Malta Fishing Forum

Marine => Engines/Drives and Electronics => Engine Reviews => Topic started by: sailfish on January 09, 2012, 10:24:33 CET

Title: new outboard motor
Post by: sailfish on January 09, 2012, 10:24:33 CET

jista xi hadd jghidli jekk tixtri mutur outboard gdid (any brand) u tkun trid tibdillu l iskrun ghax ma jkunx imexxi tajjeb, jibluhx b xejn jew tkun trid tixtri skrun iehor?

Title: Re: new outboard motor
Post by: The_Gaffer on January 09, 2012, 14:02:55 CET
Meta qed tixtri l-gdid, ara li timxi id f'id mal-agent li xtrajt il-mutur minghandu.  Suppost jghinek l-agent ukoll.  Hemm hafna fatturi li ghandhom jigu kunsidrati meta u ghala qed tibdel propeller ta outboard. 
Kieku tajt ftit iktar informazjoni, bhal daqs u ghamla tal-opra tal bahar, piz, sahha tal-mutur, jekk hux 2 stroke jew 4 stroke, u kemm ser tkunu nies fuqha, kien ikun ahjar, ghax hawn maggoranza ta membri hawn bl-outboards.
Title: Re: new outboard motor
Post by: yogi on January 09, 2012, 14:41:08 CET
rari skrun ikn perfett li jaqbel ma kull dajsa, i had same problem engine did not rev to full rpm., i changed it to, one pitch less than original prop and now at wot engine revs full rpm., bdw i had to buy new prop because agent stated prop size i want dose not exist when i tried the new outbord , i think is a common excuse . solas have all sizes from rony marine
Title: Re: new outboard motor
Post by: Granitu on January 09, 2012, 15:16:28 CET
imp for propellors,

try before you buy. they are not cheap.

Matching propellor is no easy task. Too many factors affect propellor performance.

Also if you are trying propellors try them in areas of low to negible current. Current affects propellor performance highly.

lately i am trying to match a 3 blade bronze propellor to a 14ft inboard engine and it is no easy task. Ideally if one can test friends propellors and speak to boat owners that own a similar or same boat helps alot
Title: Re: new outboard motor
Post by: sailfish on January 10, 2012, 10:36:43 CET
thanks tal comments taghkom. Il mutur huwa four stroke 9.9 u nuzah bhala spare fuq frejgatina perla minn ta petecraft. Li innutajt huwa li minn nofs revs sa full, ma jimbotta xejn u probabilment huwa zghir. Jien mhux ghall ispeed irridu izda biex jekk jinqala xi haga fil magna ta gewwa, ningabar bih. Dan il mutur ghadu anqas hadem tlett sighat b kollox u x hin mort minghand min xtrajtu biex jibdilli l iskrun, qalli li ma jibdilulix u jkolli nixtri iehor (avolja fuq it telephone qalli mod iehor). Tassew kont sorpriz ghax siehbi xtara mutur minghand kumpanija ohra u bidluhulu b xejn meta raw li ma jaqbilx ghat tip ta dghajsa li ghandu u dan huwa mutur ferm akbar minn tieghi.