Need some help on a project

Started by kurtfalcon, February 23, 2009, 14:54:43 CET

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Quote from: Destination Sea on March 04, 2009, 22:30:21 CET
if you require emission equipment for outboards i think its a bit difficult since if its a thru prop it will also measure  the air around..

That is not much of an issue, blanksamples of the "clean" air LOL can be repeatedly sampled between respective emission samples. The averaged air samples can be deducted from the averaged emission "contaminated" with air samples.

To effectively do this a number, say 5 -10 repeated reading of samples and blanks have to be performed. Futhermore, to check upon the precision of the results you should have a low percentage standard deviation corresponting to the tolences of the analyser. While you are there make sure that the instrument is calibrated and performace chanced! Locally, you never know!!!

As for the accuracy well, one could always run them along gas standards to verify the accuracy of the instrument and method.

Maybe Malta Standards Authority might be able to help you with this.


Skip you are very much right. I apologize for the inconvenience. When I used to study chemistry at O level I remember there was a test for CO2. But I do not remember exactly to tell you the truth.
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


I think you are refering to the hydrazine hydrate qualitative test. :)


If I remember correctly it was bubbling the gas into a test tube full of an acid I'm not sure which. But still that showed the presence of CO2 not the actual amount therefore it might still be useless. I need something which gives you the actual parts of CO2 in air.
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


Unfortunately I do not work in a lab any more...otherwise I could have gladly analysed the samples for you. 


you can do this by bubbling the CO2 being produced through Calcium hydroxide solution (quickLime) which turns milky from colourless because of the precipitation of Calcium CArbonate.  The calcium carbonate can than be filtered off washed and dried and titrated against an acid like Hydroclhoric or sulfuric acid and the volume of CO2 present in the carbonate can be calculated.  This is a an accurate method for analysing the volume of CO2 present obviously other methods are available but are crude in my opinion and may not give meaningful results.  Good luck


The accuracy and precision of the method described by Barbun is very dependent on the analyst's lab skills and also due to the scope of this specific investigation it's accuracy range falls short of the respective task.

If you require chemical/labware I might be able to help you and no I don't have any commition. :)

What about VRT testing garages? I think I would check in one of these garages first.


I will try the VRT tip since going into labs would cost me a lot of money and I don't think its worth it. Thanks guys
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


For an SOK project...not very worth it...I agree :) good luck!!!!


Although I must say that it's 40% of the final examination mark. Thank ppl
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


Guys I have now finished my project and will hand it in on Monday.

I would like to thank all of the kind people who helped me including:

RLR Yachting Limited (Evinrude E-Tec) , MM2 Limited (Mercury OptiMax), Mecca Marine (Tohatsu TLDI) for information on outboards

Kaptan Boats for information on boat building

KaptanJR (and his brother), ForTuna, Destination Sea and Anglers for the owner's review.

I would also like to thank all those others who offered to help. Although I wished to, I had to perform only( thankfully propjament) 8-12 visits.

Thanks very much people.
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


Good luck mate and I hope u get full marks.