Offshore Big Game Hunt

Started by skip, June 26, 2006, 22:44:25 CET

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Dear All,

We are thinking of a 2 day trip over the long weekend, approx 30-50 miles out for some big game. Action would be on the West coast area with the location/route still undecided, though between SE from Freeport up to NW towards Gozo direction.

Possible days would be departure first thing Friday morning (5 - 6am) to head down to just outside Freeport, rendevous with any other boats interested in joining at around 8am and then heading out at trolling speed approx 5.5 knots with lines deployed. Depending on the number of boats who would be interested we could run an Inverted V and create a good spread.

Not sure of the boat sizes out there but we can certainly function as a support vessel in case of any problems, we've got 2 radio's, flares, fresh water, first aid, portable generator etc etc and most likely we will also have a 4.6 meter dingy with us.

Target species would be Bluefin/Albacore during the day, with the plan to drift overnight and fish for swords etc, and then resume trolling on the 2nd day heading back via a different route.

Safety in numbers as they say; so we would all reinforce each other, plus we stand a much better chance of getting good shoals up to the surface with more boats fishing for them. Unlike shore fishing, there are plenty of fish to go around all the boats when we hit a good shoal and greater chances of keeping them in the area due to increased activity.

If the weather is right, the distance should be no problem even for the smaller boats, and if the numbers are sufficient special permission can be obtained from the MMA for S registered boats to leave the 12nm territorial limits they are supposed to be limited to!

If anyone is interested, please post below, even perhaps modifications to the plans or others suggestions are most welcome. We could always reduce the outbound distance slighty to say 25-30 miles and then run parallel with the coast. Alternatively we could meet as a group for a day's fishing?



Would be interested but it all depends on the weather. My boat is only 5.1 Metres long.


Fair point gottie, indeed the weather needs to be 2/3 instead of the F3/F4 that the forecast is currently showing which isn't very good and a shame. However even if we don't go for it this weekend, it would be good if everyone could indicate their level of interest, how far they would be willing to go out etc so that maybe we can plan for another time. Perhaps even this week was short notice, as I would imagine you are S registered and that may take a few days to get approval.

However with the current forecast and even maybe hitting a F5 in area's this weekend is not looking good at all, so it's now more a question of July.

Simon G

aw skip
i am trying to convince a 30 ft boat with freezers to join will keep you updated
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Weather has changed again, now looking like a full day Sunday would be best.



We should be out in the Filfla Area next Saturday morning. Seems like it will be another nice day.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


Good luck for Sat, looks like it will be Sunday for us, due to the football Sat eve. Do you keep a VHF on Ch16 Ciappinu?



No VHF no....I'm still saving for the GPS!


Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp