Deep water fishing

Started by Simon G, June 21, 2006, 22:13:02 CET

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no problem I will send pm with bearings whenever i try out an edge that is productive. Mind u its about time that i went LOL....


hey finder i didnt know that u knew Yanis, mister and his brother farfett. Well anytime mark wants to come over i am more than willing to join........


yes, I know them all. well nearly all the Kaptan owners will get to know each other.
::) ;D :D

I know farfett and Mr cause all the s/steel on my boat was manufactured by them and we kept being friend and sometimes we meet for deep sea fishing.

When Mark decides we can go but I think he's busy cause last time I spoke with him was Sunday by sms cause I couldn't reach him by VHF.
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


i heard you calling fishfinder but i think you couldnt hear me. so i suppose that a hendheld VHF doesnt have a long reach although when i made a radio check i made contact with a person from land. even shanook couldnt hear him. last sundays catch in the gallery 8 big gringi and 18.5 kg hanzir. and maybe a big muruna got away 1.80 mm line sharp cut as if with a knife


there are a lot of factors that effect reception and transmission. Hand held is max of 5watts(correct me if i am wrong). Base unit is 25watts.So a base transmitts longer distance. I have an airiel that is about 12 feet from the sea a hand held would be 5'. Even if all conditions are right if someone else transmits contemporarily then the weaker watts are smothered.
so chances are that u might hear me mark but its difficult for me to hear u. i think a distance of 12/15miles a handheld will fo a fine job if there are no interference from other radios and the line of sight is straight.
I heard fishfinder calling as well but i am not sure where he was. Since you heard him mark, he must have been closer to you than i thought he was. I thought he was near yanis but since you heard him I dont think so


i heard other people calling yanis and farfett but dont know who they are. but didnt hear yanis or farfett


yanis,was about 20 miles out on birzebbugia side i was about 12 miles between filfla and birzebbugia.The ones calling yanis must have been on the other side of filfla closer to you.  Yanis is pauline tuna on MFF and he has a Kaptan 6mtr. Farfett is the guy that does the S/Steel for Kaptan. they also have kaptan boats.u never met them when at Johnny.


i had a go on the electric reel and tried on second xifeer about 400mtrs deep. There was a bit of drag as the boat was drifting real fast. Didnt catch anything, better luck next time eh


yes i know freddie and joe. on sunday at about 10.00 the sea became very calm with no current. next time try more to our side. i think fishfinder told you where to try. where you went you wont catch anything


in fact the sea was getting a big rough near filfla and then we kept going to that point and the sea was very calm. what sort of lead weight do you use. we use 1.8kg and the line is always coming from under the rod. my friend tried with a 500g and in 400m he released 630m and never reached the bottom.
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


we use a 8.5kg square stone. it takes about 20 min to reach the bottom


i used a 1.5kg and a 2kg weight. Its better with the 2kg. the more weight the more u can feel the bottom.


with my lead I reach the bottom of 400m in 4-5mins
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


then mark must be fishing in even deeper waters to take that long to reach bottom with an 8kg weight.


guys mark is using a stone which is less dense than lead. A stone takes much more time to reach the bottom than a lead weight. Lead is very dense so it takes little time to reach the bottom