorance, but what is a controller float?
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: LapsiBoy on September 20, 2008, 17:00:15 CET
I think it is used to keep the rig on the surface while reeling in ..
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 20, 2008, 18:22:09 CET
hi suffrun find attached the diagram of the setup.

it is exactly as lapsi told you to keep the bait on the surface as much as possible.

You can also use one of those bubble floats (that fill with water!!!!)
ignore the breadflake on the diagram and use some other bait for garfish.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: camkev on September 20, 2008, 21:56:43 CET
Great info placebo,but do me a favour......take that thing off tal manchester ;)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on September 21, 2008, 00:25:55 CET
Another good thing to get the garfish in close and feeding,especially useful if you are using a hand rod which i personally prefer when fishing for garfish,is to 'ground bait' with canned tuna in vegtable oil (tonn taz-zejt)!! it leaves a nice slick on the surface which drives the garfish crazy and also brings them right next to you! Then you can fish without using a float, just the baited hook & you can literally hook them by sight  8) Also without a float and using a fine line you will have less chance of spooking the fish..
( (
Here is a bucket (viewed from above-its actually a catering size 5L empty cadbury drinking chocolate bucket) almost full, that me and friend of mine caught from ta' fra ben area last year around this time,we caught around 200 between us!!! so it was good day's fishing indeed!
Especially considering as garfish are one of my personall favourite fish to eat! (and easiest to prepare! just like vopa!)
Also as mentioned in this thread we started off by catching a few vopi for bait but we started using cut up peices of garfish and they work just as well if not better!
Tight Lines
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on September 21, 2008, 00:34:41 CET
I never heard anyone mentioning canned tuna.Thank you for sharing Martin,I will try it for sure
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on September 21, 2008, 00:52:55 CET
QuoteI never heard anyone mentioning canned tuna.Thank you for sharing Martin,I will try it for sure
No problem mate! what we did is we bought a large catering sized can from the cash and carry place where we were fishing (piscopo) as these big cans tend to have alot more oil in them!
Then just get a slick going with a quite a few spoons full (we were using an old table spoon) before you start fishing and then just throw one in every once in a while when the fish start biting..
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Simon G on September 21, 2008, 09:33:42 CET
yes that technique works very well and keeps them around
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: gozitano on September 21, 2008, 10:55:32 CET
nixtieq inkun naf kif tistad ghal imsell bil qasba tar ril.naf li trid taghmel harira fina u ballun u sunnara zghira.gieli xi hadd prova bil grass tal bacon?xhin titfa tefa u tohrog il barra,trid toqod tmexxija bil mod?jew thallija hemm.thanks.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 21, 2008, 14:25:14 CET
i cast out as much as i can. reell in slowly and keep a sharp eye for any garfish following your bubble float. You have to be very careful about this as sometimes the garfish leaves only a small trace when followin the bait.

when you notice the bait being followed stop reeling and give a chance for the fish to eat the bait. Then slowly strike. If you're using the correct bait and type of hook size 90 out of 100 you'll have a good strike!
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: rammx on September 21, 2008, 14:35:05 CET
is it possible to catch garfish from cliffs???....i frequently see large shoals...
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 21, 2008, 19:16:23 CET
yes it is.......a bubble float will do magic!

just use a little heavier rod and 0.16 terminal on hook.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: EmicMalta on September 21, 2008, 19:27:40 CET
Hey gozitano, wellcome in thsi forum first of all.

