Deep water fishing

Started by Simon G, June 21, 2006, 22:13:02 CET

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8.5kgs seems like alot to use as a weight. As I know nothing about super deep bottom fishing would be interested to know the logic behind using that much weight. Is it just to get the rig down quick and with minimal drift?

Once it's down does it then release or do you pull up the fish plus the big stone?


nick when using HJUT thats one fishing line with about 10 hooks u need a good size weight so that it doesnt get dragged with the current. Also if u catch a good sized fish it wont drag everything with it.
yes they winch everything up fish and stone. this is usually done when sort of semi commercial fishing. as u dont catch a lot of fish this way, compared with bottom long lines. U also dont get stuck a lot loosing a lot of hooks, sinkers, swivels etc at least if u get stuck u lose 10 kooks.
stones are cheap, lead is expensive......


big boy is right lead goes down a lot faster than stone


went deep sea fishing with fishfinder this morning but no luck we had a few good bites but the fish didnt seem that they wanted to get hooked. caught only cipulazza tajnu, cintorin and zumbrell. not worthit to take photos. than there was a bit of current and no more bites. and the area that we were there were two boats with konzijit. the sea was full of konzijit tal qieh so the fish had many many to choose from apart from ours. did you catch anything else SHANOOK. very nice boat fishfinder i am going to began to save for one


tajba mark. we didnt catch anything but ti was a nice experience. I tried where fishfinder told me last time but no luck so far. Ma tantx kien hemm kurrent hemmhekk. Imma li ma ittellax imqar bicca haxixa ma tantx nifiemha.


qisu ma ridtx l hut illum. ahna konna fejn s soltu jinqabad hut imma qisu ma ridtx imiss minbarra li kien hemm l konzijit


m'hmemx xtamel. il fishfinder jiedlek li hadtux fuq il post tajjeb LOL....


yes finders boat is very nice and FAST zooooommmm........well u know kaptan boats are goooooooood..
Mark how long do u wait for the fish to bite when deep fishing or u just wait for a bite like when bottom fishing in shallower waters.


L Ahwa illum mort fejn immur is-soltu.Dejjem qbadt mhux hazin.Li niehu naqra pjacir.Imma illum ma ridtx jaf il hut.Ma nafx kemm il post biddilt.Kien hemm naqra kurrent imma nahseb il hut illum ma ridtx jaf. Il bierah f listess post mort u qbadna. :-[
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


ha nijdilkom ta, 'qied nghir ghalikhom ghax jien adni qatt ma qbadt xejn tal qieh.' u biex taxxaqa gab dak il film fuq it TV u il mara qaltli anki in nisa jaqbdu u inti ma taqbad xejn u gabitni fix xejn LOL......mekla camkev jew tajdli fejn tmur jew .......................  ikolli inkompli nipprova LOL


illum qisni mort lewwel darba bir reel jien  ax meta mort ma iehor ma kelnix fishfinder alura qisna bdejna nitfaw bladdocc. illum meta misna mill ewwel tara l qasba titaweg kif c comba tmiss mal qieh. jekk ma imisekx mill ewwel dificli biex imisek u jekk ikun hemm ftit kurent  jista iwahlek jekk ma toqodx attent. tliftu 3 combit l fishfinder sorry fishfinder. wahda mhux t tort tijaj imma. kif comba misset mal qih giet hafifa u intella 3 snanar u c comba neqsin. hatafli l medda xi cintorin nahseb. tat tv forsi wahluhomlom  :)


I'll have to get this thread translated by the gf!


Shanook.jien mhux bhal shabna immur 400 mtrs ta.Jien al tal qiegh normali immur.Naqbad ruzett,pagell u xi gurbell.jien dawn ibelhuni x hin nibda naqra il post tahhom.Qadt ma mort f dak il fond......imma dalwaqt narma ta! ;D hu jien nitlaq il imsida,biex immur fejn qed jajdu lanqas isservini it tank.Jekk taf xi post tajjeb in naha ta bahar ic-caghaq immorru.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


sorry skip but if a post is written in maltese i reply in maltese without even knowing


Sorry skip!Will write in english.I dont know why i wrote in maltese.Hu jien minn tas Sliema!!!Jupppp just joking.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.