Coastal Trolling competition

Started by ganni, October 10, 2008, 23:45:56 CET

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l-ahwa jien ghalija kif qalilkom Chris , idea tajba tkun il hadd , tluq 30 min qabel it tbexbix u lura ghal 12.00pm nahseb ghandu jkun bizzejjed , ohra jekk ha nvaraw xi post bhal imsida etc, dak il hin insibu anqas traffic biex immorru lura d dar. EE u jekk tkun ix xita nistaw invaraw minn B"kara ukoll :) u biex ma jithassrux festi ma nafx x jahseb haddiehor imma forsi nikkunsidraw postijiet differenti forsi ma tithassarx habba naqa rih

Apparti ic cajt jiena nahseb 6 sieghat ( sajd ) huma bizzejjed igifieri jekk nhallu 30min hrug u 30 min dhul nikkunsidraw 7 sieghat b kollox.

Haga ohra apparti l-ammont ta qasab/rix li jintefa fil bahar irridu naraw fuq liema bazi se tintrebah il competition jekk hux piz jew punti skont il hut li jinqabad.

Id data f'idejkom :)

Translation: I agree with Chriss. I suggest we start 30min before dawn, and finish about midday.
Regarding nubber of lines or rods out, it depends on whether we win on weight or points per fish.(ramio)

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Jien naqbel 100% ma fortuna.

Rigward il hin nahseb ma zbih tajjeb ukoll ax hemm cans li nihdu erba messiet u bhekk ma jgorr hadd ;)

3km barra mil kosta ghandu jkun bizzejjed nahseb bhekk hadd ma jkun qijed bod hafna min xulxin hux

Translation: I agree 100% with fortuna. Leaving at dawn we have a good chance of a couple of early strikes to keep all happy.

3km out is a good distance to keep all together. (ramio)


big boy dik wahda mir ragunijiet ghala ma xtaqtx namel il fishing ground kbir biex inkunu qri xulxin mux boghod hafna ghal diversi ragunijiet.  u limsida parking zgur mhix problema dawk il hinijiet.

jien ghadt habba li jista jkun ir rih kieku nistghu nistaghdu fil port il kbir. hemm kobor bizzejjed ghalina kollha u nahseb forza 4-5 nistadu sewwa.

nahseb lahjar li nghamlu li l kompetizzjoni tintrebah fuq min ghandu laktar piz xtahsbu??

Translation: Keeping all boats together was one of my reasons to limititing the size of the fishing area. Parking in Msida at that time is no problem.

If windy fishing in the harbour isn't a problem even in force 4-5 winds. And there is ample space for all.

I think we go for winner of the max weight. (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Bil Lvant u Bil Grigal fil port xorta jaqbel ganni,x tahseb bigoy?
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


xi landa zejt tista taqbad mil por il kbir gan :P

Ahna naraw xse jkun it temp hux jekk jithassar it temp nipposponuwa.

Ejja boys imma irridu iktar partecipanti taaaaaaaa qumu min hemm ejja ha nikkompetu u nihdu gost.

Dikinhar idea tajba ukoll li nzommu channel ghalina fuq il vhf bhekk inkunu nistaw inzommu kuntatt bejn dajsa u ohra u ma jkonniex intereferenzi min dajjes ohrajn. Xtahsbu fuq din l idea ????

Translation: We can always pospone the date if windy.

It will be a good idea if we dedicate a channel for us on the VHF, that way we can keep in touch with each other with minimal interferance from other channels.

lets hear what others have to say. (ramio)


ahna n naha tana jekk tistad fxi xlokk, majistral, grigal u vant trid issibu sa forza 3.

Bin nofsinar, bic u punent anki sa 3-4 toqod.

Translation: This side we can fish outside the port only to F3 if its coming from NW althe way to SE.  S to W Force 3-4 we can take it. (ramio)


if by any chance the competition is held on sunday 2nd november i am in .thanks

fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


2nd november tistghu??

ax hekk ikollna kompetitur iehor!!

umbad jekk naraw li ma issirx habba il maltemp nistghu namluwha fin-9th.  xtahsbu??

xtahsbu jekk namlu limit ta 4/5 lures fil bahar minn kul dajsa??

Translation: Can all make it on the 2nd November so we have another boat? If windy we make it on the 9th.

What we say we limit ourselves to 4/5 lures per boat? (ramio)

SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


ghamlu intom gan imma jien nahseb l uniku hadd li nista ghax dak inhar ha jkun hemm xi haga il belt u aktarx ma nahdmux.
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


rix tat tumbrell ha naghmluha li nistghu?

Translation: Are we allowing multiple feathers for Tumbrell? (ramio)
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


Jien ghalija tajjeb,kemm nistaw inkunu fuq daghjsa u nistaw nistadu bil qasab jew fuq l idejn.Jekk namluwa 4 jew 5 lures ma tistax tistad bta tumbrell hux?jew titfa wahda b hames rixxiet u daqsekk??

Translation: For me its ok. The number of people fishing on one boat is restricted being both hand lines or lures. If we make it 5 lures only, that eliminates the tumbrell feathers, unless it is fished with 5 feathers only, bu then no other lines or rods. (ramio)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


le jekk namluwha b'massimu ta hames lures fuq kull dajsa tkun tista b'tat tumbrell imma mux aktar minn 5 rixiet.


jien tat tumbrell taf ghala nixtieq nelimninha kemm vera ma narajhiex sajda sportiva, u ghal dik il huta partikulari jsiru hafna kompetizzjonijiet ma dwar malta taghha umbad nitilfu liskop tal kompetizzjoni nahseb ax kulhadd jispicca jrejjex ghat tumbrell.

nahseb rigward qasab jew fuq idejna nahseb lahjar inhalluwha open, kulhadd kif irid habba li mux kulhadd hewa atrezzat bil qasab.

Translation: A lot of competitions are held for tumbrell. I think if we permit the fishing for tumbrell, everyone will fish for them, that way we loose our aim.

I think we should leave it open to use hand lines or rods, as not all are rigged up with rods.  (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Jien ma naqbilx li nellimniwa tat tumbrell

Translation: I don't agree with eliminating tumbrell from competition. (ramio)


ma nafx fimtx ir ragunament tijaj big boy, imma nahseb tintilef liskop li ghaliha xtaqt li namlu dil kompetizzjoni, xtaqta tkun wahda vera sportiva, malta ma jsirux kompetizzjonijiet hekk imma tkun haga sabieha kieku nippruvaw!! xtahsbu??

lohrajn ghandhom xi haga xi jghidu jew raqdu?? haha.

Translation: I don't think you anderstand my point Bigboy. I want the competition to be of a sportive nature. We don't see any organised like that. It would be nice to try one like that.

What do the others think? (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


For the time being I am unable to take part in the competition as I will be abroad on the date mentioned but will keep monitoring this forum just in case it is posponed (hopefully not as there is alot of planning involved). I should be back on the 10th November. Well done to all involved in making activities like this happen.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu