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live bait wells

Started by Simon G, June 30, 2006, 17:39:35 CET

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it is not difficult at all. but it is complicated to explain in writing {for me}.all one needs is a bit of current at the bottom {carbon dioxide stays at the bottom} to lift the gas upwards,and some turbulance at the surface to increase the surface area and facilitate the gaseous exchange with oxygen. for trolling with livebait,all one needs is something to handle a dozen fish,but if one is fishing a longline of 200 hooks with livebait,one needs a better set-up. in that case,oxygen and low tempretures {the colder the water,the more oxygen it holds}become imperative.

Ganni 1

jien nhob nistad ghal tal qieh bid dajsa. nxtieq inkun naf jekk tistax taghlef . jien ma nkunx go hafna fond


@ Granitu & Caldaland - thanks for the updates and info. Alas I cannot use the blue tanks as I only have a 14 footer and there is just enough space for me and my father with some fishing gear let alone a blue tank :) I have to adapt to something smaller.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Quote from: caldaland on February 23, 2013, 14:24:07 CET
it is not difficult at all. but it is complicated to explain in writing {for me}.all one needs is a bit of current at the bottom {carbon dioxide stays at the bottom} to lift the gas upwards,and some turbulance at the surface to increase the surface area and facilitate the gaseous exchange with oxygen. for trolling with livebait,all one needs is something to handle a dozen fish,but if one is fishing a longline of 200 hooks with livebait,one needs a better set-up. in that case,oxygen and low tempretures {the colder the water,the more oxygen it holds}become imperative.

you know your stuff on this caldaland.

malvizzu, the blue tank i use i used to use it on a 13 footer!!!! you cannot go small
Good season so far.....



small tank = dead bait fish malvizz
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


fresh dead baitfish=denci ta 5kg??


Wouldn't be bad at all catching a 5kg denci  :)

On my previous 13ft frejgatina I had more space as I had no central console and front seats but with my present boat, space is more restricted due to above mentioned
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Malvizzu, For sure you do not have a lot of horizontal space available, But I am pretty sure you have quite alot of vertical Space available ;)

And it is not that easy to catch a dentex - the good spots are often the ones where its easy to get stuck.

I suggest you start trying on amberjack and little by little move to bottom dwellers. Bottom trolling can be frustrating especially if you get stuck. (albeit there are ways to reduce this). Also, do not overdo, start with one rod as managing two rods is no simple task (apart that there is a thing you have to do to work 2 rods. It better to fish with 1 rod well than try to fish with 2 rods unsuccessfully.

By experience I have found out some tricks - And i have learned that detail most of the time is the difference between success and fail.

Albeit fascinating, this type of fishing is physically draining (you have to keep the bait alive, sometimes you have to stay out at sea all night to fish the morning) - when the fishing is bad, it is really frustrating.

Therefore, if you are going trolling with live bait, go as lightest as possible in terms of equipment to have space around and more importantly don't go by yourself so that you can do some shifts between each other.

Believe it or not, your fregatina was more suited to this type of fishing ;)
Good season so far.....


Thanks Granitu for your advices. I am a total novice in this type of fishing and so I'm ready for an amount of 'kazzati' before i master the technique :) I would definitely start with 1 rod. I have enough trouble getting tangled sometimes whilst hand-trolling with 2 people  ;D

Yes my old frejgatina had more space but had it's drawbacks as well - rolling a lot in the slightest swell, very slow with a 9.9 HP, could not plain well even with hydrofoils on engine, but nonetheless, I enjoyed her a lot and gave me some good fishing for 7 years.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


sorry this is out of context
when u troll with 2 lines (hand or rod) try to have 2 straight runners that way u never tangle. Dont do sharp turns and try to keep the hands or rods at the same angle as much as possible. Be careful when it is windy, keep ur hands or rods low close to water surface.
If u have one lure that dives or has a weight then the other should be a straight runner without weight. Always turn on the one with weight or that dives and NO sharp turns. Keep them them approx the same distance out.
make sure that the boat speed is adequate for the lure u are using and that it is swimming right. Deep divers have a speed limit.
Yes granitu is right regarding trolling for bottom fish its not that easy and places are kept very hush hush.
try to get granitu to show u how to rig fish or klamari for trolling. Also how to use weights (either with elastic or the clip on ones. I am sure he will love to share the experience.


