Forum Errors - Please enter them here

Started by skip, November 04, 2008, 08:09:26 CET

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It seems that some members are getting various errors when trying to access the forum or even once logged in. It would be very useful if you could all post when you receive an error, providing the date/time and what the error message was. In this way I can try and resolve the issue with the hosting provider.




always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


done it again at 11.20 am

shows Forum errors


Ed, are you trying to do something specific when it happens, or just browsing? Take it you got a you don't have permission error......


no, just brousing. Im at home working and using same pc. Same adress even on internet explorer or firefox give me same error.

even for the galary, it gives me same error


It gave me errors yesterday at about 2pm,coldn't browse the site.Today everything ok ;D
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Thanks guys, I will check again with the hosting provider this evening.


There might have been some errors within the last hour as we were testing some things.


Hopefully things should be sorted now. The only problems that users may get is when going through a post that had an image that no longer exists. Some images there were uploaded in the gallery were later removed by the person who uploaded them.


The forum and the gallery have been upgraded. You won't notice any changes to the forum upgrade, but the gallery is now the pro version thanks to member donations, it has added alot of new functionality, like slideshows, personal galleries etc.

If you do come across problems let me know as things didn't go 100% but can't find any noticeable issues.


BIG Thanks for your dedication towards this fishing community skip and to all dose who contribute to this great forum. 
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Well said Fisheye. Our posting contributions is seen by all, but few people really know what takes to keep up the running of such a succesfull forum. I can only imagine. Big chears to Skip and co.

Can't wait to go fishing


Thanks for the comments guys, permissions have now been sorted out on the gallery (found out that was one of the 'errors' that didn't show up straight away'. You can now leave comments, add your own personal gallery etc etc.