Marina in the North

Started by skip, August 30, 2007, 21:04:35 CET

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I keep hoping that one day before I turn old and grey, the government will finally get off it's butt and do something about creating more marina space for boats. I hate to imagine how much money they make from boating yet still they dont give anything back.

They'll come up with all sorts of excuses, even though several private investors and consortiums have offered to build in the North, the government wants all the revenue from it. But just look at how succesfull Grand Harbour Marina has been and attracting big foreign boats, raising Malta's profile.

Xemija is an eye sore at the moment, quite why it isn't totally developed into a proper marina like Pieta with shops and facilities around the bay business would increase and the North would finally get a decent place. Sure the cost of the break water would be higher but I'm sure its feasable.

The other option was the bay of the coastline, develop all the way back where those ugly ugly smelly salt pans are. And don't tell me National Heritage, try eyesore!!



you got it right skip if all the baots on the north side had to sign in and state the size of their boat and if they need a mooring spot we might have enought to get a petition and maybe get somthing going so here goes


18' twin engine Kaptan and I need a mooring space


32 Foot Boat, need a permanent safe mooring space.

Simon G

sorry to be a pain but a marina in the north is going to be verry and i mean verrry dificult due to some legislation regarding sea horses
if a family of sea horses is living in st pauls bay (i was sent out to document them about 3 years ago from fisheries) you cannot touch or alter there natural habitat whatsoever as they are a protected and endangered spieces do you remember what had hasppened in that bay in gozo i think it was mgarr ix xini what an up roar there was
anyways sea horses are found in st pauls bay, buggiba, xemxija and mellieha 
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Simon I assure you that there were sea horses in Senglea creek and we all know what has been developed recently. I have not checked but I am more than sure that the oil secreted by the tuna in the farms doest do any good to the sea horses. But i suppose money talks.
shame on me I should research first than open mouth. So i will definetly queery the EU fisheeries to check regarding the tuna oil and seahorses.
In senglea there is nothing to check as I lived there and sea horses were abundant.