Line class of your rods

Started by blueskip, September 09, 2008, 22:19:54 CET

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I have already shipped a 20lb-30lb line class boat rod out to Malta, thinking that it would be "man enough" for the job, as most fish shown seem to be in the 2-5kg range, with a few going up to 10kg.
However going through the Gallery photos I see that a lot of you are using all roller ring 50lb -80lb outfits, so I have bought a Penn Powerstix 50+ job, but with conventional rings (I dont trust all roller rings). It feels a bit like a pool cue to me after what I am used to, but hey "when in Rome". :o
All I need now is the weather forecast to be kind during the week 29/09 - 05/10 to try it out, if it doesn't work I can always take up pole vaulting with it! ;D


Hi Blueskip,
I use 20-40 pound senator rods and momoi diamond 40lbs line. When you are in Malta, we might go trolling for juvinile BFT, in the 20kgs range
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Well it sounds as though the "joke" 4 piece 50lb+ travel rod should be suitable, & the 20-30lb class can come back home with me to use cod fishing during the winter, I have always been suspicious of telescopic & multi-piece rods, they are convenient, but they never seem to have the same action as a "real" rod, when you have a fish on.
The telescopics seem to bend too much, too easily, & the multi's seem reluctant to bend at all because of all the joints! life's a bitch, but I'm sure I can muddle through it! ;D
Gaffer hat sounds like an invitation to me, I will send you my son's number before I arrive then if you are going out you can give me a ring at his house. :o