Uploading Photos

Started by Gazzetta, September 29, 2008, 18:59:58 CET

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Hi ppl, just a quick one regarding the uploading of pictures.

Try to be a bit careful when uploading pictures in order to put them in the right section. Also note that new members with less than 20 posts need to have their picture approved by a senior moderator before it's displayed, which is why when you upload a photo you don't see it straight away.

Just follow these four steps :

1) Enter the Main Gallery where all the photos are situated.
2) Choose the best gallery your photo fits in.
3)Go at the bottom of the selected gallerey, double click on Add a   Picture
4)Fill the information given and check again that your photo fits in the category given, if not just click on the arrow on the right and choose the correct category from the menu that pops down.

In this way we'll have all the photos situated in the correct sections and easier for others to find them.


Chris  8)


Mela ha nghid li edt aw fuq bil Malti al min forsi jipreferi l malti.

Nipruvaw noqod attenti meta nitfaw xi ritratti biex kemm jista jkun nitfawhom fil post t tajjeb mill ewwel.  Kemm timxi ma daw l erba passi facli u ma jkolkomx problemi :

1) Meta tidhlu fil forum, fuq nett ha ssibu l kelma " Gallery", afsu fuqa u tidhlu fej hemm r ritratti kolla maqsuma skond l kategorija tahom.
2)Azlu l kategorija li r ritratt takom joqodl iktar fija u afsu fuqa.
3)Morru isfel nett tal kategorija li tkunu aziltu u afsu fuq " Add a picture"
4)Imlew l informazjoni li hemm u ergaw iccekjaw li l kategorija li hemm imnizila ija t tajba, jekk le kemm tmorru fuq l vlegga li hemm fit tarf u tazlu kategorija ohra min dawk li jidru.

Ta min jghid li jekk membru gdid ikun adu ma kitibx fil forum iktar min 20 darba, meta jitfa ritratt ikun irid jigi accettat minn Senior Moderator alekk ma jigix jider mill ewwel meta dan jitfaw.


Chris  8)


hi, why i always get "image exceeds requirments"when i try to upload a picture?
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


resize ur photo probably they are way too large to upload..........


fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


do u have photo editor in programmes, accessories of ur computer. if not send to my email adress and i resize for u


Go on my pictures on your pc,right click on pic,open with microsoft picture manager.And then press compress pictures.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


u are right kev its that i have deleted the picture manager and installed the photo editor. its better than the manager.


Spiru,like i told you its very easy man.no need of nero hassle.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


no spiru, click on the picture and tell me what program opens it. just double click on the picture.


no program opens just the photo.when i rghit click on the photo there are no programs either.maybe compress and e mail?but i think that is to send the photo by mail rghit?
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


when u double click the photo opens and its in a window on its own. If u look at the top there is a blue(by default) band it either says microsoft photo editor or else microsoft picture manager.
if it says manager then camkev will help u if it says editor i can give u a hand


yes.window picture and fax viewer
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


that i dont use so cannot help u with that type sorry. but if u send as is in gmail i will resize and send back


i sent it to you shanook but i still need to learn how to compress it.thanks for your help
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl