Land Squid Fishing Night

Started by Buddhagrass, December 12, 2008, 14:05:45 CET

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GOOD luck to you, as well to all others who are sitting for any type of exam. May you all reap the reward for your efforts.


i would have liked to come, but as many others i have the last exam on the 31st of jan >:( >:(

will be for next time, sure even though i have no transport for now
Good season so far.....


Good luck boys for your exams ;)

My motto: Study hard now and party/fish when they are over :D Tajjeb hekk Gann ? :P


Ma jogobnix ta l motto tijak bigboy!! mhux ahjar kieku study hard and fish when they are over?? lol
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Good Luck to All. Irsistu ftit issa ta l-ahhar ha tgawdu wara. ;)


always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


Boys .... x'tahsbu ghal-post ? Jiena qed naqta ftit qalbi biex nghid il-verita ghax il-vera ma hawn xejn  :(. Inthom x'tahsbu ?
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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Sorry guys but have to work till 01.00am. I really was looking forward  to come not for the squids but more for company.  :-\ Good Luck. But in case you decide to go that late I will be glad to come.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Vera bla tghoma dis sena...Iktar bhala kumpanija u re-union nahseb gejja, xi tghidu, ma tistax tghid lanqas kif tigi!


Never know might be productive as the sea temprature has been getting lower latley. I wished to have come but I am at work abroad & will not be in Malta on the day :'(. Anyway wish you good luck & enjoy the fishing. Hope to see some pics of event with some good sized Squid too. ;)
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Ara guys, jekk it-temp ikun tajjeb x'tahsbu niltaqaw fuq il-moll ta San Pawl il-Bahar (facata tas-Sirens) ? Hemmhekk parking no problem, inkunu kollha fejn xulxin u il-klamari jaghmlu li iridu ..... jekk iridu jidhlu jidhlu, jekk le nintefaw nghidu kelma u niehdu naqra inbid fejn xulxin  :D fuq is-sigijiet inhasru naqra lejn il-gzejjer. L-ahjar li naghmlu nahseb hu li ghada niccekjaw ezatt it-temp kif ha inkun ghal 30th ... jekk ikun hazin imexxu id-data  ;).
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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It seems that this weekend is going to be windy, (NW) especially to go on that side of the island.


always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


I dont think it will be nice to go for Kalamari tomorrow I suggest we postpone to another day.


I agree, Why don't we leave it for today week maybe the weather will be more suitable, and decide the venue according to the conditions?