Can you post yours pls

This year it looks like very good for them. When I use to make some dives withthe cliffs, I always seeing big shoals of very nice ones.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on September 21, 2008, 20:00:18 CET
Im seeing quite a few large shoals of imsell at the moment fact i may just go for a session from off the rocks,or maybe even try a small lure (like pins minnow) as there are some large ones around! As i mentioned they are one of my favourite fish to eat  ;D
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: rammx on September 21, 2008, 20:10:34 CET
excuse my ignorance in you can spin from shore for imsell with an artificial lure??
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on September 21, 2008, 20:21:01 CET
Yes you can,in fact i have recently started to get alot of takes by very small imsell whilst spinning for 'cudas & on one occasion about 2 weeks ago i caught a small imsella (only about 12cm in length!) on a 55g metal lure!!!
That was one hungry little fish  :o
But you will definetly have a much higher catch rate using bait & the mothods mentioned here....but im a spinning fanatic personnally, and like i mentioned i have seen some decent sized imsell around lately and i think they would be alot of fun on light spinning gear  :)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on September 21, 2008, 20:25:52 CET
Today I managed to catch a few in the afternoon from cirkewwa 21 with a 5meter pole it was really fun seeing their action but at 16:00 it started to get too windy and headed back home.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on September 21, 2008, 20:47:30 CET
Well done Spitec! thats how i like to catch them with a small pole and you can see them biting!!  8)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on September 21, 2008, 22:34:45 CET
They make you swear,they take the bait run for half a meter with it and they don't swallow it and let it go and if you try to strike it falls off.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on September 21, 2008, 23:01:48 CET
QuoteThey make you swear,they take the bait run for half a meter with it and they don't swallow it and let it go and if you try to strike it falls off.
I don't usually give them a chance to run with it! Just as soon as they turn to run or moves  immediately strike but slowly (small tap) and it usually gets them...also i like to use No.12  long shank hooks for them..its one of those fish where you need to catch a few to get back into the rhythm of them,especially me as i only go once in while for them now,but when i was a kid i used to go crazy for them!!!!
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: busumark on September 22, 2008, 09:32:01 CET
spitec you have to give the strike the opposite way that they are swiming with the bait. usually if you do like this you dont miss one
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: suffrun on September 22, 2008, 16:19:17 CET
thanks placebo for your response....... you are always ready to share your information with others!!
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on September 22, 2008, 16:47:57 CET
I couldn't guys the ones ar cirkewwa where very suspicious I was using 0.12 line and number 14 hook no float and no weights.They just bite if the line doesn't touch the water and they grab the bait with the tip of thear beak and if you try to strike you just loose it imediately.They are well fed their and there were other 2 guys trying to catch one but didn't manadge.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: tutu on September 28, 2008, 21:35:16 CET
tafu postijiet tajbin ghal imsell? il blata tal melh tahsbu li tajjeb,.. ghalkemm hu post mgharuf ghal tal qieh..
haga ohra.. il blata tal melh (bahrija) ikun hemm lizz u jekk iwa kif irrid narma bil qazba tar reel ghalih( u anka ghal imsell)?
Tanx nies.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Gazzetta on September 28, 2008, 21:54:28 CET
As sajd tal barracuda andek aw habib :

Al l imsell andek dan t topic kollu.

Bhala post l blata tal melh marufa al kollox !!  ;)

Chris  8)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: tutu on September 28, 2008, 22:19:33 CET
grazzi chris.. naqra u nikteb x ghandi bzonn.Mala ghada nonfoq nofs il paga ...haziiiiinnnn.. hehe
. Il blata post mil isbah u dejjem hadt pjacir meta inzilt. 
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 28, 2008, 22:42:39 CET
it's been the 2 nd weekend for imsella and another good 2 days with a 3kg of imsell yesterday and a bucket full of imsell today!
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: maxxat75 on September 28, 2008, 22:58:39 CET
bhalissa haw hafna imsell irqiq. kont al vopi bugibba tejdx kem kien emm imsell irqiq idur..
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on September 28, 2008, 23:12:37 CET
kiber my friend ta!

