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Started by 148148, October 21, 2009, 03:07:44 CET

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Does anyone know if nets and lines can be dropped out the front of Dragonara casino, seen a few there about 1 km out but wasnt sure


i think so,a few months ago i was trolling there and saw 2 black boats throwing nets about 100 metres from shore,i called the ALE and they said that they can throw net at that time of season!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


jien ma naqbilx maghha li jitfew ix xbieki qrib lart ax jeqirdu il hut li jidhol lejn l art ezempju b bugia jitfewlek xbiek twil min san lucjanu sa kwazi il freeport jalaq il ftuh issa dak jista jkun sew,allura min immur al tal qiegh bid dghajsa bhali jaqbad dakl li jkun hemm gal port u daqshekk ghax irid jerga itella ix xibka umbad ax jehlu kollha max xbiek tal qiegh generalment il kbir.
Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!



in b bugia they make a big net from san lucian to freeport and they close the port from fish and when i or any body go to fish deep sea fishing they caught all the fish that are in the port and the other that come from outside the bigger fish are caught in the net ,i think that the nets in the port can't throw it in any season
Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!


Siehbi xbajna nirraportaw nies imma kollu ta' xejn. Hemm wiehed specjali minn Marsaxlokk ghax anke tkun qed tghodds l-inhawi tat-torri ghax jigi idawwar mieghek.
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