Alungi Permess - Albacore Permit

Started by Ruzett, May 03, 2022, 12:33:55 CET

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Hbieb, is-sajda rikreazzjonali ghall-alungi se tigi bil-permess minn din is-sena. Hudu nota ta' din l-informazzjoni:

- Registrazzjoni: EUR 20 sal-15 ta' Mejju 2022.
- Massimu ta' 3 alungi kull dghajsa kull gurnata.
- M'hemmx kwota.
- M'hemmx bzonn ta' tagging.
- M'hemmx bzonn li tinforma lill-Fisheries li diehel b'qabda.

Biex tapplika ghall-permess, nizzel il-mobile application tal-Malta Fisheries & Aquaculture.

A recreational fishing permit will be introduced for albacore as from this year. Take note of the information below:

- Registration: EUR 20 till 15th May 2022.
- Maximum of 3 fish allowed per day per boat.
- No overall quota.
- No tagging needed.
- No need to inform Fisheries on departure/arrival.

To apply for permit, download the mobile application of Malta Fisheries & Aquaculture.


Jekk diga hallastu biex tapplikaw ghall-permess tat-tonn, il-permess ghall-alungi se johrogilkom b'mod awtomatiku mill-Fisheries minghajr ma tergghu thallsu.


If you already paid to apply for the tuna permit, the albacore permit will be automatically issued to you without the need to pay again.


Infakkarkom li r-registrazzjoni ghall-permess tal-alungi jaghlaq il Hadd li gej 15 ta' Mejju.


I remind you that the registration for the recreational albacore fishing permit closes this Sunday 15th May.