He will love to share his experiance... hahahahahahahahahahahah tajba din shanookk......


Jien qazzuni kulhadd jigi mieghi biex jurini x qed naghmel hazin..... :-) Halluni ta''' Issa Daqshekk.... UZGUUUUUUUUUUUUR

Malvizz lesti ghaz zkuk ghax hadd ma hu ser jghidlek dak li hu tghallem wara balla hin/flus/etc li jkun ghamel jew nefaq fil-bahar...
Tal-anqas jien ftit li xejn sibt ghajnuna, u kultant tiskanta min jaghtik parir tajjeb..
U trid dettalji ta' li jaghmlu ftit differenza...

Kultant ukoll ma taghti tort lil hadd ghax illum kollox flus armar expensive, liska, fuel etc etc.... u l-hut naqas...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


ha ntikhom tip u pruvaw sibu soluzzjoni baghira...

ala tuzaw ic comb???? ma tahsbux li tistaw tuzaw affarijiet ahjar. shanook naf li qghedt al .xi haga ohra imma dik l aghar haga li tista taghmel livebaiting... taf fejn ssiba l qasba

imma fuq din ha nghidilkom. ala ma tuzawx 2 qasab ta libragg differenti u l.qasba ta libragg zghir tarma bil braid u comba 1kg u tistad il qih u bil qasbal i ha tistad f nofs ilma narma mono halli jkolli elastic u comba 600 grms. ha tinduna li anke.jekk l harira ssalab qatt ma tghaqqad.ekk ax harira ma harira ma taqadx. ;)

din sajda qed tistad 40 sa 150 metru. kulhadd jehel u jghagfeg apecjalment meta tkun ghajjien. parti mill loba. din mix sajda ta 3 sighat... sajda ta gurnata sakemm tahdem il lixka u trail and error

tal qiegh tistad ghal kollox tan nofs.ilma ghal acciol :)

jien alija dawn dettalji u mux sigrieti. ftit.sens.komun u fizika ;) kulhadd ghandu mohh biex jahseb u jirraguna
Good season so far.....


Quote from: baghira on February 25, 2013, 19:31:49 CET
He will love to share his experiance... hahahahahahahahahahahah tajba din shanookk......


Jien qazzuni kulhadd jigi mieghi biex jurini x qed naghmel hazin..... :-) Halluni ta''' Issa Daqshekk.... UZGUUUUUUUUUUUUR

Malvizz lesti ghaz zkuk ghax hadd ma hu ser jghidlek dak li hu tghallem wara balla hin/flus/etc li jkun ghamel jew nefaq fil-bahar...
Tal-anqas jien ftit li xejn sibt ghajnuna, u kultant tiskanta min jaghtik parir tajjeb..
U trid dettalji ta' li jaghmlu ftit differenza...

Kultant ukoll ma taghti tort lil hadd ghax illum kollox flus armar expensive, liska, fuel etc etc.... u l-hut naqas...

ma tantx thajjar nies jghinuk b dik l attitudni... u hut haen iktar milli qed tahseb... dan hu hut tal passa mux tal post kif jahsbu hafna...

u wara kollox.. kull dettal relevanti... u s sajd sabih tiskopri mux ituk kollox lest
Good season so far.....


Le granitu ma fihmtniex ta. Jien lil malvizzu edtlu meta jmur irejjex ghal lampuki/ Alungi ghax hu qal li meta jmur irejjex jithabbel. Kemm hu Vera Jien edt li kont out of context.
Bil haj dejjem uzajt il weights. Bhal katina flok comb.