REVIEW: predapro - the innovation in live bait trolling

Started by placebo, December 06, 2008, 23:23:38 CET

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This is an innovation in live bait trolling.
Tried out the jig on dead fish and it works really nice.

At an average speed of 3-5knts the dead bait (fish) was swimming very nice. Infact we had a strike early morning.

Anyone who would like to have more info or view some vidoes of this innovation just visit the webpage:

Shortly this new innvovation will be available in Malta.
Advantages of this new jig: One could use dead or live fish for trolling and even up to a speed of 3-5knts will just swim perfectly.

This one will be the hit for next summer just wait and see!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


I'm pleased to hear that you tried out the new trolling jig, I believe that you are a skilled fisherman! For how long did you troll with this jig?


we tried this new lure for quite a good number of hours.

Something very positive i noticed is that the bait stays on the jig for very long time, even at 5/6 knts.

i'm sure this will be a hit even in offshore fishing.

next time i will have to try out using some good weight to be fishing in deeper waters as it was only tried without any weights.
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing




not sure yet! but when we meet for the next outing at Mgarr there will be the inventor of this jig and we will discuss.
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Ok hope it's ready and for sale mabye i catch a dentex now :p (MUCH Easier said than done)


silver craft 395


the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing



Hi Lapsi Boy,

The rig shall be released by end of February because I am waiting for the packaging from abroad. The sizes of the rig are four. Sizes 1 takes baitfish from 3 inches to 4.5 inches. Size 2 4.5 inches to 6. Size 3 6 inches - 8 inches. Size 4 8 inches - 10. What size shall you need? Next friday at Imgarr I shall bring them with me to give you an overview.

Regarding the videos please go to this link

If they don't upload please refresh the page.

Then click on preda2/3/4/5 to view the other videos



Thanks for the info. Today I managed to see the 5 videos. Very interesting. Awaiting to see the rig when available as I want to try it out.


tajba charlie ta!

ta veru siehbi..... jien ghalija personali Claude haqqu xi tip ta Sir Award in Fishing ..... tipo hekk Sir Alex Ferguson biex tifhmuni ahjar.

Qatt ma rajt xi haga bhalha ....... rivoluzzjoni!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing



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