Beuchat MFF Boat Spearfishing Competition - General Chat

Started by skip, April 28, 2009, 22:38:15 CET

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First of all i like to thank BEUCHAT AGENTS for there support to our sport , and nice prizes to offer as they always did  in the past, thanks also goes to skip for his work in this competition.

Im also sorry for baghira and seahunter , i thing everything had to be  sorted out before comp , we did not now anything about the situation .
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.



Ok anki jin idispjacini li gara !! ax nemen li f dinja jew kulhadd jew hadd , ima nistaw ma namlux li il competition tispica fuq nota hazina. Ax jin kont fuq forum ohra u ma ghandnix nipostja fijha haba f'hekk ghax kull topic irid jispica f argument. Ok isa nafu x gara ( li laktra kinet nuqas ta komunikazjoni bejnitna zgur, u mux li xi hadd jew iehor ma ridx iwasal lil haddiehor) darba ohra kif ga ad naraw li kullhadd se jkun moqdi qabel l attivita ! ima isa nistaw niqfu ngibu id dinja f tarf !
:) next competition norganizaw naqra ahjar dawn l affarijiet , heq naprezaw li iffurtunati li ghanda forum bhal din li nistaw niftemu easy hafna !! 
Jin niringrazja hafna lil min ipartecipa f din il competition u lil min ghen  bhal skip, simong u tal beuchat !


Guys il-messagg wasal, u mietet issa. Konna dispjacuti, imma ma tista twahhal f'hadd, kien hemm xi nuqqasijiet, u li iddispjacieni kien li jien naghti sehmi hafna f'dan il-forum, u gara li gara.
Darb ohra nitghallmu mill-izbalji li naghmlu ahna stess.

Isma xorta morna nistadu u hadna pjacir.
Ma tantx tigri li f'dan il-forum nargumentaw, gieli ma qbilniex izda dejjem konna prudenti ghal dak li nghidu. L-ambjent hawn huwa ta' familja wahda, u nisperaw li jibqa hekk tul iz-zmien.

Prosit lill-sponsors u lil kul min jaghti sehemu.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Prosit Silvio.  ;)
Hemm sens ta' maturita w umiljanza fil-kitba tieghek.  Hekk ghandhom ikunu l-affarijiet.  Dak li ghedt huwa minnu.  Kien hemm nuqqasijiet, imma l-importanti li nitghalmu minnhom.  Ghal darb' ohra prosit lil kullhadd; l-organizatturi, l-partecipanti, ir-rebbieha kif ukoll l-isponsors.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: baghira on June 24, 2009, 13:44:15 CET
Guys il-messagg wasal, u mietet issa. Konna dispjacuti, imma ma tista twahhal f'hadd, kien hemm xi nuqqasijiet, u li iddispjacieni kien li jien naghti sehmi hafna f'dan il-forum, u gara li gara.
Darb ohra nitghallmu mill-izbalji li naghmlu ahna stess.

Isma xorta morna nistadu u hadna pjacir.
Ma tantx tigri li f'dan il-forum nargumentaw, gieli ma qbilniex izda dejjem konna prudenti ghal dak li nghidu. L-ambjent hawn huwa ta' familja wahda, u nisperaw li jibqa hekk tul iz-zmien.

Prosit lill-sponsors u lil kul min jaghti sehemu.

Prosit Silvio. Inti ezempju ghal hafna nies. X'ma nhobbux lil dak jiena  ;D
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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oqod attent rueben ghax nibdew nahsbu fit tajjeb ta..........silvio iqaxxar is suf u issa inti trid thobbu nafx jien.............silv.......allahares taqa filsien in nies eh........
prosit man int ma hawnx bhalek....


Prosit to the winners of the competition and to the other teams finishing second and third! Thanks to the organisers and sponsors especially Pawlu and kids from Beuchat for their support in our sport. Not much people show such support in many beginners such as us in Malta. Although it was a competition held between a minority of amateur spearos it was a success since there was a spirit of friendship between eachother, no tedious rivality before during and after the competition (that might contribute to unnecessary tension)......and after all no accidents happened! Another congratulations also goes to the organisers such as skip and SimonG......thanks a lot as I understand that its not easy to organise a competition even though it was not on a very large scale of competitors!
I'm also sorry for the guys who couldn't manage to compete......but keep up the spirit for the next time mates.....I'm sure that one day we'll be competing out at sea against each other on a crevice full of sea breams and meagres(....daqs kemm ghad fadal hut!!!). To cut things short we'll learn from these mistakes! Perhaps who knows if we could orient this forum's thread in what could have gone better...maybe next time some arising points may be used for a better organisation of how things may evolve.


Quote from: damateur on June 24, 2009, 21:21:46 CET
Prosit to the winners of the competition and to the other teams finishing second and third!
U il-bqija imorru jixejru  ;D (kidding)  ;)
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

Visit my Photo Sets @


this is why I wrote that it was a very succes competition. No matter the standard and experiance we all have, but this pushes up new spearos and teach us differnt kinds of fishing one can do. Here in Malta we do not have information regards our sport, but in just a couple of years this forum is helping to comunicate and arrange mistakes

Quote from: damateur on June 24, 2009, 21:21:46 CET
Prosit to the winners of the competition and to the other teams finishing second and third! Thanks to the organisers and sponsors especially Pawlu and kids from Beuchat for their support in our sport. Not much people show such support in many beginners such as us in Malta. Although it was a competition held between a minority of amateur spearos it was a success since there was a spirit of friendship between eachother, no tedious rivality before during and after the competition (that might contribute to unnecessary tension)......and after all no accidents happened! Another congratulations also goes to the organisers such as skip and SimonG......thanks a lot as I understand that its not easy to organise a competition even though it was not on a very large scale of competitors!
I'm also sorry for the guys who couldn't manage to compete......but keep up the spirit for the next time mates.....I'm sure that one day we'll be competing out at sea against each other on a crevice full of sea breams and meagres(....daqs kemm ghad fadal hut!!!). To cut things short we'll learn from these mistakes! Perhaps who knows if we could orient this forum's thread in what could have gone better...maybe next time some arising points may be used for a better organisation of how things may evolve.


I agree for a pre-competition meeting for briefing the rules and saftey standards, and other basic issues.
I have attended for yesterdays alongi competition briefing, and it was absolutely marvelous, and professional. Everyone is now aware what are all the pros. and cons. which were all outlined very well.

Well done for the professionality we are heading to, and also for the good speakers.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Thanks for the support Baghira, whilst it can be a 'hassle' for everyone to come down for such briefings and pre-comp meetings I do feel they are essential no matter how small or big the competition is. Certain issues get clarified and sorted out.


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