2 band or 1 band speargun?

Started by spearerr, April 13, 2009, 09:48:49 CET

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I was using a single omer excalibur speargun and gave me lot of sedisfaction but now i wanted to try 2 bands on the spear!

what do you think guys 1 band u 2 bands?


Am I right in saying that you had trouble with?????????
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


iva ta kelli naqra problemi imma issa han nbiddel il manku bit trigger bkollox ghax ma kienx jiflah il load kollhu! issa naraw kif immoru e!


Fuq omer excalibur ma' nissuggerilkex li tghamel tnejn.  Ma' jiflahx ghalijhom.  Habib tieghi poggielu 20mm fuqu u beda' jinfetah l-handle minn wara, u jekk jinfetah facli jweggek.   :-\
Kemm hu twil?  Jekk hu 90 u trid iktar power kieku jien nhallih kif inhu u nixtri iehor 105 jew 115 u jkun jiflah ghall-lakstu ohxon wkoll.
Dik l-opinjoni tieghi...


il harpun tijaj 115 king ! issa ha namel manku ta omer iehor u suppost jiflahom sew tnejn issa naraw e imma thanks ta lopinjoni!


2 bands and thinner band diameters so that you get more power in penetration and less recoil. just my 2 cent
Good season so far.....


If you are going for 2 x 16 with a 6.5 mm shaft then its a good combination.  The problem is that I don't think that the spear gun can handle 2 x 16 (not enough mass = recoil).  When I tried that setup on my old excalibur it couldn't handle the power and I even noticed that the aluminum barrel bent when loaded with the 2 x 16. 

I personally prefer single bands like 19/20 mm bands on a 6.5 shaft especially when hunting ex sargo's and blue runners in the shallows.  Recently I have been considering the 2 x 16 setup which I will be changing in the next few weeks for when going deeper, hoping that I get that little extra distance in the shots. 


Immersion handles are amazing...I have used the handle from a 75 challenger, adopted it to a 115 wooden barrel, 2x16mm and even 2 x 18mm...never had problems...I mean they are over engineered...recently I fell in love with the immersion concept handle...amazingly smooth!!!!


the are very good, but according to tests the best around are the demka handles.

Most of the imersion guns are produced in france and have to abide to the france regulations which are strict on spear-fishing safety. however spnotta i would check with the retailer about the maximum load they take. funnily enough i have an esclapez 90 with a defective trigger after abusing of it for many years

these handles are used on beuchaut guns and much of the guns use its technology. to the present  the only firm that uses specific demka guns is spetton, a spanish company.

however personally i don't like the barrel of such guns which on the contrary are equipped with the best handles around...
Good season so far.....


speaking of omer excalibur 2000, does it have enough power to catch larger fish like grouper or aj? coz im about to buy it as my first gun and seeing this post made me rethink. i was thinking about an allrounder since im new to spearfishing. is 100cm a good choice?


There are differnt models for different type of fishing and fish. Not that you cant fish a nice fish with a light shooth but have to care about your staff to reduce to the minimum the losses. We catch groupers but have to say from every 5 you see, only one is your chance. So how many groupers we see when we do spearfishing??? sometimes it passes months before we see one but when there is the chance to shoot better to be prepared.
You mentioned the Excaliber. Thats a good gun but not for that kind of spearfishing, maybe fos those 1-2kg ajs you can bring them in range but thats a very light gun so cannot put strong setup. We prefare long shoots like for dentex, ajs to the limit of the shoot, groupers and barracudas. Normally I use my Beuchat Carbon Elite 105cm and we can do shoots to the limit. My setup is with 19mm or 21mm rubber. Also there is freediver whose made it with 2 bands 16mm. Perfect shoots


what would be the effect of using your setup (beuchat 105cm 21mm rubber) on smaller fish? can i use that gun for big and small fish altogether?

Simon G

i have been playing with the conbination of 2 bands for ages they are more powerfull and the shot os faster too
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Quote from: GoliathGrouper on April 14, 2009, 07:42:51 CET
what would be the effect of using your setup (beuchat 105cm 21mm rubber) on smaller fish? can i use that gun for big and small fish altogether?

sure one can do that. Normally our guns are with pure amber rubber 21mm. The 19mm is only just less with penetration compared with the 21mm. 

The inportant thing is trying to shoot the fish and not the rocks when using the 21mm :) (joking) but still the original spear is very strong and even I in some situations shoot the 105 under the rocks and can say that never broke a rockwell spear. Oviassly after shooting direck in rock even some times 1mtr from the tip need to sharp it again.
