2 band or 1 band speargun?

Started by spearerr, April 13, 2009, 09:48:49 CET

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I also use double 16mm rubbers and found it excellent, both for the easy of loading, and also for precision, and power.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Jidependi kif u fejn tispara fuq hut zghir, dejjem trid toqod attent ,jien 90cm u 100cm inqiesom bhala all rounders , u huwa qies favorit ghalija. pero umbatt jekk qed tistad sargi u griebel taht il gebel , 60cm jew 75cm , u xi 55cm bil froxna, huma indispensabli mal ballun , pero aqleb al hrapen il qosra jekk ikun al xix il bqija dejjem dur bit twil fidek.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


today just had a good confirmation when and why need 2 bands. Waiting to get the pics and will upload them  ;) ;)


Quote from: EmicMalta on April 16, 2009, 16:53:28 CET
today just had a good confirmation when and why need 2 bands. Waiting to get the pics and will upload them  ;) ;)

Yes Mario told me at work yesterday when you phoned him.  Nice Job!!!


nice fish  that is the advantage...
Good season so far.....


il harpoon lest u issa qijad bzweg bands imma adni ma nistax nidra it tir ghadni! issa naraw kif imorru!  ;D


aww nies bombaa gie il harpoon ghandu tir ta vera :D sparajt fuq mullet ta 1.700kilos u hassartu! bull head shot! nahseb kien qijad xi 4m bod mil ponta tal virga! kuntent kif gie :D li jmiss accola issa :D


x tahsbu andi bicca sporasub Morena 50, tejd jiflah naqra modification?
ax l iktar li naqbad xi burqax il bqija jilhaq jdabbar
Lupi ~ A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.


Fuq harpoon 50 ma nahsibx li huwa worth it li tarma jekk behsiba tuzah ghal kollox.
Nahseb lahjar tkabar lejn xi haga qrib il 100


fuq 50cm mandekx xtimodifikalu wisq , li tista tarmah bil froxna , u tuzah taht l gebel al xfarijiet antipaticci. kabar naqra siehbi imqarr tiibda b 75cm bi rukell.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


ok thanks, mela issa al next year imma ax mank haqq noqod nistenna il process kollu habba l licenzja u kummidji. Hekk jew hekk issa al lampuki hehe
Lupi ~ A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.


was reading this topic, might as well ask some questions here too?

i have a

1.  beuchat mundial competition carbon elite 130 (yes i know it is very long but wasn't very experienced when i bought it) but overall it gave me great experiences.

2. Mares phantom 95. found it to be a great all rounder tough a bit heavy compared to a carbon fibre.

any mods you think i could use to increase performance and distance, i was thinking of replacing the front end of the beuchat, to an open one (forgot the technical term)



open heads shoot different from closed heads, be sure to try one out

well for bands, the more the band power  is fractioned between the distance, the longer the shot(keeping constant the thickness of the spear)

however 2 band speargun have a different recoil... until you get used to it.... the big advantage definately is that if you rig with 16mm you will achieve approximately a penetration attainable with a single 18mm... however this largely depends on the band material(brand)

try out tifferent options, experiment that's the way to go.. with the bigger gun i would go with a double 17.5, buig gun, aim big ;D ;D

hope to have been of some help in anyways.. im sure however that emic can be of more help in this :)

Good season so far.....


Quote from: malliadan on February 27, 2010, 19:59:23 CET
was reading this topic, might as well ask some questions here too?

i have a

1.  beuchat mundial competition carbon elite 130 (yes i know it is very long but wasn't very experienced when i bought it) but overall it gave me great experiences.

2. Mares phantom 95. found it to be a great all rounder tough a bit heavy compared to a carbon fibre.

any mods you think i could use to increase performance and distance, i was thinking of replacing the front end of the beuchat, to an open one (forgot the technical term)


Regards the mundial personally I don t like it. I m fan of open head and this is my main problem. Even the handle is a bit big for my hand and that makes it heavy for horizontal movements. As a 130cm there is a Therance that works with it and his catches are some of the best in Malta. As I remember he had set it up with the original head, single rubber, with a spear 10cm longer then the original and a piece of neoprene in the front of the barrel to keep it possitive conpensating for that 10cm. If i m not wrong he says that the difference in the spear makes it more easy to aim and more accurite. If need more info we can phone him up and ask him regard his setup. For sure he will help us.

Regards the fantom, i think you r talking about the aluminium one. For a 95cm like that i would suggest some good 16mm single rubber  and a 6mm spear for a good range of 4mtr.

Just on what I can say is try always to use same kind of guns. The setup does not make so much difference for d spearo in a way, yes its true that it will effect the penetration, speed and accuracy but when using same type of spearguns it helps in aiming, handle grip, harpoon balance and after all confidence with your mind about not to loose the fish. We have loads of spearguns, but once you stick with gun (with a good reputation and reviews and not only advertising) you must keep with it. I spent lots of money for nothing and this a reason i try to help as i can.

Granitu knows well cos even he tried lots of setups but one he bought a good speargun.


exactly emic... and don't play much with setups anymore.. no need :)

its really a personal process.. there's no best process
Good season so far.....