in naha taghna (south) kollu sabih qed naqbduh!
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on August 03, 2009, 20:24:05 CET
Il-lum rajt l-ewwel imsell mill-art,ma kienux kbar pero ghamilt kuragg ghax niggenen ghalih.Kont mixi Marsaxlokk fejn il-power station,hemm moll imwaqqa,kif taqbzu hemm xatba magenba ezatt.Manafx x'tajdulu hemm ghax mhux mithla tieghu.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on August 03, 2009, 20:51:48 CET
In-naha taghna mifquh b'imsell bhallissa Spitec! Siehbi kien migra ferha illum u qalli li anke hemmhekk mimli bihhom u mhux min dak iz-zghir imma daqs tajjeb :)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Granitu on August 03, 2009, 21:10:00 CET
sinjal hazin ghal lampuki dak guys
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: shanook on August 03, 2009, 21:21:38 CET
spitec why are u using a hook for imsell there is that thing that looks like velcro i forgot the name. I know the italians use it a lot.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Kevin G on August 03, 2009, 21:41:22 CET
granitu dak sabih kif tarah hireg vlega mil lilma u tara lampuki warajh, ima tidej lol ax ma jmislekx il liska tal-konz!! biss normalment kif jadi naqra hin qisu isiru l-ghaxra kien jitfaca il-blata tal-melh nkunu. adni  ma rajtx dis-sena imma.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on August 03, 2009, 21:51:11 CET
Quote from: Granitu on August 03, 2009, 21:10:00 CET
sinjal hazin ghal lampuki dak guys
Lanqas xejn..anzi!!
Quote from: shanook on August 03, 2009, 21:21:38 CET
spitec why are u using a hook for imsell there is that thing that looks like velcro i forgot the name. I know the italians use it a lot.
anke b'spinner zghir bdew immissu pero dak qissu velco tajjeb hafna ghalijhom
Quote from: Kevin G on August 03, 2009, 21:41:22 CET
granitu dak sabih kif tarah hireg vlega mil lilma u tara lampuki warajh, ima tidej lol ax ma jmislekx il liska tal-konz!!
Vera sbieh tarahom wara il lampuki!! pero vera ma ikunux irridu imissu xejn meta ikunu warajhom..allura nipprova naqbad 2 imselliet u niliska lilhom :)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Granitu on August 03, 2009, 22:02:49 CET
alekk sinjal hazin guys, liema lampuka ha tigi tmiss xi haga tal plastic jw injam?

Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on August 03, 2009, 22:07:32 CET
Quote from: Granitu on August 03, 2009, 22:02:49 CET
alekk sinjal hazin guys, liema lampuka ha tigi tmiss xi haga tal plastic jw injam?

Imma lilhom trid biex jersqu habib! u tibzax ma jdumux biex jikinsu kull ma issibu!!!  :)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Kevin G on August 03, 2009, 22:12:09 CET
heh naqra klamar friska ma tejdlek le lampuka!!! ima irid nsib sistema anqbad imsell haj u nzomu haj niliska bih
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on August 03, 2009, 22:25:01 CET
Diga spega sistema placebo f'dan it-thread...L-ahjar tuza sufrun li tista timla ftit ilma fih (bubble controller float) halli tikkastjah il barra naqa mhux hazin u naqa 50cm xlief u sunnara zghira (12-14) u bicca klamar maqtuh zghir jew bicca gamblu u mexxijilu fil wicc... imissek l-imsell hekk  ;)
Jekk tkala mill blata nizel barmil u habel mieghek u imla xi hofra b'naqa ilma tal bahhar stess...jghix naqa mhux hazin hekk suppost  ;) Tlett snin ilu kien hemm lampuka li baqat hemm 'tal-post' kien fih 7kg u fl-ahhar qabdu wiehed b'imrejkba imma b'imsella hajja biss irnexxilu jitrradih ;) ;D
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on August 04, 2009, 14:16:26 CET
Bis-sunnara u qasba ta l-idejn sabih wisq shanook.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Kevin G on August 04, 2009, 14:26:31 CET
e bdw u imsella min fejn lahajr isanara min naha ta rasa  (wara il-gargi naha ta fuq), fin-nofs bix tkun tista ticaqlaq jew ma demba?
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: LapsiBoy on August 04, 2009, 15:34:15 CET
min nofs, min fuq ix xewka ta dara lahjar. Dan ghaliex il lampuki u hut iehor lejn in nofs jahtfu
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: msell on August 04, 2009, 16:59:48 CET
lapsi propjament mhux ax tattakka minn nofs l lampuka ax kemm il darba rajniha addejja mal art, hi titniha fi 2 qabel tikolha u kif ghidt int trid issannarha minn nofsha man u trid thaffef jekk taraha tinqaleb x hin tkala tista terga ttallahha l imsella ax nini nini tmissek l lampuka
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Kevin G on August 04, 2009, 19:19:56 CET
tnx ppl!! jin hsibt li min ma rasa lahjar ax hsibt li jatakaw ir ras bix joqtluwa malewwel!! tikebr u titalem!!
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: name on August 17, 2010, 13:19:03 CET
tafu tghiduli please meta hu l'ahjar zmien u hinijiet ghas sajd tal imsell.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: placebo on August 17, 2010, 13:46:21 CET
bhalissa hawn imsell imma ma nahsibx jersaq hafna vicin il blat. Ghalkemm taf issibu f xi postijiet bhal fejn hemm blat gholi u irdumijiet. L-Ahjar zmien li nsib jiena huwa minn end SEPT - DEC (meta jibda jkun maltemp ghad dghajsa).

