Gorru il licenzji makom.

Started by Lamacca, August 07, 2009, 10:12:56 CET

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Ilbierah waqt li kien qed ifittex il qarnit bil hgiega zijuwi gie imwaqqaf minn 2 minn nies ragel u mara . Dawn urewh xi dokument tal gvern u talbuh jurijom il licenzja tal hgiega . Kumbinazjoni kienet fuqu u werijielom.

13 Foot Seastar 400 (bahri kind of)
15hp Suzuki
3.5hp Seagull 40+ Longshaft  (Yes it works , yes it leaks oil)
3.0hp Seagull 40  Longshaft 60 years and it's my best one !
1.5hp Seagull 40- extra short shaft
5 hp Gutbrod Short shaft Air cooled.


Licenzja tas-sajd jew tad-daghjsa? ???
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke

Destination Sea

Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


apparentamentlicenzja biex ikollok hgiega imwahhlaa qieh ta barmil imtaqqab biex tara l hut u twahhalombil froxxna.
13 Foot Seastar 400 (bahri kind of)
15hp Suzuki
3.5hp Seagull 40+ Longshaft  (Yes it works , yes it leaks oil)
3.0hp Seagull 40  Longshaft 60 years and it's my best one !
1.5hp Seagull 40- extra short shaft
5 hp Gutbrod Short shaft Air cooled.


intom bis-serjeta qed titkellmu hawn jew?

Kevin G

vera placebo ga deret fil-kwantita? imma jek deret qada il-bara nhaseb?
The Sea Sweeper :D