il hin ma tantx huwa importanti ghalkemm bhal kull huta ohra nahseb filghodu u filghaxija (basta jkun id dawl) huwa ahjar

wahda mill isbah sajdiet li jezistu din! good luck
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: name on August 17, 2010, 19:20:32 CET
tks Placebo......for d info....
mela niprepara ghal meta intella id-dghajsa......dejjem wara li nkun qbadt erba lamuki sbieh ::) ::)
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on August 17, 2010, 20:42:17 CET
Il bierah mort naqra bin nassi ghall vopi u cawl ghax kien ilni man mur hafna zmien u rajna imsell mhux hazin ezatt mal hafa fejn konna qieghdin nistadu..infatti iddispjacini ma hadx qasba mieghi ghax kein hemm mhux hazin.Pero kif qall placebo laqwa zmien taghhom fl-ahhar ta' sept-dec
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: EmicMalta on August 17, 2010, 20:58:16 CET
kullimkien mimli imsell. Iz zurrrieq qed jaqbduk huma u jsuqu. MA nafx x tip ta lure juzaw imma irrid najd li jafu x qed jaghmlu ax allejbierek ta....
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on August 18, 2010, 08:34:03 CET
matassina dward nahseb
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: EmicMalta on August 18, 2010, 09:10:37 CET
Quote from: SPITEC on August 18, 2010, 08:34:03 CET
matassina dward nahseb

xi tkun?
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: caldaland on August 18, 2010, 09:18:27 CET
matassina tal-imsell.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: Mario Azzopardi on August 18, 2010, 09:43:09 CET
How does this"matassina" work?
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: caldaland on August 18, 2010, 10:47:24 CET
can be used like a convensional bait or trolled behind a boat even at speeds of up to 6 knots.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: robby017 on August 18, 2010, 11:10:29 CET
might go and try for imsell today...... cirkewwa area........
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: SPITEC on August 18, 2010, 12:35:51 CET
the good thing about matassina is that you don't need a hook you just troll it and even the 'imsell' don't cut the line with their teeth.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: caldaland on August 18, 2010, 16:22:35 CET
in the old days,we used  something like that in malta. maybe i will explain in detail some other time.
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: MartinB on August 18, 2010, 19:22:42 CET
Quote from: caldaland on August 18, 2010, 16:22:35 CET
in the old days,we used  something like that in malta. maybe i will explain in detail some other time.
I think i know what it is,an old guy where i live used to make them out of the stem/branches of the big cactus (jekk qieghed niftakar seww.,..) as when you split it its has alot of fibres and he used to a kind of thing like this mattassina
Title: Re: Imsell mill-art
Post by: gozitano on September 20, 2012, 11:59:00 CET
Jista xi hadd ftit jghidli x tip ta controller float irrid nixtri ghas sajd tal imsell.milli nista nifhem hemm hafna controller floats differenti imma ma nafx liema hu l ahjar.jien is soltu nuza bubble float zghir imma nixtieq niprova dan il metodu ghax forsi jtik rizultat ahjar.grazzi.